Jellybean's Reading Swap


Hi JB,

I'm posting here your reading, from the thread Would love other folks to contribute with their interpretations and ideas!

Jellybean said:
My friend and I practice Enochian magick and we have three variations of the Tablet of Nalvage. I am completely undecided about which one to work with. Would you be so kind as to pull a card for each version and see which one would be best for me to work with long term.

I thought about the best way to read for this, and decided to do a variation on a 7 card spread I've used in the past for relationship readings. Modifying a bit to suit the purpose and including your request to draw a card for each tablet. I drew a card as significator to represent you and then drew a card to represent each of the tablets. I then also drew a further card for each tablet to ascertain the long term effects on you of your working with each tablet.


(image of the reading attached)

I read this as a series of rows of three. Comparing horizontally each row, but also using the significator to create a vertical column of three for each tablet.

1) Significator: Knight of Swords
2) Tablet A: 3 of Cup, Abundance
3) Tablet B: Ace of Cups
4) Tablet C: Knight of Wands
5) Effect of Tablet A: The Moon
6) Effect of Tablet B: 5 of Cups, Disappointment
7) Effect of Table C: Prince of Swords

First Row
I've not really paid a lot of attention to the divinatory meanings of the Knight of Swords as significator, I'd really intended it primarily for comparison purposes as was reading on the tablets rather than yourself, so won't go into that. I didn't intend this card as part of the reading really, it's more a touchstone for assessing the others.

Second Row
My first step was looking at the compatibility between the Significator and the cards for each of the three tablets. I was somewhat expecting to see more definite incompatibility (i.e. an Earth card being the opposite of the Knight as an Air card) so was surprised by the absence of that. The Knight of Swords being Fire of Air however would seem to have the most natural affinity with Tablet C, being the Knight of Wands or Fire of Fire. Fire and Air are complementary, and both yang energy, so I'd read them as compatible in that way. However I'd also be wary in this case as that's a lot of very active yang energy going on, and neither card really strikes me as suitable for divinatory work and the combination seems more combustive than ideal. Because of that I'd give a bit more attention to tablets A and B, each represented by a water card. Had I drawn the Prince of Wands being Air of Fire as the Significator, my interpretation would have been those Water cards are not compatible with that significator, but I'd read the Knight of Swords as being more Air than Fire and am happier with that match elementally despite the presence of some Fire. Both are plentiful and generous cards from the Water suit and I'd read as highly suitable for divinatory work, scrying in particular. Tablet C perhaps is better for the creation of activity, than the other two.

The summary version is I'd read tablet C as likely to exaggerate your preexisting tendencies, where I'd read tablets A and B as more apt to balance or moderate positively your preexisting tendencies. I leave it to you to decide if one of those option is more aligned with your goals than the other :)

At this stage of the reading, my inclination is towards tablet A. I'd read the Three as more stable and developed than the potential of the Ace, and particularly am drawn to the pomegranate cups and the symbol for Mercury in the image. This brings my mind to Persephone and Hermes as psychopomp, both able to travel between this world and another and seems fitting for the potential role of the tablet. Also the Three as Binah brings to mind triangles and pyramids, which reminds me of the GD interpretation of the Watchtowers as three dimensional and pyramidal.

Third Row
Moving onto the next row of cards, representing the long term effect on you of using the tablets. I'm bit excited by The Moon actually for Tablet A, despite its more typical negative reputation. Again a highly suitable card for divination, sorcery, and featuring Anubis (another psychopomp, much like the Three of Cups above it). It's also the only Major in this row, which I'd read as having the more powerful effect on you. Perhaps not always pleasant as this is also a card of illusion and deceit, with the potential for 'dawn' hidden under the horizon. I'd read this as a tablet that needs some time before you get the benefits, which seems suitable for your question's focus on 'long term' benefit. This is the lower aspect of the moon so less ideal perhaps than if we'd drawn The High Priestess (who I consider as if Persephone and would make similar connections with and see as a more immediate benefit to you), but to quote a bit of Crowley on this card "How splendid is the Adventure". If reading for myself here I'd choose Tablet A.

Tablet B I'd read much less optimistically, the 5 of Cups is exhausted water, Mars and Geburah drying and destroying the promise of the Ace above. To my mind this is a tablet with a lot of promise (in the Ace), but not for you. I'd gift it on to someone else it's more fitting for or allow your friend to be the one using it. You'll end up frustrated, and loosing interest or motivation for the work.

Tablet C seems more ambivalent. Prince of Swords has some promise, Air of Air, Tipareth on a good day. But again those two airy Knights above coming together in a Prince card that illustrates what happens when the intellect is pulled in too many different directions... This doesn't seem promoting to me. I don't know that you'd get a long way with this card, seems more like a lot of activity and bit of mental masturbation, than any real outcome. You could do a lot, but might not get a lot in this scenario.


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Thanks, Grigori.

I like how you broke it down to Tablet/Effect.

Unsurprisingly Tablet A is the original tablet from the source material and the other two were adaptations.

I was leaning towards Tablet B, but in the back of my mind I was aware of my tendency to over-think and over-engineering things that really should remain simple.

I showed the three options to a friend who is very intuitive but knows nothing about Enochian and he unhesitatingly said Tablet A.

So I guess I'll be going with the original version!


Unsurprisingly Tablet A is the original tablet from the source material and the other two were adaptations.

That is interesting. I guess the original is the best, and I'm glad the reading was sensical.