Have your cards ever been WRONG?


I've noticed a few times that my cards have just been, well, wrong. There have been times where my cards have told me that a situation will turn out terribly, when it's been the exact opposite. Sometimes my cards completely contradict themselves, too. I began to think it was my interpretations that were wrong and that I just didn't 'get' what they were trying to tell me.

Has this happened to you before? I'm beginning to think I need a new deck, or I need to cleanse them or something.

I don't personally believe that the cards are ever wrong. I believe the right cards always come up, but we are readers occasionally misinterpret them. My opinion is in these cases it;s not so much about cleansing the deck as working on yourself. Sometimes we just need a rest, or to relax a bit more first.

The other thing that comes to mind is you seem to be talking about readings on the future. About how things did not work out as predicted. I think it's important to remember that the future is subject to change. It can change after the reading is done, and does at times. That does not mean the reading was wrong. It was perfectly accurate at the moment in time that it was done (and that is all ANY reading on the future can do or be). But the future can change sometimes after a reading is done. When it does it does not mean the reading was wrong, even if what it predicted was nothing like the final outcome.

Hope I am explaining that well enough that it makes some kind of sense. LOL



As I've gotten older and had more experience with the Tarot, I've stopped reading about the future and being interested in it, generally. I simply cannot achieve the kind of precision I would want in asking about the future, but more importantly I don't particularly WANT to know the future, anyway.

That said, I have found that certain *spreads* just don't seem to work for me. Even when I really like them in theory, I just haven't connected with them in practice. So most days I usually create my own on the fly, while I'm drawing the cards.


I only ask about the future as a starting point not an end unto itself.

I prefer to try to create the future I want with the cards that to just passively ask what is coming as if I had no say in my own future.

For example, if I wanted to get a job in a specific field. I might ask the cards to tell me if I was heading in that direction.

If they tell me that I am, I might ask how to reinforce that path to make sure I don't stray from it.

If the cards say I am not currently heading towards the future I want to have, then the fun begins. :grin:

I then ask what steps I can take to get to the desired outcome come and then TAKE THEM.

Then a while later I will ask again which future I am heading towards. If I am now on the path towards the desired future, mission accomplished.

If not, I ask again which steps I can take to get there. and TAKE THOSE.

...kept repeating until the cards show you are the right path. It can take more than one adjustment but it can be done.

I find that more productive. To actively use the cards to try to create what you want in your future than to passively just ask what is coming.


Pam O

I really relate to a lot of these recent posts. : )

I had never thought of using this formula as a question:
"I might ask the cards to tell me if I was heading in that direction?"
That is a fabulous first step. Babs!
What an enlightening set of questions! :!:


Hi I don't think the cards are ever wrong but our perception can be warped and our knowledge inadequate, that said if you were to show me someone who's cracked those two I'd get down on my knees. I doubt a different deck would change those things and guess it's just a matter of us sticking at it.


I am still learning, so it happens a lot that I get "wrong messages". But it's probably ME, not the cards. Sometimes it happens that I go back to a reading of a month ago, and I can see how it was actually right. Also, if you are predicting things, you must remember that things change. One time I asked about a project I was doing, and the cards were fabulous. It was clearly saying that I would do a very good project, finish in time etc etc... Well, since I had that amazing reading, I put less effort in the project itself, and of course it didn't turn out so well. Were the cards wrong? No, it was me who shouldn't have taken the result for granted.

Also, when you ask the same question over and over and over, pay attention when the answer seems to change: it could be the cards saying: "FINE, that's the answer you want to hear, now drop it!". It happened to me XD, but the problem, again, was me, not them.


Have my cards ever been wrong? I doubt it. It may have look as if they were, but that's probably more my being wrong in how I understood them. I'm not 100% perfect in my interpretations at every stage in my life - are you?

I've noticed a few times that my cards have just been, well, wrong. There have been times where my cards have told me that a situation will turn out terribly, when it's been the exact opposite.
Perhaps your cards did exactly the right thing: they alerted you to a *potential* problem, and just knowing about it, made you in some sense behave differently or even just think differently, changing the outcome for the better. That is the cards doing their job, in my opinion.

Sometimes my cards completely contradict themselves, too.
You'll get this if you read more than once on a given situation. After all, if you offered the truth to someone and they distrusted it enough to ask again, wouldn't you get crabby and out of sorts? I know I would. I find if you don't trust your first answer, especially if you ask many times, you'll get complete rubbish-answers. The cards weren't wrong the first time - you're over-asking, and your deck is slapping you for it.


Yes, the cards can be wrong, the interpretation can be wrong, the positions of your spread can be wrong, the question, the reason for reading, and the desire for an answer can be wrong. All wrong. Wrong wrong wrrrrrrrrrong.

Think about it ? What makes you get the "right" cards ? What makes the interpretation "right"? what makes the question "right" or the deck, or the spread ?

Nothing at all. Fantasy. God. A host of angels (Tarot bear remembers ?). A bunch of wood molecules covered with paint molecules. Vibrating atoms. Space... Nothing.

And how did you know the cards were wrong ? They predicted you would be given a red lava lamp for Christmas, but you got a blue candelabra for easter ?


The cards may reflect the moment and/or give possibilities, but the future is.never set and free will always comes into play.

Having said that ~ if you are emotionally invested or asking the same questions then the way you read them might not be objective or your own biases.

Dont think anyone is 100%, but especially predictive or future readings. :)

very much agree with this


Have your cards ever been wrong?

Not wrong, but I have had the occasional reading that comes across as a little weak. (I read Runes as well as Tarot.) I find that it often depends on the attitude of the sitter.

For example, I recently had a sitter tell me, as I was casting the runes, that the runes NEVER work for her. The entire time I was interpreting the runes she sat there with a bored look on her face, then proceeded to tell me that non of the runes applied to her situation.

"See, that PROVES that the runes NEVER work for me!"

I then proceeded to do a 3-card Tarot reading alongside the rune reading. She was suddenly all ears.

I then proceeded to explain how those three cards, and everything she was suddenly telling me about the situation actually made the rune reading make total sense.

By the time she left, she was very happy about the whole reading, and amazed that I had managed to get the runes to "work" for her. I hadn't changed the meaning of any of the runes; I had to change her attitude and outlook on the reading.

I find that far too often, people only hear what they want to hear. If something doesn't immediately line up with how they think things should be, then it must be wrong.