Rainring Masterclass 5 set 9 part 1


Directory of Meanings Set 9: Process Archetypes

1. Set 9 also involves archetypes – those of process. It is based on the proposition that all psychic processes evolve in the same manner, following a specific template. The nine cards of set 9 provide the template

2. Each entry is structured as follows: After describing the image, there is a general reflection on the place of the card in the set as a whole. This is followed by the section which deals with detailed meanings. The last item is a summarising list of the divination meanings for the card.

3. The treatment of each stage of the cycle is of a thematic, rather than strictly historical type. Our concern is not to answer questions such as the precise conditions of the origins of the psyche, but rather to provide a model of the stages which will be of practical value in divination.

73. Projection: group – spirit (1 violet/purple) [stage 1]
The Image

It is night; perhaps the period just before dawn. In the left foreground a bearded man sits on the ground with knees drawn up and arms around his shins, gazing into a small fire. On the fire is a pot-holder in the shape of a globe, suspended by chains from a rod which disappears out of view in the right foreground. Behind the man, the shape of a wolf’s head can be made out, its eyes catching the firelight. In the middle centre of the image can be seen the silhouette of a figure sleeping on the ground. The landscape beyond is hilly, and there are a few faint stars in the sky.

The place of Projection in the Process Cycle
Projection: 1) stage one of the project: first movement of the spirit towards conceivable goals; 2) the distortion of what is by what is imagined, believed, felt to be
If Projection is the first stage of the cycle, the original Projection would logically correspond to the origins of the psyche. However, Projection represents only the beginnings of consciousness, so Projection must take account of a preceding stage: that of Crossing (out of the original Unconscious into consciousness). Crossing involves dislocation, disorientation, confusion and uncertainty, and in the cycle this forms the background out of which Projection arises.

Projection itself does not represent a stage at which there is no female polarity. Strictly speaking, we should consider Spirit and Will as constituting a co-equal first stage. The emotions of the Will open space for the light of Spirit to penetrate, but the shape or form of the universe is determined by the emotional responses (stage 2, Resistance) of the Will to the project first conceived by Spirit. So, our ‘first stage’ will be the study of this process of Projection.

The meaning
Projection: ‘a transforming change; the forming of a plan; the act of perceiving a mental object as spatially and sensibly objective’[1]

To reach the stage of Projection means that you have come out of Crossing. In Crossing, you get to a point at which you realise that your own unaided efforts are not going to carry you forward. When something is completed[2], there is an inevitable ending; Crossing thus involves a death of some kind. Only when this is accepted are the conditions in place for the new to arise. Projection is like the first sense you have, at the end of the night, that dawn is near. At that point, suddenly, your spirit lifts, the weight of the past is lightened, and you begin to plan for the new day which you know will soon be upon you.

In Projection, you experience elements of inner tension or contradiction. On the one hand, your plans induce a feeling of optimism and excitement – the thrill of taking the first, tentative steps upon a new path. On the other hand, there is a strong element of resistance. First, you cannot easily shake off the womb-like sense of protection and support which the Unconscious offers at the moment that you let yourself go and allow life to carry you wherever it will. After all, that is what you knew before consciousness and, as at the moment of your birth, part of you longs to remain in that original womb. Second, this stage of Projection is one in which you are essentially alone. You cast around here and there, trying to orient yourself in this unfamiliar landscape, to find some kind of theme, direction, raison d’etre which will give coherence and purpose to your movement.

Just as birth is associated with pain, or at very least drama, so this passage into the new cycle – for such it is going to be – is likely to cause upheaval and distress. The familiar is behind you, the unknown ahead, and there is hurt in this situation. In fact, what will oppose you in Projection is this aspect of yourself that does not want to have to go through the struggle of giving birth to a whole new cycle. The job position you have held for many years has long given you security - you are reluctant to leave. Now times have changed and there is nothing further for you in this post. But can you face the job market, with all the distress and tension which this implies? To move on will always be difficult in some respects. Relationships too will be disrupted: you lose respected and valued colleagues, will have to deal with entirely new ones.
To sum up, Projection is going to require that you achieve inner balance – both in order to go forward and in order to withstand the challenges which lie ahead of you: for the disturbance of the status quo, the elaboration of the new project – this essentially spirit work - is going to produce a backlash from the Will (stage 2)

Note that Projection can also come up with the standard meaning used in psychology: ‘the attribution of one’s own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects’ (Merriam-Webster online) – you misread what is outside you because you distort it in terms of what is within you.

