ADEPT LEVEL; 21 Ways . . . Step SIX


Oh good! perhaps now I can catch up ... I still have step 5 and this one to do. Happy holidays to all of you!


Adept Level - Step 6 - Mode, Suit, Element

Deck: Fantastic Menagerie
Step 6: Mode, Suit, Element


(1) The Fantastic Menagerie (FM) uses the Golden Dawn elemental correspondences: wands/fire; swords/air; cups/water; coins/earth. This system is the one that makes the most sense to me, probably because it was the system I learned with and the one most of my decks follow. All my preferred decks follow this correspondence, and I do use elemental correspondences a lot when I read, probably more than any other type of correspondence.

(2) Three key words that best express the qualities of each suit in the FM:
WANDS: taking action, status, movement
COINS: the physical and material, craftsmanship, security
SWORDS: cunning, strategy, decisions
CUPS: pleasure, inner process, imagination

(3) My chosen card is The Moon (will try to get it scanned soon), iti is a Major Arcana card. The Moon is associated with the element of water. The three key words associated with water that I would use with this card are: receptive, empathic, and secretive.


(1) I've drawn THE MOON. The MAJOR ARCANA are abuit the lesson that needs to be learned in a given situation or the archetypal energies being expressed. Water relates to emotions.

(2) Integrating Mode & Element:

WHO: Kinght of Coins - I am receptive (yin) and dependable (earth).

WHAT: 10 of Cups - a sustaining (yin) event that provides nurturing (water).

WHY: The Moon - to learn an inner (yin) lesson of receptivity (water).

WHERE: Ace of Cups - in a the passive (yin) sphere of love (cups), with potential to take form wherever I flow (water).

Apparently no "yang" for me! *LOL* .... mostly water .... big surprise there *LOL*

PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: "I am receptive and dependable in a sustaining event that provides nurturing, to learn an inner lesson abut receptivity, in the passive sphere of love, with potential to take the form of wherever I flow."

That sounds so .... me ..... *LOL*. I really would have preferred to have a variety of suits and stuff, but that is what I got.


21 ways adept level step 6

21 steps adept level 6

DruidCraft follows the most used elemental associations of the Golden Dawn: Fire: Wands, Water: Cups, Air: Swords and Earth: Pentacles

My chosen three key words for the elements of the DruidCraft deck:
Fire: energetic passion, ambition
Water: receptive, empathic, feelings
Air: communicative rational, nervous
Earth: Practical, sensuous, productive

The Lady (empress) is of the element Earth in the Golden Dawn system.
With the Lady I associate: Sensuous, productive, fruition

I have drawn The Lady. Major arcane is about lessons to be learned, revealing why, and this major is about fruition.

Who: Queen of cups, I nurture (yang) and react receptively (water)
What: Five of cups, an emotional (yang) event involving loss (water)
Why: The Moon: to learn a receptive (yang) lesson about aloneness and change.
Where: Ace of wands – in the active yin, sphere of fire, with potential for growth

I nurture and react receptively in an emotional event involving loss to learn a lesson about aloneness and change in the active sphere of fire, with the potential for achieving growth

This was bang on right. I have lost something important and am dealing with the change right now, and using Tarot actively to help me on my way.
Verdi :)


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Verdi said:
I nurture and react receptively in an emotional event involving loss to learn a lesson about aloneness and change in the active sphere of fire, with the potential for achieving growth

I like your summary statement. Remaining receptive can be a challenge when experiencing a loss. Usually one would natually withdraw/recoil (me, anyway), but I also find there can be major gains in is possible. Your Lady has one MAJOR baby bump going on there (thanks for the scan)...seems like great potential, indeed, for change and improvement-- as you say. Light and strength to you on this leg of your journey Verdi.


CB step 6

Deck: Tarot of Dreams
Step 6: Mode, Suit, Element


(1) The Tarot of Dreams uses the Golden Dawn elemental correspondences: wands/fire; swords/air; cups/water; coins/earth This so far is the only system that works for me.

(2) Three key words that best express the qualities of each suit in the ToD:
WANDS: Willpower, Passion, Spiritual Energy
COINS: Any Bottom Line activity Money, health, business
SWORDS: logic, truth, Verbal Communication
CUPS: Soft emotions like love, intuition, “ still waters run deep”

(3) My chosen card is The Moon it is a Major Arcana card. The Moon is associated with the element of water. I will use 3 metaphors instead of words:
still waters run deep
What you don’t know can and usually does hurt you
Fear of the unknown


(1) I've drawn THE MOON. The MAJOR ARCANA are about the lesson that needs to be learned in this case the moon I believe stands behind the high priestess. She is the secret that we don’t know and it is inside of us I had a real hard time with this card in the past someone called it the carnival of shadows and it fits well.

