the moon


Okay ~ this has always been a pretty tough read for me aside from the court cards.......

In a question such as what needs to be done?

the moon comes out...

now the moon to me is about melancholy, disillusion, family problems, addictions and possibly some nightmares.

so if you are asking a positive question, such as what do i need to do to get this moving?

how does the moon fit or work??

I read it well as a future in a general or as a hopes and fears...but this placement is very tough. maybe i am not understanding the card fully??


Oh dear! Another one with a sad, depressed and totally distorted view of the moon!

Go outside one full moon night, and have a look at the moon. Does she make you feel scared, depressed, full of gloom?

What if you are walking in the moonlight with a lover - are you disillusioned? (you might be addicted...but not in a bad way, at that stage!).

And then, you are at your table, gazing out at the moon, and suddenly...a poem comes to you! A beautiful poem to the moon! A poem about your beloved's eyes shining under the moon! A song about jasmine blooming in the moonlight, its scent wafting around the words and your mind...

...that's the Moon card too...

Enchantment, romance, sensual enjoyment of something so delicate, you can only touch it in moonlight, imagination, music, poetry...

What to do to get this moving? It depends on what "it" is ;). For love - oh, you need romance, flowers, dinners by candlelight, poetry, soulful songs, crazy gestures! For work - imagination, intuition, doing things differently, mad ideas, listening to the still voices that whisper when you quieten down the stress and busy-ness.

Here is a famous moon song, by Edward Lear, a real lunatic :D:

The owl and the pussycat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat
They brought some honey
And plenty of money, wrapped up in a five pound note.
The owl looked up to the stars above
And sang to a small guitar:
"Oh lovely pussy, oh pussy my love
What a beautiful pussy you are, you are, you are!
What a beautiful pussy you are!"

Pussy said to the Owl, 'You elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?'
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.

"Dear pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?" Said the Piggy, 'I will.'
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.


In my deck (the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot), the moon card is called Magick Mirror.

I always interpret this card to mean looking at you like who you see in the mirror? Is that image a true reflection, or are you seeing something that isn't there? Is the image a result of how you truly see yourself, or have others added to that image (there are hands around the edges of the mirror, holding it up)? The waters around the base of the mirror underscore the "feelings" element of this card (and the Moon rules the tides, emotions...Yemaya is the goddess of the ocean and the moon).

Just my $.02.; book definitions aren't everything! :D



In one of my vampire decks the moon card has a mirror on it too.

You may want to think about the question itself. The cards sound like they are telling you that focusing on this subject is a result of your fears or paranoia or just an overactive imagination.


tryingtoreadtarot said:
so if you are asking a positive question, such as what do i need to do to get this moving?

how does the moon fit or work??
It could mean that it's already moving at the speed that it should, how it's supposed to be and that you're dwelling on it when you shouldn't be worrying so much because it will go at the pace it needs to, to be able to get to where it's going properly. If that makes any sense:)



I would agree with the other responses...I think that the moon as a suggestion, would point to a need to expose the hidden shadows. Reflection is needed, and it may take you to a an uncomfortable, unknown, unrealistic, but necessary, illuminating and ultimately truthful place. A good example for the experience would be "Alice in Wonderland", I would think: entering through the looking glass; seeking truth, seeing the bizarre, but ultimately finding the self.


What a beautiful post Fudugazi,, the Moon is just so beautiful. Your post matched.


As so many people have indicated, the real essence of the moon is it's lack of logic, it's focus on creativity, even temporary insanity.

When you get the Moon in "What needs to be done" the answer is "follow the Moon" and that means that you don't fight those "lunatic" impulses. I often describe the Moon card as, alternately, getting into a boat that's heading down a rushing river (no paddle), or entering into a circus a night.

Thinking, using your head, using logic, resisting will just get you into trouble. Is it dangerous? Yes. Are there illusions? Dreams? Addictions? Untrustworthy things? Absolutely--there are rocks in the river and scam artists on the midway. But the only way to survive it, even enjoy it, is to go with the flow. To run with the wolves, howl at the moon, enjoy the boat ride and the circus. Believe in the illusions...until it's daylight again.

That's what needs to be done. It's not easy to surrender to the moon, but it's usually worth it.


Well, really speaking, I tend to think that the Moon may indicate that you may need to pay more attention to your dreams. Follow your intuition and all of that sort of stuff.

It might also indicate something along the lines of you may be already on the right path, but you don't know it, because everything is unclear, in darkness, so to speak.

Another thing, it could indicate a time to be reflective, as it is associated with a water card, and invariably there is a body of water in the card, and the way the moon reflects on the water.

I just tend to think that the only way to judge if something is right or what you should be doing, is to follow your intuition, rather than what you have been told or shown. I guess! As things are not as they always seem to be. Since things are not as they seem, then maybe it means to take extra attention to any tell-tale signs or any other signs that you get, that would illuminate the truth.


What should I do? Let yourself be guided by your intuition and creative thinking, just my thought :)