A certain kind of professional reader?

Ruby Jewel

A professional reader would just rephrase the question. That is part of being a professional reader. For instance, the responsibility for choosing what to do is on the client's shoulders, not yours/the cards. Just change the question to something that puts the responsibility of choosing where it belongs... on the client. I always just say in a case like this that "Any choice you make is right. You make it right as you go down the road of life with the choices you make." And ask the querent to rephrase the question...and you can help them with that.


A professional reader would just rephrase the question. That is part of being a professional reader.

I do want to challenge this idea a bit because I feel that readers can get a little fast and loose with reframing the question. If someone asks "Will Bobby fall in love with me?" a lot of readers turn this into "How can [Querent] change themselves so as to be more open to being in a healthy relationship." That's not what the customer paid for.

I'm not saying you can't sculpt the question a bit but it still has to give them an answer they can use.

Ruby Jewel

I do want to challenge this idea a bit because I feel that readers can get a little fast and loose with reframing the question. If someone asks "Will Bobby fall in love with me?" a lot of readers turn this into "How can [Querent] change themselves so as to be more open to being in a healthy relationship." That's not what the customer paid for.

I'm not saying you can't sculpt the question a bit but it still has to give them an answer they can use.

Well, now, Shade..... a professional needs to know how to help the client phrase a question that can be answered. Like most things in life, there is an art to it. Even throwing a basketball...you don't just toss it out there any old way....a subtle shifting of the wrist.....and a world of difference.


As a professional reader are you open to all questions or do you advertise that you have certain specialities?

No to both those questions. I do not advertise that I have any specialties. But on occasion I come across a topic of question that I am not willing to read on. It doesn't happen often but it has happened.

In the case of someone who needs professional treatment better offered by a professional in another field (like a doctor or lawyer or therapist)....While i don't advertise that I have specialties it does say on my web site that readings are not meant to replace professional advice in such fields.

I have also occasionally gotten questions that felt immoral to me to read on. There is no way to advertise that though. You just have to deal with those as they come up. Like people asking how they can get back at and or hurt an ex. No way am I going to tell someone how to hurt another. You get some things like that as a reader, questions that you know you can't read on and still keep your integrity of who you are inside. What those are can vary from person to person, but you have to stay true to who you are and your beliefs.

If a question feels wrong to me, I just tell the person and the reason why. I try to see if together we can rephrase it in a way that works for both of us. . Usually that works. But if not and I feel I just cannot do the reading as they want it done, I refund them their money.
