Zombie tarot - Page of Swords


You know that kid who always asks questions, and when you give an answer the comes back with a "yeah but why?" This is that kid. You may think he is doing it intentuionally to piss you off, whereas in fact, they genuinely want to know. It only gets really awkward when they ask where babies come from. And if it is any consolation, our page here is not interested in that wee snippet just yet. You got to question the person who gave him the hatchet though. I know we all hate it when they get christmas presents which require batteries (a forewarning the noise will drive us insane) but surely this is even more inappropriate? Well, yes and no. He has worked out already how dangerous it is (check the cuddly teddies on his bed for missing limbs) and knows restraint is needed. He will show that restraint until such time hormones kick in, and then there WILL be trouble. Having said that, what a great wee tyke to have on your side when it comes to taking out zombies. He will have no fear, and will have probably fine tuned his aim by then. And when he sees what brains really do look like, he will have good cause to ask shedloads of questions. Why are they grey may be the first one, so look up the answer in readiness.


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ana luisa

Although there are not zombies in this card, to me it is one of the deepest of the deck. SO many meanings possible... to name a few:

childhood (secrets or abuse or traumatic memories)
sociopathy or psychotic tendencies (violence)
wolf in a sheep's skin
psychology or psychiatric evaluation (through drawing)
being/becoming an orphan
no parental guidance
chronic lack of trust
hyper anxiety