Numerology for the pips


Hi Sravana,

Yes, I was in an artistic mood when I made that diagram. :D

It is of course very applicable to practical card divination, if that be yer fancy!

If anyone is needing a method to determine which day of the week a certain thing will happen - well, here it is - right out of (more or less) the pages of the most celebrated tome of Renaissance Magic.

  • 1/10 - Sun = Sunday

  • 2 - Moon = Monday

  • 9 - Mars = Tuesday

  • 5 - Mercury = Wednesday

  • 3/8 - Jupiter = Thursday

  • 6 - Venus = Friday

  • 4/7 - Saturn = Saturday

For example, let's say you're expecting a package to be delivered sometime this week and want to know what day it is likely to arrive on. Find the card representing the package (that would be 2nd house in an astrology spread).

"A~ha! The 6 of Cups"

So, Friday! Yipee!!

We could also use the suit emblems to narrow down the time, following the traditional astrological use of the elements for time cycles -

  • Cups = Air = Spring/Dawn/Youth/The First Quarter of the Postman's Delivery hours.

  • Swords = Fire = Summer/Noon/Young Adulthood/The Second Quarter...

  • Batons = Earth = Autumn/Sunset/Middle Age/The Third Quarter...

  • Coins = Water = Winter/Midnight/Old Age/The Fourth Quarter...

So, Friday morning then, for the 6 of Cups.


"Let nature be thy guide"


Hi, Mel!
What do you do if the card in the second house is the Magician? or the King of Cups? ;)


Sravana said:
Hi, Mel!
What do you do if the card in the second house is the Magician? or the King of Cups?

Going with some typical traditional associations, we could say -

  • Kings = Sun, Jupiter (Sunday or Thursday)
  • Queens = Moon, Venus (Monday or Friday)
  • Knights = Mars, Mercury (Tuesday or Wednesday)
  • Valet = Saturn, Mercury (Saturday or Wednesday)

For the Trumps I use,

  • Sun - Sunday = IIII, XVIIII, XXI
  • Moon - Monday = F, III, X, XVIII
  • Mars - Tuesday = VII, XI, XII
  • Mercury - Wednesday = I, XV
  • Jupiter - Thursday = V, XIIII, XX
  • Venus - Friday = II, VI, XVII
  • Saturn - Saturday = VIIII, VIII, XIII, XVI

These are of course, debatable. I base my choices on the descriptions of the characters, and professions of the planets as given by William Lilly in Christian Astrology- Book 1 (1647).


"Let nature be thy guide"


Thanks, Mel... I knew you'd get into timing sooner or later.. :)
I'll probably have some feedback by the weekend..


Well this is great Mel, but what about months? Telling a sitter, oh, it'll happen on a Friday in the Spring really is going to cause them to toss their green tea in my face! :) I think they'd rather hear, you know, "March." :)


Sorta what Frelkins said:

But more along the line of the Suits/Elements/Seasons associations you noted above.

I'm usually NOT a fan of GD associations, but i seem to be stuck with the notion that the :

Batons = Fire
Cups = Water
Epees = Air
Coins = Earth

In your method as it continues to be discovered among us will I be helplessly lost if I continue to make the following associations? [Or, can I count on a bit of flexibility?]

Swords = Air = Spring/Dawn/Youth/The First Quarter of the Postman's Delivery hours.

Batons = Fire = Summer/Noon/Young Adulthood/The Second Quarter...

Coins = Earth = Autumn/Sunset/Middle Age/The Third Quarter...

Cups = Water = Winter/Midnight/Old Age/The Fourth Quarter...


conversus said:
I'm usually NOT a fan of GD associations, but i seem to be stuck with the notion that the :

Batons = Fire
Cups = Water
Epees = Air
Coins = Earth

In your method as it continues to be discovered among us will I be helplessly lost if I continue to make the following associations? [Or, can I count on a bit of flexibility?]

Swords = Air = Spring/Dawn/Youth/The First Quarter of the Postman's Delivery hours.

Batons = Fire = Summer/Noon/Young Adulthood/The Second Quarter...

Coins = Earth = Autumn/Sunset/Middle Age/The Third Quarter...

Cups = Water = Winter/Midnight/Old Age/The Fourth Quarter...

My humble opinion on this long debated and controversial matter is this -

You can use any suit emblem for any element you want, if -

  • Your perceived meaning of a given suit matches the meaning of the element you've assigned to it.

  • Your understanding of the actual meanings of the classical four elements is correct.

That second point is where the popular "common" tarot/element correlations fail. Most popular tarot writers don't seem to understand what the elements are (were?). Nor do a lot of popular modern astrology writers. When I point this out, I often get a response like, "Well, the elements have been 'modernized', because science and psychology has expanded our understanding of them.", or "They've evolved!"

