3 of Cups - the card of Persephone

Always Wondering

The link with Persephone and her yearly return to the underworld may be a warning not to become too attached. Enjoy Persephone's "Abundance" now, while it's here in this moment. But if you cling to it you're heading for the 3 of Swords. :(

Well shoot. This attachment thing is sneaky. I think I have an eye on it then the next thing you know blam. Three of Swords. :p
How did I get here? :laugh:



By rationalising the emotive content? ... Self sabotage ? ... Someone interfered? ... The unluck of the draw? ... The 'Gods' wanted a new experience? .... Transits ?

Always Wondering


Okay, I get your point. :|

But this was a biggie. If it were a snake it would have bit me. :bugeyed:



Kundalini reference?

Always Wondering

Loosely, in the hopes that any bit of growth will gradually raise it. :|

I've been having issues with my son. I wasn't seeing that my mom ego is perhaps my biggest and most stubborn part of my identity. Which would be very obvious to anyone in my life. Except me. :rolleyes:

It hasn't been working so much to let go of the kids. They keep coming back. :laugh:
But maybe I can work on letting go of the mom.



Curious. How old is the son? Maybe time to let go of mum.

I have a divergent theory of the stages of woman hood / Moon.

In my observation there are 4 not 3 stages of the Moon, as well as waxing, waning and full there is 'no moon'.

Maiden mother crone seems a rippoff ... straight to crone after motherhood ... not in my observation; kids grow up, mum gets a new life long before she is ready for crone (you are allowed to stop having them :) )

So I have added one ; maiden, mother , pirate, crone.

Have fun finding out what that means .

Afterthought: adding a 4 to the three in cups moves you from abundance to luxury ... so make that a luxurious pirate


I'm not sure I understand why there's so much controversy here about the Persephone myth. As Aeon said, it's an archetypal myth and not a story about individuals. While it's clearly a fertility myth, it also describes the end of the matriarchal order and the beginning of patriarchy in our ancient history. In the Hades/Zeus version of the story, Demeter stopped the growth of all living things in protest against Zeus. The world died.

But the myth of Persephone as underworld goddess is a lot older than the version we know with Hades abducting and raping her. It goes back to the matriarchal cult of the triple goddess (virgin, mother, crone). The mysteries of Eleusis revolved around Demeter, Persephone, and Hecate (the crone) alone, with the experience of symbolic death and rebirth as a way of progressing through the various stages of life and gaining wisdom.

Not all ancient myths are still relevant today. Maybe some should just be remembered because they describe a part of our history.

Always Wondering

Curious. How old is the son? Maybe time to let go of mum.

Early twenties, and yep, we are trying to let go of each other, thus the issues, figuring it all out. He lives in town and I enjoy his visits, but I am tired of meeting all the girlfriends and family taco nights and so on. :rolleyes: I really am glad my two kids haven't felt the need to marry early, or in my daughter's case maybe not at all. But that brings up in between issues I wasn't prepared for. No moon?

I have a divergent theory of the stages of woman hood / Moon.

In my observation there are 4 not 3 stages of the Moon, as well as waxing, waning and full there is 'no moon'.

Maiden mother crone seems a rippoff ... straight to crone after motherhood ... not in my observation; kids grow up, mum gets a new life long before she is ready for crone (you are allowed to stop having them :) )

So I have added one ; maiden, mother , pirate, crone.

Have fun finding out what that means .

Afterthought: adding a 4 to the three in cups moves you from abundance to luxury ... so make that a luxurious pirate

I love your theory! I have honestly tried to accept the crone, but it just didn't feel right when I look up to women more mature and more wise than myself. Some of my counterparts are calling themselves baby crones, but that is too much of an oxymoron to me. I think I will wait and see if I will be a grandma before I take on crone.

But pirate feels just about right. And luxury is right. Extra rooms in the house, extra money, extra time. I hadn't put that together. And I do feel set out on a sea of rediscovery.

Thanks Ravenest.