Dark Angels -- 7 of Cups


This is quite a dramatic card -- a windswept angel atop a large tomb looking towards the shadow of a cross. The LWB says: "Visions of impossible rewards torment those that are alone." This card seems to be more specific than an interpretation of "delusion". Is it the futility of belief?


My impressions:

It´s interesting how the "dreams" of the angel are under her feet (unlike in the usual 7 of Cups´ images) They are stored in the tomb like in cellar, where we put things we don´t need now (if ever), but don´t want to give up either. She has gathered human desires but cannot really enjoy them.

The shadow of the cross is only an illusion, but makes her think about the Creator and her own decision not to follow him. She can´t be satisfied here, but would not go back either. Obeying the Overlord would have been as unrewarding as her situation now? Dreams and belief are futile. Is there really such a thing as happines anywhere?


for the lady the cross might be impossible to reach. but if she jumps down from the tomb, she might see her possibilities, the cups are full. But she cannot see it from her current position.