"your name" spread


Beautiful spread. I am looking forward to trying it out...thanks lunalafey :)


Thanks Lunalafey I can't wait to try the new spread ^-^


well, I don't think I can do this one =) I've got three so-called middle names although only one of them is between my first name and my last name. It goes like this:

Middle-name Middle-name First-name Middle-name Last-name

My parents were sadistic you-know-what's. My siblings also have all their "middle names" in front of their first names, but only I, the youngest, have this many and have them split up like this. Good thing middle names aren't important in Sweden.

Otherwise this spread looks interesting and I could prolly use it on some of my friends!

Astraea Aurora

Hey finn-icky,

it's just a suggestion but you could use ...

~ your first name (the one by which you others usually call you) as Past-Present-Future

~ your middle names (those by which others usually don't call you) by themselves as obstacles-self-allies; middle name 1 is obstacles, middle name 2 is self, middle name 3 is allies


~ your middled names all together as obstacles-self-allies (lay out all the cards for all letters in all your middle names, divide each middle name evenly into obstacles, self, allies and read all obstacles cards from your three middle names together as if it was one middle name, then proceed with self and allies)

~ your last name (the name of your family) as body-mind-spirit-emotion-will

That said, I don't think it is important where your middle names stand in the line of all the names you were given. It is most important to identify your first and your last name, the rest of your names are just "middle names", no matter how many there are or where they stand.

Astraea Aurora :grin:


Thanks Ms Aurora, that makes sense, I'll try it =)

Let's see if the cards sing for me too ;)

edited to add: But I think I'll wait for my Celtic Dragon deck to arrive, 'cos my Fantastical Creatures one is giving me real trouble... *roll eyes*

Astraea Aurora

You're welcome. Glad I could be of help today.

I feel I'm also tempted to try it out but I seriously need some rest tonight.

Astraea Aurora :grin:


I changed my mid and did the spread anyway - thought it could be a good way to get to know this deck of mine.

My first name was a breeze; it didn't exactly sing, but it hummed a ditty to me.

The rest? I'm a bit confused about most of it. Anyone up to going through it with little newbie me? I don't know how to combine, how to mesh what my instincts tell me about a card and what the LWB tells me. I'll warn anyone kind enough considering offering their time and help, I have REALLY long name. Really. Simply advice on how to do the aforementioned meshing would therefore also be appreciated.

But I quite like the spread! Will definitely do it again with the Celtic Dragons deck, although I'll wait a while - definitely not an everyday - or every week - spread!

Oh, and what is the difference between Spirit and Self? To me it's the same thing with few exceptions.



Hi everyone...I'm very new here as well as to Tarot, but very excited about getting my Vertigo deck. So beautiful. I did this spread with my name last night and after looking it over it's absolutely amazing how spot on it is both about things I was more than aware of as well as things I may not have wanted to admit to myself. I'm only about half way done my "deeper" analysis but it just keeps getting more and more accurate. Thought I'd share.

Alaanya Crae

I've been looking for a new spread and this one looks fun. I'll have to give it a try.

Alaanya Crae

So I did actually try it-and it was amazing! It was really accurate. I really liked doing it also, it was pretty easy and yes, it did sing to me. ;)