Druid Plant Oracle - Fir Club Moss


So, I drew another card this morning and got Fir Club Moss.

Now I know nothing about this plant so Im going purely from the book and the picture here.

The stones look like some sort of ancient pillar or part of a mound or wall, deep within this ancient woodland. No one knows who built it, or even why but there is a feeling of power here. Like a power spot of the land that someone ages ago marked with these stones. The woodland is old as well and so as long ago seen these stones as part of its magic, rather than a modern wall that seems lifeless and without energy.

And the Fir Club Moss is a relative of some of the oldest plants on the planet. This place tugs at my soul strings and seems to sing of the phrase 'ancestors of blood of bone, or earth and stone' like my soul knows more about this place than I do. Knows more about this deep ancient power than my 'knowing' mind ever will!

So I see this card as one of trust. Trust that Gaia knows what its doing re;global warming, trust our body knows what it wants to eat and when, how it wants to heal. We need to be ok that we dont know a hell of a lot and that Nature's power does, our souls know - if we take time to listen and just do what it says without question.

The new projects ideas in the book I dont see at the moment. Maybe when I get it in a reading it'll make more sense. But to me the idea of ancient power is just rolling around my head.

Whats rolling and sparking off in yours folks?


First impressions:
Hiding places. And a sneaky little pink flower to point her finger (and give away the secret?). An army of moss heads that look like the new fresh green tips of conifers (don't remember which trees have them; pines?). A narrow spot, between a rock and a hard place. Trees in the background look like bones, and the rocks seem soft like a huge squishy belly, breasts and thighs. I'm not sure if the little moss heads are scared and drawing back or if they are charging forward. And what about those yellow stains on the rocks? Something is going on here...

I also know that a common German name for fir club moss translates to "devil's claw." (I translated all the plant names into German with the help of Wikipedia. There is a German-language edition of the deck, however, but I love English too much to let this original pass me by. And now I get to learn plant things in two languages! :))

And the little pink flower is wood cranesbill/woodland geranium about which Wikipedia says: "The flowers of G. sylvaticum yield a blue-gray dye that was used in ancient Europe to dye war cloaks, believing it would protect them in battle. For this reason G. sylvaticum was called Odin's Grace."

By the way, I like what different things we get out of the images and how they still seem to be connected in subtle ways (e.g. you mentioning Gaia and ancient power - and my impression of a female body in the rocks)...


wow Cat thats some fab thoughts and research there with the flower and being Odin's Grace.

There is something very mother earthy about this card, yet its not obviously so in the new agey way that most cards show her energy.

Looking at the card and what you said about the 'devil's claw' name, I can see the moss coming out of the cracks of stone like a hand trying to free itself, like the Devil (or could that be Cernnunos orginally?) is trying to come out and play with us. That earthy anicent magic still wants to play with humans and be part of life, rather than forgotten and just a byline in a book somewhere.

Yeah, I can see that hand really clearly now, looks sinister to start with but like a hand waving after a while.


It looked sinister & relentless to me too.
Very 'masculine' & organised, ordered, even harsh.
The book tells us it is v toxic & was used to induce abortions, also causing convulsions & unconsciousness. Eugh, scary!
But also as a help in dyeing and as a skin tonic - & may possibly cure Alzheimers.
Phew! So nothing is all-bad or all-good. It depends how we use it & with what motives. ;)


fabulous thoughts there!
Where the Fir Club Moss is it could be the ideal faery type glen.. or as evil looking at Fangorn forest! lol