Well, while the classical elements, via the humors & temperaments, were our earliest system which categorized human behaviors, thus our earliest 'psychology', I have some reservations about how much of 20th century psychology has actually expanded the rational understanding of the human mind. Certainly some progress has been made, but, in my opinion, a good chuck of it has merely been an attempt to rationalize certain 19th/20th century social ideologies.

As for science, the classical elements have nothing to do with the 'scientific method' that arose in the 17th and 18th centuries, and even less to do with our modern 'elements', save that they commandeered the name for quite a different set of attributes.

The modern misconceptions about the meanings of the elements certainly isn't an 'evolution', but simply lack of knowledge, as any brief review of 'highlights' from the 2500 year span of writings on the subject will quickly reveal. The tradition of course mainly puts its authority in Aristotle's Generation and Corruption, which is where I recommend anyone curious about the real meaning of the elements begin.

While we can't say Aristotle's theorem is scientific, it is flawlessly rational. The man did perfect the study of Logic, after all. It is precisely here, under the cutting edge of logical reasoning, where the 'popular' elemental meanings fall apart. Plainly said, they don't make any sense. When viewed as a comprehensive system, as it was in pre-modern times, that connects everything in the cosmos - planets, biological systems, human behavior, etc., the 'popular' version is shoddy nonsense with no logical thread holding it together.

This, of course begs the questions, "What the heck are the correct meanings of the classical elements?" So without further adieu, we present for your entertainment pleasure:

The 'Els' in a Shell

by Mel
(with a little help from Aristotle, Hippocrates,
Empedocles, Galen, Avicenna, Hildegard of Bingen,
Albertus Magnus, Ramon Lull, and Paracelsus :D )​


The first rule to understanding the classical four elements is this -


That's right! The four classical elements are not fire, air, water, and earth. They are however called Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. Got it? The names of the classical elements, Fire, Air, Water, Earth are not literally describing actual fire, air, water. earth, but certain metaphysical qualities, which from the time of the ancient Greeks have described specific tendencies in the way energies operate in the cosmos, and how these energies manifest in the mundane world. So, when an astrologer or alchemists or Medieval physician spoke of the Moon as 'Watery", or someone having a 'Watery" Phlegmatic constitution, they weren't thinking of actual physical water at all. They were talking about a specific range of qualities or behaviors.

Rule #2 - Understand the elements, not as nouns, but as ADJECTIVES or ADVERBS.

Each of the four Elements is a combination of two Powers. The Powers, like the Elements are not talking about actual substances, but are 'code words' for a collection of related qualities that share certain behaviors, and should be thought of as adjectives and adverbs too. The four Powers are:

Heat - Causes things of the same kind to join, so each seeks it's own and things that are different separate, hence it is the source of separation, differentiation, discrimination, dissociation, and opposition. Heat is expansive, outward directed, energetic. It is speed. It is the cause of change, analysis, judgement, justice, honesty, critical thinking, skillfulness, diligence, authority, selfishness, intolerance, willfulness, and dominance.

Dryness - Dryness is contractive, gives shape and is formative. It causes rigidity, solidity, purpose, and practicality. It is unreceptive, inflexible, commanding, arguing, strict, concrete, of long duration, and grounded.

Cold - Unites things. It is mixing, joining, synthetic, relating, loving, undiscriminating, indecisive, slow, nurturing, sympathetic, cooperative, and sluggish.

Moisture - Has a lack of self-determination, and conforms to its surroundings. It is receptive, adaptive, form receiving, flexible, fluid, short of duration, mercurial, unreliable, indefinite and lacking self control. It is agile, gentle, obedient, conforming, passive, yielding, accommodating, weak, sensitive, understanding, kind, empathetic, and compassionate.

Fire = Dryness + Heat

Air = Heat + Moisture

Water = Moisture + Cold

Earth = Cold + Dryness

  • Fire - Elemental Fire is a combination of Heat and Dryness. It divisive and rigid, quick reacting and long of duration. The Fire type would be ambitious, dynamic, decisive, independent, impulsive, short-tempered, proud, dictatorial, and unforgiving. Which suit emblem best fits this description?

  • Water - Elemental Water, being Cold and Moist is uniting and flexible, slow reacting and short of duration. The Water type would be accommodating, tolerant, frugal, and inoffensive, but timid, sluggish, uncreative, unresponsive, unmotivated, and rather emotionally indifferent. Which suit emblem best fits this description?

  • Air - Elemental Air is Hot and Moist, flexible, fluid, but separating and expansive, quick reaction, but of short duration. The Air type is friendly, sociable, pleasure seeking, light-hearted, careless, inconsistent, restless, scatterbrained. Which suit emblem best fits this description?

