PKT - 4 of Wands


In the Pictoral Key to the Tarot Waite writes "Divinitory Meanings: They are for once almost on the surface--...." What does this mean?

I have been so facinated by all the input on the Ace of Cups thread, I thought it might be interesting to explore the Four of Wands. Is this part of the Graal Mystery, or other story?

If this has been discussed before, forgive me and direct me to the thread.

By the way, I just ordered MKG's DVDs from her webinar on the stories embeded in the Minors. Looking forward to receiving and exploring it.


The Lord of Completion, attributed to Venus in Aries. The Thoth card shows a wheel in which the male and female elements are balanced and complete. To a certain extent, I think the RWS card shows something of the same; the four (male) wands being united by the (female) garland, and the viewer arriving home in victory, maybe to a celebration. This may even be sort of a wedding, as Chesed is attributed to Jupiter, who is uniting within himself Love and War.

Being in Chesed, this card denotes the element in its greatest manifest force, i.e., the best you can get while being material, rather than abstract. "Almost at the surface" really is nebulous, but seen in the context of the rest of the sentence I take it to mean that all walks of life are complete and in harmoney, "country life, haven of refuge, a species of domestic harvest-home, repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace, and the perfected work of these."


The Wands illustrate the Longer Prose Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes. After failing to ask the required question(s) at the Grail castle, he must wander and have other adventures. At one point he goes to Arthur's castle at Caerleon (depicted on the card) and is greeted with feasting, etc. (I don't know all the details.)

I think Waite's comment just means that there are no great mysteries hidden in the image. ETA, i.e., there are no secrets other than the Decan of the card and the fact that it is based on an episode in Chrétien's story of Perceval. The Holy Grail was not taken seriously by the general public, and Chrétien was probably best known for having written the tales of chivalry which caused Don Quixote to go nuts.


They (the divinatory meanings) are mostly, or almost, obvious, being derived from the exterior (surface) layer of symbolism. It's interesting that he says "for once." It implies that for the majority of cards the meanings are derived from a deeper, and not obvious layer.

In the PKT, when Waite says "surface," (and he uses it quite a bit) he means the exoteric as opposed to the esoteric. For example, his comment on Strength:

"These higher meanings are, however, matters of inference, and I do not suggest that they are transparent on the surface of the card. They are intimated in a concealed manner by the chain of flowers, which signifies, among many other things, the sweet yoke and the light burden of Divine Law, when it has been taken into the heart of hearts."


In the PKT, when Waite says "surface," (and he uses it quite a bit) he means the exoteric as opposed to the esoteric....

That certainly makes sense. And this part is poetry: "the sweet yoke and the light burden of Divine Law, when it has been taken into the heart of hearts."

I was being too literal perhaps, and thinking of the couple on the card as being familiar actors, regular characters, in this drama of the wands. I was on the surface. Clearly I need to read more Waite. Suggestions?


The Lord of Completion, attributed to Venus in Aries. The Thoth card shows a wheel in which the male and female elements are balanced and complete.

I like the way you bring everything to the card, all the attributions and correspondences. Never ocurred to me that the garlands balanced the wands in terms of gender. Indeed, each card a universe.


The Lord of Completion, attributed to Venus in Aries. The Thoth card shows a wheel in which the male and female elements are balanced and complete......
I have trouble relating this to the Venus in Aries decan. Venus rules Libra and therefore is in detriment in Aries. Perhaps this detriment is ameliorated in Chesed?


I have trouble relating this to the Venus in Aries decan. Venus rules Libra and therefore is in detriment in Aries. Perhaps this detriment is ameliorated in Chesed?

I suspect so; Jupiter usually makes everything "better," or at least shows off a decan's best sides. Here the attribution is perhaps somewhat special, as the Wands as Atziluth formulate the rules that will be adhered to in all lower worlds, and there is no law that is more universal than that of the wedding of opposing forces. In this case Love and Aggression, active and passive are in a good place to be, despite the detriment.


If Chesed acts as the demiurge, the creator of the actual, physical world of Genesis (for example), it makes sense that its first act would be to lay down that important law, so essential for the building of a universe, that of the interplay of Chochma and Binah, although in a less abstract and more real form.

Lower down, the next step is to create a base for feeling, emotion, the soul within the shell, and so we have Luna in Cancer, as the Four of Cups, Lord of Luxury. Luxury in this case refers perhaps to the actual experience of existence, the division of the point. The RWS card shows this to be a certain self-indulgence, and so does the Thoth, and perhaps it is, as you have a Something building a shell for itself out of Itself, while it is disconnected from Itself by a world (did anybody understand that sentence?). I suppose one could call the Four of Cups "holy masturbation," forgive the expression. })

Even lower down, in the world of Yetzirah, we have the mind as a thinking, actual reality, in its most perfect manifest form, before Geburah comes along and wrecks everything (by causing it to Desire). This is the Lord of Rest from Strife (Truce, by Crowley). Rest from Strife is misleading, as the strife hasn't begun yet, that comes in the Fives, yet here we have the perfect ideal of "thinking," although right now we aren't thinking of anything yet. While the RWS card shows a tomb, which is definitely reminiscent of rest, this only shows more fully the meditative, spiritual aspects of this card. The attribution of Jupiter in Libra, not to mention the double Jupiter we have because it is Chesed emphasizes the balanced, thoughtful aspects.

Lower down, we have one of the most creative attributions, Sun in Capricorn (imagine the Sun shining down on the Lord of the Gates of Matter, i.e., the Devil). This is where the idea of actual existence is created on a manifest level. The Lord of Earthly Power is in interesting name for this, since it is Power in a manner that we can understand, as this is where things actually happen. The real power, though, is higher up, in the creation of basic laws; thunderstorms, earthquakes, creating the universe is peanuts compared to that. :)

The Fours are very reminiscent of the Aces, they show the actual working of the Ace below the Abyss, the Ace in an actual form we can "use" and that "exists." Something to keep in mind, perhaps I read this somewhere, is that the astrological attributions become more important the lower you go in the Worlds and on the single Trees. While the Fours are below the Abyss and thus "real," they are still high enough to possess a certain purity of intent and purpose. Why did I write all this? No idea, but when analyzing a card I find it immensely beneficial to look at the other cards related to it, whether numerically, astrologically or ideologically.

Waite's "almost on the surface," seen from this point of view, could refer to the fact that this is indeed the first emanation below this Abyss, real and manifest yet still abstract.


...The Fours are very reminiscent of the Aces, they show the actual working of the Ace below the Abyss, the Ace in an actual form we can "use" and that "exists."

First of all, I like this idea of the Fours showing the actual working of the Aces. And I too remember, perhaps from DuQuette or Banzhaf, that the lower one descends the weaker the force of the primal emmination and the more likely to be influenced by mundane chakras, the planets.

Walking a sephera down through the worlds, as you did, is a really instructive process.