Pathfinder animal Oracle Card 12 Rodent:


This card is well populated!
there are
2 Harvest Mice = secure all you/ my assets but also remain playful and inquisitive

a Vole, = eyesight is not always the most important sight! Focus on touch, smell and intuition!

a Shrew,= Shrews are shrewd, very aggressive and poisonous.
That is because Shrews have to eat a huuuuge amount of food and will starve, if they do not eat for 3 -4 hours. Their methabolism is so high! Their heart beats 1200 times per minute!
A warrior among the Mouse family.
Defend yourself and what you are and believe in.

2 Bilbies = rodents from Down Under - in charge of Easter eggs!?? At least that is what "Australia's newcomers" say.
as to my interpretation of the Bilbi on the card:
See a person for what he/ she is by nature, not for what you make them up to be to conform you idea of them

a black Rat = A world traveler of superior intelligence, a survivor of adversity
(I once had a black Norway Rat as a pet. Her name was Eusebia and she was very intelligentand playful)

and a Capybara = the largest of the rodent family, at home in the swamps = wetlands= waters of emotion


It's neat how the rodents are so varied. I wonder if they are all social creatures?

The again, sort of like the roach, are scavengers to a degree.

We have 15 pet rats and they can make some amazing stuff out of whatever we put in their cages, or whatever they manage to drag through the bars... like curtains :bugeyed: Ooops. And they eat anything and everything. They also will store food for a rainy day.

They are majorly intellegent and pay attention to detail... really watch you latch the cage then try to mess with it. Some know their name and will come when called.

Interesting about the different rodents... the rat, like the shrew, can be quite a fighter. And the ones underground are probably just as smart, etc.

Did you know most albino rats are almost totally blind in lighted situations? And the light somewhat hurts their eyes. I think that's so sad really. So even these guys are depending on other senses. If you have pet albino rats you should always talk while approaching, etc since they can't really see you.

scavengers (recyclers)


Mouse falls into this category and was a totem in our attic for a few months! They kept coming and coming (at least 7) and so I finally looked it up. Mouse had a lot to do with hoarding and storage, but mostly with paying attention to details. It made me think a lot, and is interesting, because my dragon in my dreams keeps telling me to watch and pay attention to details and what is happening. Sometimes we learn a lot when we are quiet as a mouse and watch what is going on around us. Listening, gathering, hoarding, preparing, harvesting, details, industrious little rodents!!


Totally forgot they are "pack rats"...


I am very intrigued by the varied types of rodents in this card, because they seem to portray a very wide range of meanings.

For example, in the companion text, the Shrew stands for "a person’s dark side, yet also a strong determination to succeed".

I see "succeeding by resourcefulness" as the core of this card, with the rodents being so adaptive and varied in their approach.


Yes, exactly, Aulruna!
This is, what I was thinking about yesterday:

I just do not feel comfortable with sort of lump summing all the Animals on this card together under one heading. to me a Rat is very different from a Bilby and a Harvest mouse has different medicine energies then a Capibara. To make matters worse; I know only very little about Capibaras; just what I saw on TV. meaning. I have no “personal sense” of this animal.
With the Bilby it is similar, but I always include teachings about them into my Spring Equinox teaching circles, so they feel more familliar to me.
Also: Harvest Mice, Shrews and Moles are Animals that live their life allone, other then brief encounters for mating and females raising their young. But Rats, Bilbies and Capibaras live in family groups and vocalize to each other....