OOP tarot decks you MOST want to make a comeback or unpublished deck you'd like publi


I just got the OOP version but I would love the Animals Divine tarot in a gold gilded edges form!


I just got the OOP version but I would love the Animals Divine tarot in a gold gilded edges form!

Can we have ALL the Lisa Hunt decks reprinted with gilded edges? Please please PRETTY please, Universe?


The Sinister Tarot Emanations set by Christos Beest


I really want Baba Studio's Victorian Romantic Tarot and the Tarot of Delphi. As it is, I can't afford either of them :(


I would like some Baba Studio decks back in print, all of them if possible.
If not all of them, then at least these three, by order of urgency and importance (for me !)

1 - Fantastic Menagerie tarot
2 - Victorian Romantic tarot
3 - Baroque Bohemian Cats tarot
4 - Petit Oracle des Fleurs
5 - Fairy Tales tarot

Yes, that is five and not three, but I was on a roll.
I might have already posted in this thread at some point, and if I did, I bet I said exactly the same thing as here.

Please Baba ! There is a market for your OOP decks to come back into print, there is !

(Well, they probably do market studies and know better than me, but really, it would surprise me if there was no market, expecially since these decks are so internationnaly loved...)


I've been begging Baba for a while on their Facebook, and they admitted to me that the artist behind the BBCats deck actually wants to redo all the artwork first before a new deck comes out. Gah!


I've been begging Baba for a while on their Facebook, and they admitted to me that the artist behind the BBCats deck actually wants to redo all the artwork first before a new deck comes out. Gah!
Well... that might mean that a new deck could come out eventually, if they have inquired about that ! Let's be optimistic !
I have their two books : "Bohemian Cats" and "Shadow of the Vampuss", and really they are little jewels !

What about the Fantastic Menagerie, I so hope they decide to make this deck available again, even if with modifications because I know they like to keep their different editions unique (all credit to them for that). The Fantastic Menagerie seemed to be such a widely loved deck, I am sure there is a market for that one (I would get two if they were available !!!)


I have googled the bejeezuss out of this deck before posting and after your comment. And all I found was the 2000 ed. going for hundreds of $$ bc it's OOP, OR the Ancient ITALIAN Tarot (also Lo Scarabeo) issued in 2015.

Please show me how WRONG I am! I would be most grateful! I think it may be re-issued in their new line perhaps?

I haven't been able to find this reprint anywhere either :(


I know it will not be back. But i so much want Oracle of Oddities 1st edition, or at least few cards from it. Can't find it anythere.