I don't know what the appearance of king of swords mean here


Hi Guys
Actually I quit to use tarot cards from 3 years ago...but I'm still picking my daily arcana card..from website by a birthdate numbers...and it always was true for me...

Tomorrow my daily arcana is the king of swords card in its upright position...but this card was always appears in the daily arcana when someone try to hurt me with words or insult my sensation
..I know that this card has another meanings..but I'm scared from his appearing for me tomorrow because I'll see a special guy to me tomorrow...and I'm scared that maybe this means that he will hurt me when he sees me.
or even his friends who will maybe try to make fun about my feelings for him...I'm confused and scared from this card

what do you think the king of swords trying to tell me about tomorrow ?


Upright King?

I don't ever really see the Upright King as a sign of danger or pain. So there's two things. The first is, if you see that it's a pattern that whenever the King of Swords appears you experience unpleasantness from others, the way to counter that is to treat the world with optimism. "Put on your best face," so to speak. Swords cards aren't only about intellect and the mind, but also about our social relations. I wouldn't interpret it as something to be afraid of, but take it as an opportunity to deal with life in a positive way if you know something is coming. Since Swords are about the mind, the more you worry about it, the worse things will be. That's what mental power is about.

Now, that interpretation is based on what you normally see for you. In general, I'd say having a King of Swords appear means to keep your wits about you, stay calm, and things will be just fine. It's a sign of opportunity to grow and prove to yourself that you're in control. And it's all about how your attitude (your mind) determines your day. If you go into the day looking for opportunities and are ready to make connections, you'll have a great day. If you go into it with fear and dread, you'll find those things waiting for you.

Your thoughts? :)


While the Court cards can be about other people, as this is your daily card perhaps it is advice to you. The advice may be to stay cool and calm, to not let your emotions show or get the better of you, to assess the situation and be a little distant. Be the King of Swords yourself until you can assess the situation and see if your interest in him is welcome. That way you do not open yourself up to the reaction which you fear.


Upright King?

I don't ever really see the Upright King as a sign of danger or pain. So there's two things. The first is, if you see that it's a pattern that whenever the King of Swords appears you experience unpleasantness from others, the way to counter that is to treat the world with optimism. "Put on your best face," so to speak. Swords cards aren't only about intellect and the mind, but also about our social relations. I wouldn't interpret it as something to be afraid of, but take it as an opportunity to deal with life in a positive way if you know something is coming. Since Swords are about the mind, the more you worry about it, the worse things will be. That's what mental power is about.

Now, that interpretation is based on what you normally see for you. In general, I'd say having a King of Swords appear means to keep your wits about you, stay calm, and things will be just fine. It's a sign of opportunity to grow and prove to yourself that you're in control. And it's all about how your attitude (your mind) determines your day. If you go into the day looking for opportunities and are ready to make connections, you'll have a great day. If you go into it with fear and dread, you'll find those things waiting for you.

Your thoughts? :)

evreytime this card cames to me...represent another person hurt my by words...but I'll try this time to dont be afraid to face this card...and by the way I'll not go tomorrow to see this guy...so this calmed me down kinda...As now he will not be the one who is trying to hurt me.


While the Court cards can be about other people, as this is your daily card perhaps it is advice to you. The advice may be to stay cool and calm, to not let your emotions show or get the better of you, to assess the situation and be a little distant. Be the King of Swords yourself until you can assess the situation and see if your interest in him is welcome. That way you do not open yourself up to the reaction which you fear.

Yes, you are so near to the scene...this card always represent other people hurting behaviour to me....AND YES this time I should be the king of swords related to this guy...He is treating me with tight limits...and he hide from opening up to a heart to heart conversatio with me...I can not chase him...and I will not even go tomorrow to see him..to protect myself from hurting