London readers


Fostha said:
I know my sister has listened to a private reading that took place at mysteries,but im not too sure if she liked what she heard,so i dont really want to recommend them.
i think there you can get great readers and bad ones, its a mixed bag


I tried a reading at Mysteries with a man called Jan,not wonderful,but then i think thats just me,cos he said what i really didnt want to hear,and im not in a really good frame of mind at the minute,as im still grieving over the loss of a few family members.I would be grateful, if anyone else here decided to pay a visit to them though,what they think of it there.Thanks.


I went to Jan. It was my first ever visit to a psychic and a bit of a strange one. Maybe I didn't say enough or give him enough background... anyway. His tarot reading was very literal and keywordy - the Emperor had to refer to my father, and the whole thing went a bit pear-shaped when I told him that I didn't know my father, had never met the man, and didn't feel particularly strongly about it in any way. I wasn't sure why or how it could be relevant. He told me it was. He didn't seem to consider that the Emperor could refer to anything else.

It all was a bit awkward.

Also: he told me to try writing for TV, that I could bring a new voice to it and could be successful. After the reading (it ended a few minutes early), I wandered down to Seven Dials and saw a new food concession: a crepe van with a punny name. Since I was hungry, I stopped off and started talking to the man who ran it. He was a nice guy: it was a new business venture for him, he'd literally just started it. His previous job? He worked in television. But, he told me, there was no work in television at present, nothing being commissioned, nothing happening. There was more money - and more opportunities - in crepes.

Hmm, I thought. Hmm, I still think.

Still. The visit to the psychic got me back to tarot, which I'd abandoned for a long time. So it wasn't a waste of time, not at all. It also helped me find a very delicious source of banana and chocolate crepes, so it really wasn't a waste :)


I found it disheartening,because while my grandparents "came through" to let me know there alongside me,supporting me,as comforting as that was,it would have been nice,if the other dead relatives had somehow confirmed to me that there with me,and supporting me,but then my grief at their loss is still very very raw at present,so maybe thats why none of them turned up,well not on that day anyway!


Fostha said:
I found it disheartening,because while my grandparents "came through" to let me know there alongside me,supporting me,as comforting as that was,it would have been nice,if the other dead relatives had somehow confirmed to me that there with me,and supporting me,but then my grief at their loss is still very very raw at present,so maybe thats why none of them turned up,well not on that day anyway!
sometimes we need to know if someone whats proof, they do we can get it. also new dead relatives find it hard, they need to realise how the whole thing works....i hardly can find directions in london and have lived here a number of years.

but last night i understood again why i love this work, this woman needed healing, and just telling her that her mom and her aunt were trying to help heal her broken heart was such a touching thing she cried.


I happened to find a good reader in Bluewater,named Gina if i remember rightly,she managed to get the right message across,and put a smile on my face for a while anyway.If anyone decides to give her a try,id love to hear what you think.


Whoops,her name was Gaynor,not Gina,my mistake.(why did no one bother correcting me?????).