Geode as Portal?


I hadn't thought about that, but I'd say it's a good bet. I've known people to have powerful reactions & new sensitivities after a laying-on-of-stones- even if the person doing it was untrained.


NorthernTigress said:
I'm wondering if this experience has something to do with my Reiki attunement? Amethyst is associated with the Crown Chakra (connection to the Universe).

Namaste NT... Interesting... I love crystals with a passion and have had lovely moments with them... but my best moment was with an ordinary rock! (I did have a great experience in a labyrinth with lots of small rose quartz pieces lining up towards the centre, though. :))

I really do love crystals... and believe they can act as portals in addition to their many other uses...

I'm thinking, too, though, NT, that the very fact that you are open to Reiki attunement possibly also means that you have opened yourself more consciously to opportunities and experiences like the one you've just had... and in that case lots of things will act as portals or as opportunities...

I enjoy such moments, because I actively invite them in and feel blessed when something like that does occur... but I can't imagine that I'd enjoy that experience happening to me it in a shopping centre!!! A time and a place... heh heh! Best wishes.... :)


NorthernTigress said:
they were in groups of 3 or 4 all crowded together on the floor.

I wonder, too, given this configuration, whether the shopowners might have been doing intentional 'grid work' to clear up the shop energy, or something???


linnie said:
I wonder, too, given this configuration, whether the shopowners might have been doing intentional 'grid work' to clear up the shop energy, or something???

I don't know if there's anything that planned-out. The owner of the shop is a geologist, so I doubt he'd even know about energy grids. (But I could be wrong).

There's a stock-photo on this page (click on the small photo to enlarge) that shows just how tiny, and how crowded, this display space really is.


NorthernTigress said:
I don't know if there's anything that planned-out. The owner of the shop is a geologist, so I doubt he'd even know about energy grids. (But I could be wrong).

There's a stock-photo on this page (click on the small photo to enlarge) that shows just how tiny, and how crowded, this display space really is.

I see what you mean.... Not very likely! :) But I maintain my posture re your having opened yourself up to this, and more of same, by undergoing the Reiki attunement, because don't you usually declare an intention when you are given an attunement? (I could be wrong, to!!! :))

Anyway, it sounds interesting, and worth pursuing to find out why/how :)