A card wasn't included in the deck, do you count that reading or not?


Did a reading. Standard 3x3 with an outcome. Read the cards and put them away only to see one card, the Sun, lying on the floor. I have no idea if it flipped out during that reading or the previous one.

Would you count the last reading, taking it as a sign that the card was meant to be on the floor/not in the deck, or would you do the last reading all over again, making sure all cards were included?

Thk u


Jumping Cards

I would not do the reading over.

If we assume that the Universe makes the correct cards appear in the reading, then whatever force that is will have given you your answer using the cards available.

Some people even select cards for a reading after pulling out a single card (the significator) leaving 7 x 11 cards for the reading itself. 7 and 11 are very powerful numerically, and some people believe that the reading itself is better for this.

You can also use The Sun as a overview/final outcome card. Does it change your understanding of the message if you see The Sun as the overview?


To complement CrystalSea's post:
Not only could you argue that a higher force made use of the the limited amount of cards in the deck, it's also plausible, under that logic, that the card was meant to be lacking in the deck.

I personally would re-do the reading, as I find that it pertains to my own management of the earthly realm, which can affect the spiritual. However, I respect and understand opposing thoughts.


I do count a reading in which a card chooses not to appear. I feel that a card that "accidentally" goes AWOL is just as meaningful as a card that leaps out of the deck as I shuffle.

IMO, it is a just another manifestation of the mystical, magickal world of reading the cards, it is meant to be, and it does not cancel the validity of the reading.


I would NEVER do the whole reading over. If the universe is indeed a magical and wondrous place, any forces who look after me (thanks dudes) know damn well that I'm not gonna do a whole thing over again just because one card is on the ground. So much extra work! Ain't nobody got time for that.

I would consider the card part of the reading. I do think the absence of a card can be important, but I don't think of a card falling out during a reading as "absent." I would consider the card in the context of the other cards, maybe take it as a general attitude to approach the situation with...or who knows? I would make an intuitive decision in that moment.


I have had times where a card was left in the box and then I MISSED it in the reading. I really thought that card should have come up and didn't. If you felt that, then do it over. Otherwise let it go and let the reading stand.



Did a reading. Standard 3x3 with an outcome. Read the cards and put them away only to see one card, the Sun, lying on the floor. I have no idea if it flipped out during that reading or the previous one.

Would you count the last reading, taking it as a sign that the card was meant to be on the floor/not in the deck, or would you do the last reading all over again, making sure all cards were included?

Thk u

My belief is that anything that happens in a reading is intended to and has meaning. If a card was not included it was not meant to be.

What I do when this happens (and of course it has happened to me too) is to take the reading as complete as it. AND to take the card that was separated from the rest as a special message for me personally, not related to the reading or the question asked. Just something that the cards want me to know personally about my life that is meant to help me.

Sometimes there is something we are meant to know but we don't think to ask or to do a reading on it. This for me is one of the ways that the cards have us telling us things we are meant to know but don't think to ask. They come up in cards that are separate from the reading.

This is how I did it and the message for me have always been pertinent. Sometimes they are complete in themselves,sometimes they let me know I need to do a reading in more depth on the topic for myself. They are one of life's little ways of telling me that there is something I need to know.

By the way, even if you were actually completely missing a card in a deck and had only 77, the cards should still be able to get the message to you. So that is not a worry. In my understanding, whatever it is that answers us in a reading KNEW that the card was missing and would just send you the message in the best way with the remaining cards.



Did a reading. Standard 3x3 with an outcome. Read the cards and put them away only to see one card, the Sun, lying on the floor. I have no idea if it flipped out during that reading or the previous one.

Would you count the last reading, taking it as a sign that the card was meant to be on the floor/not in the deck, or would you do the last reading all over again, making sure all cards were included?

Thk u

If the reading made sense and as helpful, why discount it?


The only meaning I'd give to the Sun is "oops, the Sun card fell on the floor." . Then I'd pick it up and put it back in the deck.


I think the Universe is an amazing and wonderful place and that things happen as they're meant to happen and all that jazz, but I do think there's a place where reality holds sway and we need to just cut the woo-woo stuff and move on. :p


I wouldn't do the reading again, that is what was meant to be but take note of the cards not included in the reading as well! I once did a love reading for myself a few years ago and it didn't seem so good for the next 6 months. At the end I realised Lovers was left in the deck box and never used! There was nothing happening for me and the reading was right, the Lovers was part of the message for me :)