Help with old oppression


All things are sporn from chaos...

No need for spring without winters...

Here's a little something that can help to open one's eyes and hearts to the continuous struggling associated with growth...

Just like you...they are trying to find their happiness...

Just like you ...they are trying to avoid sufferings...

Just like you ...they are trying to uncover their truths...

And just like you...they are trying to find home...

This was taught to me some time ago... it helped ...


I have read in books that tarot is used in some branches of the catholic church and Christianity. However it can be used as a sin if misused for ones own gain. Like for example to gain knowledge from someone else to use as black mail. Some witches would misuse tarot for black magic. It all depends on how you use tarot. That is all my opinion based on Acts 16:16 in the bible, that talks about a slave girl who practice divination so her owner would become rich.

Think of it this way, using tarot to help our inner psychic power is a gift from god. Jesus's miracles were a gift from god and he used them for good. He did not misuse them or abuse them. Therefor we should all do the same when dealing with tarot, otherwise it would be a sin. Most people would view fortune tellers as sinful because they are doing gods work. But Jesus Christ also had the ability of gods work. And by the way, I love Jesus so very dearly. If we have a gift we should use it in a good way.

Now about the money thing. What I usually do is allow people to donate to me for my free services. I am in your shoes at that I could use the money but I can't help but think I should use tarot card reading to help others. But I think accepting 5 dollars here and there does not make you greedy. However if you expect more and more money by the minute like those psychic hotlines, then that would be very greedy indeed.

Just remember the golden rule and reflect on your own beliefs.

Acts 16: 16 is talking about a slave girl being possessed by a bad spirit. Every Christian church I've ever been to states that any information someone gets in any form of divination is from an evil spirit/the devil/demons/whatever you want to call it. This passage is often cited as proof because without the evil spirit the slave girl could no longer divine, which caused the masters to lose money.

To the original poster, it all comes down to what you believe to be true. I think you should take some time to firm up your beliefs and understand who you are and how you want to live. No need to rush into anything you feel unsure of.

I wish you the best!


Welcome :) I’m kind of new here myself, and still feeling my way around. I love this forum!

It sounds like you know what you really believe now — and you’re on a beautiful path, by the sound of it — but you’re just having trouble sometimes with those old thoughts that arise from your past. That can be hard to shake, I have no doubt. But I agree with Eremita90 that there is no easy recipe, and also that you shouldn’t “blank” those thoughts.

Instead of burying them, maybe try to acknowledge those thoughts when they arise, and recognise where they came from. You could remind yourself that those thoughts come from the past, from oppressive people, and they no longer have a place in your life. Remind yourself that those thoughts aren’t helpful, and aren’t true. Remind yourself that you’re reading tarot with love, in order to help people. Which is a beautiful thing! Not evil at all. Your heart knows that, as you said. Listen to your heart. :heart: :heart:

These are just suggestions, by the way. Feel free to ignore. Only follow advice that helps you and makes you feel strong and healthy!


Silky Raven - conventional Christianity and Roman Catholicism traditionally oppose any form of divination. However, as somebody who also came from a religious background of one of those kinds I have had little trouble reconciling that background with tarot reading.

In your case you could come to terms with it and put all the hellfire thoughts behind you by seeing it as manifesting your higher self, higher level of consciousness that we are all capable of tapping into.

Tarot is a tool and it speaks to us in the language of symbols. Read Carl Jung's thoughts on tarot as they could help you come to terms with the fact that you can have a religious background such as Christianity or Roman Catholicism and be comfortable with using tarot.