How random is your shuffle?


I'm with those of you who like to shuffle a lot: I guess repeating the same movement calms me down, and it helps me concentrate on my question. I just feel when I should stop shuffling.


Sorceress_Jade said:
I think the thing about Tarot is that it's just not random. How many times have you all pulled the same card more than once in a row to the same question?
This has happened to me numerous times, even after shufflings.

this is something i've been thinking about a lot lately... there's a difference between "randomness" and "evenness of distribution".

random, as a concept, means that it's not conforming to _any_ particular pattern or objective. that also means that it may not _look_ random to a human mind (which is always working in patterns...). i'm beginning to think that evenness of distribution is a pattern in itself. if shuffling distributed the cards evenly (as in the hanged man showing up only once every 78 draws, give or take) it would seem random to our minds, but in the big picture (over thousands of draws) the pattern emerges.

i think shuffling the cards produces something part-way between randomness and even distribution. ...which is similar to my feeling about how tarot works, synchronicity being a concept part-way between pure chance and pure fate.

on a different note, i have a shuffling tip:
i always make sure that the very first cards that hit the table are coming from the _top_ half of the deck. if they come from the bottom half, then the same card that was on the bottom to begin with will stay on the bottom. that card will never have a chance to make it into my reading.


Re: more or less?

the hermit said:

Well, it appears that enough is enough.

yes! yes! ditto! :)

the hermit

the calm that refreshes

WolfSpirit said:
I'm with those of you who like to shuffle a lot: I guess repeating the same movement calms me down, and it helps me concentrate on my question. I just feel when I should stop shuffling.

You're echoing an interesting sentiment that isn’t surprising.
It is during the act of shuffling that I begin trying to clear my mind.
Lot’s of others have mentioned this and in napaea’s shuffling thread as well.
For me it’s all part of my ‘ritual’.
Many of us, I’m sure, have a ‘routine’ that we depend on to help us center and focus prior to a reading. I’m sure that shuffling is a big part of that, whether we realize it or not.


For me, i dont even count how many times i shuffle. shuffling should be random and when you feel right that you stop shuffling then do so.


You can do this as many times as you like:

Put 10 cards upside-down on top of the deck and shuffle.
Then go thru and see where they are (note the numbers).

Mix 10 upside-down cards into the deck variously spaced.
Then go thru and see where they are (note the numbers).

The cards that were spaced out are more likely to end up
together when you check and the bunch of 10 separated,
not ALL of them, just 1 or 2 here and there. It's funny! :)


I began to become concerned about whether i should ever put my deck back into its original sequence. In fact i read a post about this some time ago, at which time i noted where others were of the opinion that this is not necessary.

However, i'm one of those people who feels its important that the clients energy be tranferred to the deck. Altho i've noted that some readers have inquired as to whether they should allow others to touch their cards, and some have voiced their preference to limit the querents interaction to cutting the cards.

Now i got to thinking about all this ... the "randomness" of cards ++ different shuffling/cutting methods, and because i work with reversals* & feel its VIP that the ONLY the clients energy be in the cards, so as to get a true reading for any given individual, i decided to put all my cards back into order before each & every reading.

So i devised the following method:
-- First i sort all the minors into 4 piles - from Ace to 10, with the ace on the bottom. Then i add the court courts of the corresponding suit to each pile, beginning with the Page & ending with the King.
-- (note each pile/suit will have the Ace on the bottom & the King on the top).
--Then i sort the majors with the Fool on the bottom & the World on Top.

-- So at this point i have 5 piles > the 4 suits & the majors.

-- Next i take the wands & put this pile on top of the coins. So i have the Ace of Coins on the bottom & the King of Wands on the Top.
-- Then i take the pile of cups & put it on top of the pile of swords. So i have the Ace of Swords on the bottom & the King of Cups on the top.

-- So at this point i have 3 piles >> 2 piles of suits which have been arranged so as to start off with positive energy as per the theory of elemental dignities ... & the Majors.

-- Then i have the Client shuffle/rifle or spread-out & mix, so as to CREATE reversals for each of the 2 piles of suits. Note: each pile is handled one at a time by the Client.
-- Then i have the Client do the same with the pile of Majors.
-- So i still have 3 piles, but these now contain the clients energy & they have gone from being in sequence to whatever order the client has effected.

-- Then i ask the client to combine the 2 suit piles & shuffle these.
-- So @ this pt. i have 2 piles > minor & major arcana
-- Then i ask the client to cut the minors, so that there are 3 piles.

-- Then i give the client the pile of majors & ask them to add one to the top & one to the bottom for each of the 3 piles of minors. So at this point the client is mixing in the majors with the minors.
-- After they've added a major to the top & bottom of each of these 3 piles of minors, i ask the client to give them a quick shuffle.
-- I have the client repeat this process until all the majors have been mixed in with the minors.
-- NOTE: There will be 1 Card Left Over
-- Further note: the reader should take note of this card, because its always of interest IF this shows up in the reading, or if its the shadow card, or the quintessence card. This card can also be used as the signifactor IF it applies to the Client &/or relates to the clients ? or situation being inquired about. OR: This card can be added during the last step/below:

-- So now we have 3 piles, which i ask the client to combine AND thoroughly shuffle. (note: the extra card will be added to this pile IF desired).
-- Voila all the cards have been randomized & combined into 1 pile.

Wheww -- what a long drawn out process .. not really IF you consider that some people shuffle 9 times or more. And as far as the time it takes to sort the cards back into sequence, this provides me/the reader with an opportuntity to explain things about tarot to the client & otherwise to get into the mood.

& As far as what others have expressed about how the deck will take on a character of its own over time, hence their opinion that it need not be reordered/put back into sequence. Well yes, i can see that, which is why i have one deck that i leave be & i might add, USE only when reading for myself, as it contains only my energy & so hopefully will reflect changes in my lifes circumstances over time.

However, it is my preference to read for others using the method i''ve outlined ... starting from a clean slate for each reading/every client. & Just so you know the reason i arrived @ this conclusion, was because it seemed to me that the deck was becoming somewhat redundant. Or in otherwords, it was almost like the deck was taking on its own energy ... & not really reflecting the clients energy/personal circumstances/concerns/?s etc.

I'd be interested to know IF anybody else puts their decks into sequence before readings & if so, how do you go about it?

PS: I goofed when i 1st. posted this .. not surprising since this practice is something i have recently adopted. Edited Aug. 14rth.