Chariot and Two of Cups then a breakup?


My friend (who is a tarot amateur like me, but I refuse to read for myself) did some readings for me regarding a relationship I was in. When I first met the guy (about a month into dating) she did a 10 card celtic cross spread and she saw the chariot in the future and the two of cups as the final outcome. Which looked very promising. I see those cards a slow moving, strong relationship in the making and possibility of a join union/marriage.

We then did another reading 6 months later when him and I started having some issues and once again she got the chariot in the recent past (the relationship was going well, but moving slowly due to various delay with work, travel, not being able to see each other as often as we want), the Sun in immediate future (looked like a bright and happy next few weeks), and two of cups as the final card again (it made me think we will be together for a while and even thought marriage is in the cards for us down the line)…We got into an argument and broke up suddenly two days after this second reading. That was almost 3 months ago.

Can anyone offer additional insight into why we got the Chariot and the Two of Cups as outcomes and then we broke up?

I have done additional readings to clarify, but according to the rules of this forum I cannot mention them in one post...

Any insight would be helpful. I am hoping our breakup is temporary and that we will eventually have our Two of Cups-ish happy ending.


I see the 2 of Cups as indicating a healing between two people. It's needed or when it happens, then things will resume pretty much as normal. But the Sun can indicate burn-out in some cases. It could mean the relationship has gone as far as it can and isn't going to go further unless serious healing takes place.


Thanks for your response - that's an interesting interpretation, however I don't see any healing that needs to happen, it was a very healthy and awesome relationship that suddenly ended. Now I need healing from the breakup, but otherwise we were never abusive or bad to each other. It was like too good to be true type of relationship.

The Happy Squirrel

Maybe the cards are saying that this break up is a good thing? Even if you don't think or feel so?

Isn't the Chariot about managing various opposing tensions?

I am a noob so I am just exploring :)


Please note these readings took place before any break up. The two of cups was an outcome for our relationship both times. These readings were not done asking about any break up because it had not yet happened.


Please note these readings took place before any break up. The two of cups was an outcome for our relationship both times. These readings were not done asking about any break up because it had not yet happened.

It may be that the other cards around it caused it to be ill dignified, in which case the reversed meaning would apply.


these cards could look great for a relationship but look a littler closer. In the Chariot card we see a person holding the reins of a chariot (in some depictions literally holding the reins). One person is driving forwards and wants the other person to join them alongside but there is a domination and "their way" dynamic here. This is a spectrum between very controlling to not so bad but fundamentally you have a clash between the mutual harmony of the 2 of Cups (both sides are equal) and one person wanting to lead and drive forwards of the Chariot. This can work if both want the same thing but is a big problem if you both don't.

I am sorry you broke up but I wonder if one side of the partnership was driving ahead with their life, maybe for their goals, their career and what they want in a relationship and sadly the other partner got left behind. You just need to meet someone who is in the same place as you in life, go back to that mutual 2 of Cups partnership :)


We then did another reading 6 months later when him and I started having some issues and once again she got the chariot in the recent past (the relationship was going well, but moving slowly due to various delay with work, travel, not being able to see each other as often as we want), the Sun in immediate future (looked like a bright and happy next few weeks), and two of cups as the final card again (it made me think we will be together for a while and even thought marriage is in the cards for us down the line)…We got into an argument and broke up suddenly two days after this second reading. That was almost 3 months ago.

Can anyone offer additional insight into why we got the Chariot and the Two of Cups as outcomes and then we broke up?

Any insight would be helpful. I am hoping our breakup is temporary and that we will eventually have our Two of Cups-ish happy ending.
I've not read any of the other responses, but two things above jump out at me. I'd consider the 10C more of a "happy ending" card than the 2C, which I'd see as more meeting and courtship than as an established or long-term relationship. Also, there is no consensus on this, but I tend to see a reading only covering about 3 - 6 months or so unless a longer time frame is built into the question.

The Chariot can mean a lack of movement because of competing forces that need to be marshaled/controlled first. If one isn't able to get those forces under control, one isn't going anywhere. Or in the context of a relationship, if both people can't get those forces under control, the relationship isn't going anywhere.

Do you/your friend use reversals? I don't, so I'm just as likely to see the Sun as happy and positive as I am to see it as shining a light on something that had been hidden (like problems in a relationship).

Another thing to remember is that readings often can only be fully understood in retrospect, with hindsight showing you what the true meaning of the cards was as opposed to what you/the Reader thought they meant. When that happens, add those new meanings to your tarot repertoire so that you consider them in the future when those cards appear again.



2/Cups is always a beginning...rarely an end

and two of cups as the final card again (it made me think we will be together for a while and even thought marriage is in the cards for us down the line)…We got into an argument and broke up suddenly two days after this second reading. That was almost 3 months ago....I am hoping our breakup is temporary and that we will eventually have our Two of Cups-ish happy ending.
I'm sorry about your break up, but in agreement with Rodney, I think you're misunderstanding the message of the 2/Cups. A lot of readers put great significance in 2/Cups, seeing it as "true love," and happily ever after, and marriage and all. But that's not what the card is about. "2" is near the beginning of things, and it's not a good sign if the outcome is always saying "you're still at the beginning" rather than developing. Especially if you get into arguments. Harsh though the higher numbers may be, you want cards like the 5/Cups after arguments, saying that both of you regret the misunderstand, and that you see and value what you still have. That kind of thing matures a relationship, and strengthens the glue.

But 2/Cups? The Ace/Cups is the welling up of emotion without direction, the 2/Cups is that emotion given direction. But it's rather like a little trickle of water starting down a ravine. You're in California, so you're very aware of what happens when the SUN is always shining and there is no rain. What chance has that trickle to become a brook, a river, and finally make it to marriage with the sea? Being always sunny, as Californians know, isn't always a good thing.

The Sun is rational and bright and youthful, but that doesn't do you much good if you want to create deeper, more mature, emotional ties. And the Chariot is a great card for a fast, short, victorious drive, but not the long haul needed for a committed relationship (horses running that fast get tired quick and stop if the distance is too far). So it seems to me that these other cards reflected your 2/Cups. Which was saying, reading after reading, that you and your guy would be wonderfully in sync and have a true connection, but be unable to deepen that past this beginning point.

Perhaps you should take out the 2/Cups, set it down as signifier, and ask the cards if there is a way to get the relationship past that, to add water to it and start it on its way to being a brook and then a river to the sea? Ask "How can it be done if it can be done?" and do a reading around it--but please (quick reminder), don't post that reading here if you do that ;) New Readings need their own thread, and if you post the whole reading, it needs to go to Your Readings. But you can always post a link to that reading here, and a link to this thread in that new reading to give posters the full story.


Can anyone offer additional insight into why we got the Chariot and the Two of Cups as outcomes and then we broke up?

The Chariot may well indicate that the two of you were going in different directions in life. The final outcome was the Two of Cups. The Two Cups isn't about committed love, it's about that initial first attraction where everything is tingly but you don't know them well, yet. Breaking up leaves you free to be attracted to a more appropriate person.