Divination summary

a new start, the end of a period of confusion, uncertainty and loss of direction; plans, projects, schemes; first tentative steps; the loneliness of the pioneer; solitary meditations; being misunderstood and unappreciated; doubts, misgivings, hesitations over the way forward; difficulty in shaking off the comfort of old habits and routines; overcoming resistance to change.

74. Resistance: group – will (2 red) [stage 2]
The Image

The scene is an interior, with both clothes and décor demonstrating elegance. Two women stand, one behind the other, facing towards us. The lady at the back has her gloved hands on the shoulders of the one in front. She wears an extravagantly large wide-brimmed hat, jewellery, and a tasteful gown in soft tones of red, trimmed with white. Her expression is sympathetic and concerned, in contrast to that of the woman in front, who leans forward, her hands resting on a table. She wears a two-piece gown in a strong red colour and looks angry and resentful. From the name of the card, we can easily surmise that she is resisting some suggestion or advice from the other woman.

The place of Resistance in the Process Cycle
Resistance: necessary opposition; friction of emotion against the unfettered impulse of spirit
Resistance can, but does not have to carry a negative connotation. Its appropriateness or otherwise must be judged on a case by case basis. In the process cycle, it represents the reaction of the Will against the ‘project’ as conceived by Spirit. This reaction is inevitable: we are dealing with the two polarities, which by definition are going to adopt extreme positions and then clash. It is the existence of strong assertion and counter-assertion which enables us, in stage three, to achieve a good balance. Polarisation causes problems which must later be overcome, but it is nevertheless indispensable and cannot be sidestepped. If the Spirit (Projection) has a clear bias towards thought, the Will exhibits a contrary one, towards emotion.[3]

The meaning
Your standpoint is that of fluidity, an affinity with the Unconscious which makes you reluctant to buy uncritically into the plans and projects of Spirit because of all the avenues that will be closed off. This is an inevitable paradox: to choose one road means that you abandon others. Your resistance may simply be the result of a visceral opposition to what is being proposed; more positively, however, it is a determination to work through the potential consequences. Spirit’s enthusiasm has got the creative juices flowing, but you are aware that it can lead to naïve optimism, flawed reasoning, unjustified assumptions. Or Spirit can be very cerebral in its approach, and you see at once that the human touch is lacking, the feeling dimension has been sidelined.

In fact, it is Spirit that has the vision, the ability to imagine a line of conduct being imposed upon the infinite chaos of possibility. This is not your forte, but it is you who have the responsibility for exposing all the weaknesses and flaws in what has been proposed. What, you ask, will be the legacy of this project for the future? Is it just a product of inflated ego, or does it have enduring value? What is its creative potential: is it open-ended, promoting diversity, variety of expression, the introduction of original elements into the psyche? What will its impact be on relationships? Is this a male-dominated project which you feel will allow little or no freedom to the female side?

You are concerned with family matters. How will this project impact on children, on family life, on relations between men and women? Finally, how will it affect the community? Your ultimate concern is to promote desire. Are the expected outcomes desirable, and for whom? All too often, the spirit side initiates projects which, for all their intellectual brilliance, do not engage the passionate love and loyalty of feeling-sided people, because they lack ‘emotional intelligence’. If you are on the Will side, you want fun, enjoyment, amusement, entertainment, pleasure, especially sex.

The world in which we live is still very much dominated by negative aspects of Spirit – for example, devising ways of killing each other – to the detriment of the terrible pain felt by the Will. The desire for enjoyment, on the contrary, carries overtones of frivolity, immaturity, low intelligence, weakness of character. One definition of Resistance is this: ‘an underground organization of a conquered or nearly conquered country engaging in sabotage and secret operations against occupation forces and collaborators’. (Merriam-Webster) This quite closely describes the position of the Will on Earth at present. Unless and until these two forces of Spirit and Will come into a better balance, we will not have well-being in the psyche.

Emotional expression creates space for the light of Spirit. Opposition to emotion means opposing the expansion and development of Creation – it means favouring destruction.

The card Resistance will typically come up when there is ‘an opposing or retarding force’ (Merriam-Webster) – the normal definition: in other words, when such a force is coming either from you or to you. This word also means: ‘a psychological defence mechanism wherein a patient rejects, denies, or otherwise opposes the therapeutic efforts of a psychotherapist’. So, Resistance spans the whole range from necessary resistance to emotional repression all the way to denial of the truth about yourself: each instance must be evaluated individually.