  • Earth - Elemental Earth is Cold and Dry. Relating, purposeful, slow reacting and long of duration. The Earth type is introspective, hardworking, studious, penetrating, reflective, and visionary, but critical, solitary, depressed, withdrawn and unforgiving. Which suit emblem best fits this description?

~ FIN ~​



The 'Corrected' Suit/Element Correlations

As to my personal reasoning behind my attributes, beyond it making the most sense to me, there is some historical precedents for them.

The earliest known written connection between card suits and the four elements is in La Signification de l’ancien jeu des chartes pythagorique (1582) by Jean Gosselin.

Tiles ...............Batons..........Earth

Clover .............Coins.............Water

Hearts .............Cups.............Air

Pikes ...............Swords..........Fire

This is from Michael Hurst's website:

Scroll down to 1582.

These are also the correlations used by J.C. Flornoy, as elaborated here:

We also have a direct period associations to at least three of the tarot suit emblems in a 15th century woodcut, published by Nicholas Le Rouge, Troyes, c1495.


The associations here are:


AIR..........Sanguine.......Monkey......Leisure (hawking)

WATER.....Phlegmatic....Sheep.........Money (coin purse)



"Let nature be thy guide"


Following these various threads of philosophy, history, and mysticism, it is possible to distill a very coherent, rational system of meanings for the pips and courts, based on authentic sources with, hopefully with a minimum of assumption, which is relatively free from the contradictions of the more common and popular tarot systems.

Here is how I've been using these authentic sources to help interpret the cards. Both the breadth and exactness of theses meanings is far beyond what I previously thought possible.

Obviously there is more than one way to collate even the same source material, so this is meant only to show how I've done it.

If we agree that the four suit emblems have qualities that parallel the qualities of the four classical elements, and that the simple numbers as well can be understood as having qualities, or behaviors which parallel the classical elements, then we can assume that specific meanings for specific cards (being combinations of number qualities and suit qualities) can correctly be deduced by a combination of the elemental quality of the number, and the elemental quality of the suit.



Element - Fire/Fire
Temper - Choleric
Power - Hot/Dry
Timing - Fast/Long
Movement - Separating/Rigid
Direction - South
In the cycle of a year - July
In the cycle of a day - Noon
In the cycle of a life - Age 14~21
Sex - Male
Cards - 1 Swords, 7 Swords, King Swords
Keywords - Pos: Ambitious, dynamic, decisive, independent. Neg: Impulsive, short-tempered, proud, dictatorial, and unforgiving.

Element - Fire/Air
Temper - Choleric Sanguine
Power - Hot
Timing - Fast
Movement - Separating
Direction - Southeast
In the cycle of a year - May/June
In the cycle of a day - Late Morning
In the cycle of a life - Age 7~14
Sex - Male
Cards - 1 Cups, King Cups, 7 Cups, Knight Swords, 9 Swords, 5 Swords, 3 Swords
Keywords - Pos: Spontaneity, charisma, critical thinking. Neg: Impatience, impulsiveness, rashness.

Element - Air/Air
Temper - Sanguine
Power - Hot/Wet
Timing - Fast/Short
Movement - Separating/Flexible
Direction - East
In the cycle of a year - April
In the cycle of a day - Dawn
In the cycle of a life - Age 0~7
Sex - Male
Cards - 9 Cups, 5 Cups, 3 Cups, Knight Cups
Keywords - Pos: Friendly, sociable, pleasure seeking, light-hearted. Neg: Careless, inconsistent, restless, scatterbrained.

Element - Air/Water
Temper - Sanguine Phlegmatic
Power - Wet
Timing - Short
Movement - Flexible
Direction - Northeast
In the cycle of a year - February/March
In the cycle of a day - Late Night
In the cycle of a life - Age 70~Death
Sex - Female
Cards - 9 Coins, 5 Coins, 3 Coins, Knight Coins, 8 Cups, 6 Cups, 2 of Cups, Queen Cups
Keywords - Pos: Amicable, docile, diplomatic. Neg: Conformity, lack of self determination, unreliable.

