Lost feeling


Good morning folks.
I just got my membership letter in the in box so I thought I would say hi.

For starters I've reading card since I was 13 but took a break for a while due to a crazy deck that scared the poo outta me a few years ago. During that time I got divorced from the person I gave my soul to.

Needless to say, I didn't take it well. After a drunkin run in with the law I got sent to counseling where I was put on a few different pills to stifle my emotions instead of dealing with them and feeling like humans are supposed to do. I have since completely stopped all of it and got back into reading the card.

I stopped using the meds about 4 years ago and still suffer from a side effect.
I can't feel the card the way I used to...

I can give very accurate readings for people and even for told an office romance between a couple friends, but reading my own is next to impossible.

I just can't feel their energy anymore.
Am I broken? Can I be fixed?

So many question to be answered in life...

anyway, thank you for having me. [[[|:)

gypsy white bear

sometimes, we just cant read it for ourself
Idk why but yes, it happens to me alot

from -GWB- with love


Hi, MadHatter, and welcome to the forum!
I would not say that you are broken. There are several people who can't read for themselves, but it's not something fixed in stone. Everyone, sometimes, can't read for themselves. I would say: continue to give it a try, maybe with just one card for you every day: it will come back sooner or later :).


Hi TheMadHatter,

Welcome to Aeclectic :).

An awful lot of people can't read for themselves at all because they find objectivity difficult and because they are obviously invested in seeing certain outcomes..

The readings I do are mainly for myself and over the years I've found that tarot has really helped me to take a step back from the situation that I'm in and get a different perspective.. Instead of using it to predict, I like to use tarot to get insight into situations and that helps me to find my way through them.

I think the best thing to do is just get yourself acquainted with your cards again by playing with them and by journalling; pull a card at the end of the day asking for a card to represent your day then jot down how that card makes you feel, what the images mean to you, if any images jump out at you etc.. Don't put pressure on yourself, make it fun and take things slowly...

I think if you used to have no problems reading for yourself then it will probably come back but only if you don't force it..


Hi, MadHatter, and welcome to the forum!
I would not say that you are broken. There are several people who can't read for themselves, but it's not something fixed in stone. Everyone, sometimes, can't read for themselves. I would say: continue to give it a try, maybe with just one card for you every day: it will come back sooner or later :).

Thank you!

I think its bothering me because I used to be able to so easily.
"Seasons changed and so did I"


Hi TheMadHatter,

Welcome to Aeclectic :).

An awful lot of people can't read for themselves at all because they find objectivity difficult and because they are obviously invested in seeing certain outcomes..

The readings I do are mainly for myself and over the years I've found that tarot has really helped me to take a step back from the situation that I'm in and get a different perspective.. Instead of using it to predict, I like to use tarot to get insight into situations and that helps me to find my way through them.

I think the best thing to do is just get yourself acquainted with your cards again by playing with them and by journalling; pull a card at the end of the day asking for a card to represent your day then jot down how that card makes you feel, what the images mean to you, if any images jump out at you etc.. Don't put pressure on yourself, make it fun and take things slowly...

I think if you used to have no problems reading for yourself then it will probably come back but only if you don't force it..

This was my thought as I wouldn't be reading myself if I didn't wanna know.
The cards often tell us what we already know but fail to or are unwilling to see. Expecting some divine favor or enlightenment outside of what we know is happening.


Welcome to AT, I hope you stick around! :)

I completely agree with Sulis, if you've been able to do it before it will probably come back, it just might take more time than you want. Don't stress it! Maybe try doing small "fun" readings that aren't too serious, just to get used to reading for yourself again?


Thanks Citrin. I've been looking for others to learn from and this place seems to be a great collection souls.

Chimera Dust

There's nothing wrong with you that is keeping you from reading. :) It sounds like it's been a long time since your last reading, which is probably why you're having trouble now.

When people have been reading for a long time, with few or no breaks, the Tarot grows up with them, in a way. In your case, you experienced and probably changed a lot since then, so it may be awkward for you to pick up where you left off like nothing about your perspective has changed. It might help if you do what feels natural to you. Maybe that's going to be the way you used to read, but it can also be a new way of reading that works better for you now.

It's also very likely that you're a bit out of practice. Don't pressure yourself into giving perfect readings yet, and start with small, light-hearted subjects. That way, even if you get things wrong, you won't be upset. Do readings about the relationships between your pets, your personality, even the plot of a TV show you enjoy watching. I understand that you may put a lot of faith into readings about bigger issues, but if you interpret something wrong, it may lead to more second-guessing and worrying. This is especially true when the reading is about yourself. Even when you don't think that you're biased, it's easy to end up really wishing for a certain outcome and try to make the cards fit it.

Welcome back to the Tarot world :) And stop worrying that there may be something wrong with you. None of your experiences have made you unable to read. There are so many people from all walks of lives and with all sorts of experiences (both good and bad) that are able to read, so why would you be the exception?


Thank you!

I think its bothering me because I used to be able to so easily.
"Seasons changed and so did I"

I think a lot of us have changed drastically in the last 7 or so years, so this might be your version of it. I do find that after an accident and some other major stuff, my abilities are improving again, and I am glad. Maybe you are just adjusting to the world as it is now, and the readings for others will help clear out your pipes as far as reading in general and let the energy get used to flowing again. A lot of us were 'headblind' for a while, so don't lose hope and maybe try the good suggestions here and elsewhere and see how it helps you. Good luck! Being headblind is the worst, to me anyhow sometimes--but it really can get better even after meds etc. Good luck finding you again now.