Cranky and ranting: the Wheel of Change Tarot


Rosanne said:
Then I realised, looking at the images- it is that same self appointed largesse (I think you used the word entitlement) that people get annoyed with Native American decks about. It is optimistic, but because it depicts 'other' culture, you get the sense from the image- that it is someone's view of what that culture should be ,or hope it might be in their world view- so it is imposing somehow.

But, if you stick to your own culture, you're accused of being exclusive - as if, in your worldview, only white people are people and other cultures don't exist. So either the deck is supremacist or it's patronizing.

I actually do not know what the best way to show multicultural cards is.
By the above logic, there isn't. Even artists from other cultures can't create them, since they'd be caught in the same trap.