(2) Blending Mode & Element:

WHO: Queen of Wands Yang seek passion and opportunity to use my will(fire)
WHAT: 2 of coins (yin) I nurture a deeper understanding of my physical needs ( earth)

WHY: The Moon – (yin)to learn what goes on behind the closed doors of my own mind hidden inside my subconscious emotions (water).

WHERE: Ace of coins –( yin) I seek to sustain my life with the happiness found in meetings my physical needs (earth)

pre edit I am a person in need of physical needs looking for gain possessions by my own willpower with an understanding my deeper self needs a strong physical stability to fulfill my spiritual needs.

post edit/conversation,
I seek passion and opportunity to use my will while nurturing a deeper understanding of my physical needs, to learn what does on behind the closed doors of my subconscious emotions, in the passive sphere of the material world to sustain my life with the happiness found in meeting my physical needs.

I like the post edit better,


Hey Coyoteblack, nice work. I sent you a PM based on our conversation yesterday and earlier today regarding this step. See if that works for you :D


Only a year later . . .

Here's my step 6!

6:1 Keywords
Disks—Health and wealth

The Emperor is definitely a fire, wands, energy card!

Majors—Why: Lesson, spirit
Courts—Who: Person, role
Aces—Where: Source, realm
Numbers—What: Events


Thoth is wands=fire, cups=water, swords=air, disks=earth. This makes the most sense to me. I’m pretty sure RWS is based on this also, so when decks switch them around but try to stay with RWS meanings, it’s kind of disconcerting (Nigel Jackson). But you gotta love Picard decks, El Gran Tarot Esoterico, Crystal, in which cups=air and swords=water! I’m not sure what do to with them!

Emperor is a major card showing the element of fire—energy, growth, and action.

6:4 I’ve drawn the Emperor. Majors are about lessons to be learned, and fire cards are about action.

Who: Knight of Wands
What: 3 of Disks
Why: Emperor
Where: Ace of Cups

I act impulsively in a physical manifestation event to learn about action and growth in the emotional sphere. (What gobbledygook!!!)

Or, more keywordy:

I lead the way in the physical work necessary to learn how to act and grow in emotional situations.


For rachelcat

Hi, there are a number of decks which switch swords and wands relative to fire and air associations. One of the more popular decks which confuses me is the Robin Wood Tarot which seems Wiccan related and notes the switch in associations in the companion book --- but the cards follow the overall sense of the Waite-Smith cards. A contrary situation. I do use the Witches Tarot (Ellen Cannon Reed) from time to time, and find it easy enough to make the switch in associations.


rachelcat said:
I act impulsively in a physical manifestation event to learn about action and growth in the emotional sphere. (What gobbledygook!!!)
*ROFLMAO* the gobbledygook part ~chuckles~ I felt sort of the same way when I did this exercise.

As for the switching of associations, like you my preference is the wands/fire, swords/air, cups/water, disks/earth. Recently I had an experience in a reading I did with the Celtic Dragon (for Coyoteblack) where the Queen of Swords came out. In this deck, swords are fire. It turns out that I found that queen to be the most empowered and powerful court card! A force to literally be reconned with. That gave me a little appreciation for the switch, though I still prefer what I call the "standard" elemetal designations. I find that focusing on the imagery, keeping in mind the element and its attributes, helps resolve this dilema.

The whole switching cups to air, and swords to water ... well that resulted in a couple of decks I put up for trade. I love the elemental aspects of the cards, and that is something that really comes to play in my readings. But I could not deal with the cups/air swords/water thing. It just did not work for me at all.

Dave I had no clue that Robin Wood switched the elements *LOL*, that was the deck I learned to read with tarot with and used it for like 3 years. All I can say is one can certainly read it using the standard elemental designations no problem at all.


Hi, Jewel and Dave!

And it gets even weirder in the Universal Wirth, which uses Picard minors, but changes them to wands/fire etc. Way confusing!

BTW, someone pointed out that RWS swords could be reminicent of water. Many of them take place by the sea . . . And drops of blood . . .

Just babbling now. I think I'm having deck withdrawal since I'm IDSing, so I'm just having fun going over other decks in my mind!