Divination summary

resisting, opposing, acting as a brake – particularly in regard to over-intellectual schemes and projects; championing pleasure relative to duty, emotion vis-à-vis thought; supporting flexibility against rigidity, freedom of the individual against central control; showing concern for the future effect of present projects; protecting the interests of children, family, community; denying or being unwilling to recognise your personal faults or neuroses; refusal to listen to wise advice, being closed to feedback.

75. Balance: group – heart (3 green) [stage 3]
The Image

A young man is walking a tightrope above a landscape of mountains. To steady himself, he uses a pole, at each end of which hangs a pennant. Above one of these is a house motif, above the other, a cock. The youth wears a green waistcoat, breeches and shoes, a white shirt and red stockings. He has one foot on the rope and the other moves forward above the chasm to seek his next foothold. He gives - necessarily indeed - an impression of unwavering concentration.

The place of Balance in the Process Cycle
Balance: the interaction of projection and resistance produces a third force: a dynamic balance able to catalyse further development – stage three
Balance is unique among the Rainring cards, and its importance powerfully emphasised, by the fact that there are two balance cards in the pack. One, balance umpire, refers to static balance and the other - this card – is about dynamic balance. Static balance involves Balance as a great principle or pillar of existence. Dynamic balance, as the image indicates, is an altogether more hands-on affair, where all Balance ensures is the minimum degree of equilibrium necessary to obtain and maintain forward progress. At Rainring, we regard Balance in general as constituting the third great force of the cosmos, after male and female (see below).

The meaning

You are at a point where you have been able to achieve a minimum of reconciliation between male and female energies. This is either an inner experience that you are having, or it refers to you taking a mediating role vis-à-vis other people in the external world. It has to be recognised that Balance energy, in an external context, constitutes giving up on your own needs, desires and aspirations. The position which you occupy is that of being intermediate between the two poles of Spirit and Will. Balance is a heart energy card, and we have referred already to the heart’s connection with children. Like the child, Balance energy is the product of the fusion of male and female polar elements, and like the human child, in this position you cannot but bear the burden of this bi-polar makeup.

So Balance is a position heavily affected by pain in the relationship area: you are walking a tightrope between the polarities of Spirit and Will, whose interaction oscillates between attraction and repulsion, coming together and pulling apart. You are, in fact, the embodiment of their success in coming together. This ‘triangulation’ obtained by the presence of a third force, brings a minimum of stability to the enterprise of being.
▼see 3rd force attachment below

Your ability to achieve Balance can be maintained only by you moving onward, and this means that inherent in Balance is the constituent of Formation, the next stage in the process cycle. You are not in an immovable and stable situation, but in one which requires you to make a constant adjustment to the strains, tensions and pressures brought about by the push-pull of interaction between the two poles. It also requires that Spirit and Will remain sufficiently ‘on the same wavelength’ for the project to continue to move forward.
In Rainring, we have two forms of Spirit-Will balance, the male sided one, corresponding to green (heart) and the female-sided magenta (conjugation).[4]
see colour wheel attachment below▼

The card Balance, as a heart group card, represents male-sided balance.[5] Your natural tendency, in achieving this balance, is to favour the spirit side. You have not attained Balance by being completely even-handed, but by managing a minimum of accommodation between the two poles.
In fact, the Will loses out, because this balance does not sufficiently reflect her desires and inclinations, needs and aspirations. It is this lack of a truly even-handed balance between Spirit and Will which is reflected in the present situation of repression of the female or feeling side.

You find yourself in a position of self-sacrifice, putting others’ needs before your own. Your reward is more in what you make possible for others than in what you obtain as direct personal benefit. Once you have succeeded in achieving Balance, you know that the project in hand will take form and develop.

How does this translate into the inner world? Here, balance involves finding your true position somewhere between, and distanced from the poles. It is the psychological equivalent of you being an adolescent / young adult striving to discover your own identity. Discovering your inner balance force is going to give you stability, resilience, flexibility and self-assurance.

Divination summary

balancing competing forces, particularly male and female-sided ones; seeing both sides of the argument, tolerance; mediation, arbitration, searching for compromise; ability to keep moving forward; sacrifice of personal goals and desires in order to promote the common good; success in brokering agreement; tendency to be more sympathetic to Spirit than to Will; inner stability, resilience, flexibility; growing self-assurance.

76. Formation: group – form (4 orange) [stage 4]
The Image

The scene is set in a hot, dry landscape, perhaps in the heat of the afternoon. An older man, naked except for a simple blue cloth at his waist, and painted on face and chest with white markings, is showing some paw prints to an adolescent boy. The boy wears a similar loin-cloth in green and has red hair, but no body paint. He holds a blue stick in his hand with a curved top, presumably belonging to the man, and is following the instruction intently.