Element - Water
Temper - Phlegmatic
Power - Wet/Cold
Timing - Short/Slow
Movement - Flexible/Unifying
Direction - North
In the cycle of a year - January
In the cycle of a day - Midnight
In the cycle of a life - Age 56~70
Sex - Female
Cards - 8 Coins, 6 Coins, 2 Coins, Queen Coins
Keywords - Pos: Accommodating, tolerant, frugal, and inoffensive. Neg: timid, sluggish, uncreative, unresponsive, unmotivated, and rather emotionally indifferent

Element - Water/Earth
Temper - Phlegmatic/Melancholic
Power - Cold
Timing - Slow
Movement - Unifying
Direction - Northwest
In the cycle of a year - November/December
In the cycle of a day - Evening
In the cycle of a life - Age 49~56
Sex - Female
Cards - 2 Batons, 6 Batons, 8 Batons, Queen Batons, 10 Coins, 4 Coins, Valet Coins
Keyword - Pos: Steadfast, nurturing, cooperate. Neg: Indecisive, careless, undiscriminating

Element - Earth
Temper - Melancholic
Power - Cold/Dry
Timing - Slow/Long
Movement - Unifying/Rigid
Direction - West
In the cycle of a year - October
In the cycle of a day - Sunset
In the cycle of a life - Age 28~49
Sex - Female
Cards - 4 Batons, 10 Batons, Valet Batons
Keywords - Pos: Introspective, hardworking, studious, penetrating, reflective, visionary. Neg: Critical, solitary, depressed, withdrawn, unforgiving

Element - Earth/Fire
Temper - Melancholic Choleric
Power - Dry
Timing - Long
Movement - Rigid
Direction - Southwest
In the cycle of a year - August/September
In the cycle of a day - Afternoon
In the cycle of a life - Age 21~28
Sex - Male
Cards - 4 Swords, 10 Swords, Valet Swords, 7 Batons, 1 Batons, King of Batons
Keywords - Pos: Firm, Unwavering authority, grounded. Neg: Dictatorial, strict.

Element - Air/Earth
Temper - Sanguine Melancholic
Power - all
Timing - random
Movement - random
Direction - East West axis
In the cycle of a year - none
In the cycle of a day - none
In the cycle of a life - none
Sex - both
Cards - 3 Batons, 5 Batons, 9 Batons, Knight Batons, 10 Cups, 4 Cups, Valet Cups
Keywords - These two temperaments are natural opposites, which are sometimes difficult to reconcile. Yet since there is also no lack of a quality, when they find a way to work together, they can be exceedingly productive, creative and energetic.

Element - Fire/Water
Temper - Choleric Phlegmatic
Power - all
Timing - random
Movement - random
Direction - North South axis
In the cycle of a year - none
In the cycle of a day - none
In the cycle of a life - none
Sex - both
Cards - 2 Swords, 6 Swords, 8 Swords, Queen Swords, 7 Coins, 1 Coins, King Coins
Keywords - These two temperaments are natural opposites, which are sometimes difficult to reconcile. Yet since there is also no lack of a quality, when they find a way to work together, they can be exceedingly productive, creative and energetic.

Melanchollic said:
Any combination of the opposite elements, say Air+Earth, or Fire+Water, result in a situation where all four powers (cold, hot, dry, wet) are present.

When this occurs with 'good' suits (Cups, Coins) it shows a situation were a balance of opposites has been achieved. With 'bad' suits, it shows a situation were oppositions can not be reconciled.

When one of these "opposition" cards shows up in a timing situation, if it is benefic, say the Ace of Coins, you might say,

"The timing is quite flexible, and could happen anytime, but will likely present itself when all factors are in balance. This will be beneficial for you, my sweet querent!"

If it is a malefic card, say the 2 of Swords, you might say,

"There seems to be contradictory factors at work here, and the likelihood of this happening is rather difficult."


"Let nature be thy guide"


Melanchollic said:
Suit Element + Number Element = Card Meaning

Fire/Fire (Hot+Dry)......South......July......Noon......Youth

Fire/Air (Hot)......Southeast......May/June......Late Morning......Child

Air/Air (Hot+Moist)......East......April......Early Morning......Young Child

Air/Water (Moist).......Northeast......February/March......Late Night......Near Death*

Water/Water (Moist/Cold)......North......January......Midnight......Old Age

Water/Earth (Cold)......Northwest......November/December......Evening......Elder

Earth/Earth (Cold+Dry)......West......October......Sunset......Adult

Earth/Fire (Dry)......Southwest......August/September......Afternoon......Young Adult

So for those who are trying to play along, you may recall that in #46 of this thread, Mel argued a certain elemental correspondence for the pips.

For ease, let's combine these with the suits to follow his crazy formula:

Batons - Earth - 4, 10
Coins - Water - 3, 5, 9
Cups - Air - 2, 6, 8
Swords - Fire - 1, 7

Thus in a timing question, the A Cups would be (suit element) Air + (number element) Fire = a May/June timeframe, specifically during Sunday brunch. ;)

Of course these could be combined with Mel's completely ritualistic elemental form of the Tirage a Croix spread for all kinds of crazy rabbit tricks! Of course Mel usually just does the tirage with trumps. . .so what are the months for the trumps, Mel, hunh??? hunh??? :)