3 Cups - Persephone / Demeter


Re-reading Liber Resh I see it's the sign of the grade that hangs me up. I suppose I could do a pentagram or something?

The grade signs aren't signs in the same sense as a pentagram. They are ritual postures that you assume while performing the adorations. You can see the grade signs of 1=10 to 5=6 here:

But what do you do if you don't have a grade in any A.'.A.'. style order? No problem. Crowley's hand written annotation to Liber Resh states that someone with no grade should use the 5=6 signs at dawn (pics. 7,8,9,10 in sequence). Personally I think just number 7 on it's own is fine. Simply stand in the sign of the cross. Arms straight out on either side. Palms facing forward.

The noon adoration is to be done in the sign of 4=7 Fire (pic.4) Fingers and thumbs together forming an upright triangle. Place the thumbs at brow level.

The sunset adoration is to be done in the sign of 2=9 Air (pic.2) Start in the sign of the cross (no.7) then bring the forearms up as if you are holding up the sky. Palms facing up.

The midnight adoration is to be done in the sign of 3=8 Water (pic.3) Thumbs and fingers together forming a downward pointing triangle. Place the thumbs around the the base of the breastbone. (Certain ladies may have to adapt the sign a little to suit their needs. ;):laugh:)

After each adoration give the sign of silence. See Harpocrates on Atu XX The Aeon. Forefinger of right hand to the lips.

***Optional extra.*** Can be added later after you've got the basics down.

In point 5 of Liber Resh it says to do another adoration after the main Resh adoration. If you don't have a "Superior" to give you an additional adoration you can use the one that Crowley instructed Jane Wolfe to use. Liber AL III:37-38. It's the verse section starting "Unity uttermost showed!" and ending with "Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!"

This extra adoration can be performed in the sign of Osiris risen. (see pic.10) Fingers touching shoulders. Right arm over left.
At the end make the sign of silence once again.

I hope that's not too confusing.



technically, I goofed back there and technically Aeon is right.

I have been used to doing Resh the way I do it and havent looked at the document for a while.

I do a different sign at each station ... as he said (he being Crowley and Aeon) ... but start at the begining with a 'grade' sign ... for the reasons I outlined in my previous post.

Hmmm ... no one said; 'Ravenest, what on earth are you talking about?'

ravenest said:
One idea here is to start with a sign that relates to you and then assume a 'sign' that relates to the Godform being focused on.

Dude! What on earth are you talking about?

There - done.

Always Wondering

Thanks guys.

Ravenest, I was wondering along the lines of "What was I thinking?" Not, "What is he talking about?" :laugh:

I am beginning to see what you two mean. For an apparently simple ritual it is packed full.

There is also Speech in the Silence pod cast on it and youtube examples, I found out this morning before I logged on.

But I am ovewhelming myself. Time to just do it.