The place of Formation in the Process Cycle

Stages one to three of the cycle are concerned with the psychific conditions required in order for the project to take form and be realised in material terms. Stage 4, Formation, describes the beginning of this materialisation. This stage is unusual, in that it involves two components, or sub-stages. The kind of impetus given by the three preceding stages is, as we have seen, quite male-sided: it is biased towards Spirit, with its planning and rationality. The effect of this is that, at a certain moment, the impetus of Formation is going to grind to a halt. One of two things can then happen: the project falls apart - Dispersion[6]; or it receives new female-side input from the Unconscious (stage 5)

The meaning

Formation: possibility actualised in form; project becomes fact; eventual stasis through lack of inspirational renewal
If Projection (stage 1) is a matter of theory, Formation by contrast requires you to be concerned with practice. Equally, whereas the beginning of a project necessitates that you gather impressions, which become in a sense the raw material out of which ideas are formed, Formation leaves all that behind and takes you into action - the whole buzz of theories and ideas needs to stop, the actual must trump the theoretical. Formation also involves you in education or training, so that this process of materialising ideas, plans and projects is one of learning as you go along. Your inner focus is therefore very much towards the future, since you will later feed back into the project what you are now learning.

Practical activity, building something up, contains an element of mystery – the feeling of never quite knowing where each new phase of the work will take you. This kind of absorbing work on a project tends to create a strong sense of identification, so that there comes a point where you feel that the way the work appears to the public sends them a message about you yourself. You see yourself as a pioneer, as the originator of this construction or scheme. As for your relationships, they have a very practical aspect: you are drawn to people who are ready and willing to support, even more to contribute to the work. All this combines to produce two results: first, you become passionately involved in the project, and this passion is maintained over time. Second, you acquire, as time goes on, an inflated idea of yourself: you feel increasingly what a special and valuable person you are.

One consequence of this is that you slip gradually into a state of inner rigidity and blindness, where you become insensitive to the warning signs that all is not well. Your concern for the future can become a failure to deal with what is right under your nose, to take the proper time and care needed at every point. What began as an adventure, full of passion and excitement, becomes a routine, a boring, unglamorous repetition, bogged down in endless small details. Your motivation falls away: You imagined a rapid and brilliant outcome, yet here you are – all that investment of time and effort, and what have you got to show for it? – An unfinished piece of work. Your inflated idea of your own ability and worth blinds you to the signs of impending trouble, deafens you to the warnings of others. You get impatient for results, begin to take short cuts: one too many and you are in trouble.

The qualities you require to launch a project, to drive it forward against all the odds, are not the same as those you need to carry it through the period of delays and setbacks, frustration and disillusionment. When the latter phase kicks in, you must bring something radically new to the table. The project will either collapse at this point and not be completed, or you must find inspiration, in order to progress to stage five. If these two situations represent one single stage, it is because the seeds of eventual stasis are present right from the outset: the materialisation stage was always going to run into trouble. This mirrors what happens in your inner world: there is always a moment at which the initial charge of enthusiasm, energy and drive runs out, and a ‘second wind’ is needed to renew impetus and carry you to a successful conclusion.

Divination summary

1) Work; progress, development; learning, training, education; leaving theory behind; materialising ideas; the passion and mystery of practical advances in work; identification with a project; sense of self-worth through achievement; work-related contacts. 2) Delays, setbacks, unexpected difficulties; frustration, disillusion, impatience, boredom, getting bogged down; taking short-cuts, lack of thoroughness, unwillingness to listen to feedback. 3) Collapse of project; either its abortion, or a re-launch from the ground up (e.g. under new management).

[1] Merriam-Webster online dictionary

[2] Logic here would force us to entertain the idea that in the Unconscious condition out of which consciousness was born, there must have been a process of some form which reached a fruition, as a result of which the Crossing into consciousness took place.

[3] This picture is complicated by the fact that Spirit, too, may show resistance: opposing the input of the Will, refusing to modify its projects in the light of feedback from the female side.

[4] Which exists in Rainring, but not yet in the manifest universe.

[5] In spectrum terms, Heart: green (yellow+blue) is more closely linked to Spirit: purple (red+blue), than to Will: red; whereas Conjugation: magenta (red+purple), has a great deal of red (Will) energy.

[6] Dispersion is the north mention on Formation in the 4-mention version of Rainring


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