Will we need an Extra-Terrestrial card?!


There are things that come naturally to us, so natural that we don't even think about it, but they are present. Our cave ancestors learned early on to be especially fearful of the night, as that was when predators came out and we were at our most vulnerable. This has morphed into the color black being a color of mystery, danger, power, authority and fear. Some societies revere black panthers for the same reasons night is feared, and of course we have the Moon card, which is an extension of that idea.

It would be impossible to guess what kind of phenomena shaped their societies, especially if they were at a stage of interstellar travel. Maybe they have no night, due to the revolutions of their planet. Maybe they have no Moon, or can see very well in the dark, and so night does not hold for them the ingrained fear it holds for us. Maybe the extended idea of "nighttime intuition" exists for them, but in a completely different way, not necessarily dark and hidden as it is for us.

It is amazing how much those early traumas from the dawn of time still affect us, and how they are shown in Tarot. In other words, Tarot is a uniquely human creation, made for apes with opposable thumbs and having ideas that are especially suited for us alone. Even if we could teach something like a cat to talk and use Tarot, it would still be inappropriate for them, since they see the world in very different ways (for example, seeing in the dark).