Asking the deck questions about itself...


That's why we curse at the table if we trip over its leg ... Can the table hear you ? Is it to blame ? :D

I don't curse at the table - I curse at my own clumsiness.

As to my decks, they are my tools. It is up to me to do the reading, and up to me to be clear and produce a good reading,. If I'm not clear, I don't read. If I am clear, my deck is not going to change that.


Everyone is free to do whatever they think makes them happier.

"Hello, Mr. Hammer - can I use you to put a nail in the wall? Not today - you have a headache? O.K."

"Say there, Mr. Laptop - could you connect to the Internet for me? Oh? O.K. - I'll wait until next week to pick up my email."

"BTW, Ms. Electric Stove - can I heat up my soup now? Why, Thank You! I am so hungry!"

A tool is a tool is a tool ...... and Tarot is a tool. :shhh:

I guess we all have our quirks and different ways of doing things... and we all have our individual styles.. If getting a positive card before doing the reading is what one needs to put them in a more focused and inspired plane then why not??!! I mean the reason why we are here on this forum and why we have started doing tarot is that we have stayed open to the possibilities that a whole bunch of cards are capable of giving advice and direction.. if one can believe in that then I can't see how one can be so critical of another that likes to ask the deck a question before doing a reading...

Just a thought...


I think you missed the point ... 'Humor - difficult concept' - Mr. Spock


I think you missed the point ... 'Humor - difficult concept' - Mr. Spock

I don't think it is.. But I am slightly unfamiliar with your sense of humour... so I will be more vigilant for that next time :)



I often ask questions from my deck about itself.. Well herself.. I have decided that its a female based on all the answers I get from her.. I ask her before every reading how she is feeling and also I always ask whether or not she is up for a certain reading and whether I can ask it and if the answer is no I put the deck away and ask later..

For example today gave me the 7 of coins - time out card when I asked if I could do my first and perhaps only reading for the day.. .I read it as it wants to be left alone for a bit

I don't normally do more than a few and make sure its on different subjects and people..

Does anyone else do this? What do you think of this? I sometimes feel silly doing it, but I want to ask questions from my deck only when its ready..

Just like to know hear your thoughts..

Many thanks :) xx

Tarot is about following your instincts. If you feel the urge to do this then you SHOULD follow that and there is nothing silly about that. We are supposed to follow what calls to us as readers. What calls us may change from time to time as we learn more and grow as readers, but I think the point is to follow it. And no one can say something is silly as we are all on different paths.

Do I do that? Personally no. But that has more to do with my ideas on what is answering me when I do a reading that anything else. And different people have different ideas on that.

Personally. the only reason I don't ask that kind of questions is that I do not believe a Tarot deck is sentient or has any thoughts of feelings. Just as I would not ask a book or a chair how it was feeling. As I don't believe it has feelings.

Views on how Tarot works vary widely, but mind is that the cards are the tool through which we are able to communicate with something higher. Something of deep kindness and wisdom that is ready able and willing to help us whenever we ask.

The cards are the tool through which we are able to communicate. In the same sense as a telephone. If I call someone up on the phone, I may dial their number and ask how they are and if they feel like talking. But I am not going to ask the telephone itself if it feels like talking to me. As a telephone cannot talk or think or feel.

Again, opinions vary greatly on this, but my view on what answers us when we read is...the Divine. I see divination as just that. A communication with the Divine. Usually I see that as my angels.

That being said, and no I do not ask my deck how it feels or it it wants to talk, for the reasons stated above. But I have at times used the deck to ask the source I believe i am speaking to those very same questions.

That is similar. But it depends on where you think the answers come from. No one knows for sure and there are many different beliefs on that. But one thing I can say, that it YOU believe that your cards are answering you directly, then asking them the kinds of questions you have been asking shows respect for them. And the cards do read better when we treat them with respect.

Just follow your feelings, instincts and what feels right to YOU at each stage of being a reader.



One more for believing decks have their own personalities. And very different at that. Some are sweet, tactful while others can be downright rude ! I never do intervews but I do ask a deck how it would deliver messages if used with reversals and if used without. I basically leave it to the deck to choose how it wants to talk ;)

I agree that decks have their own personalities and different decks give answers in quite different ways. But I do not believe they have any kind of consciousness. To me it is the reflection of the deck creator and artist's personality that comes out in the deck, through the artwork and concepts they express.



Tarot is about following your instincts. If you feel the urge to do this then you SHOULD follow that and there is nothing silly about that. We are supposed to follow what calls to us as readers. What calls us may change from time to time as we learn more and grow as readers, but I think the point is to follow it. And no one can say something is silly as we are all on different paths.

Do I do that? Personally no. But that has more to do with my ideas on what is answering me when I do a reading that anything else. And different people have different ideas on that.

Many thanks for your thoughtful and thorough feedback..

To be honest to an extent I believe also that what we read from the cards is what we make of it based our own instinct, feelings and mind... My line of work involves maths and science and I am very much a person of logic and reason so I would be the last person expected to be seen with a tarot deck amongst my friends. But I also have had dreams since a very young age that actually happen in real life like days, weeks after i dream them like premonitions.. so for that reason I guess I thought there is more to it and I believe that there is...

And yes I do agree that inanimate objects don't feel or think and its what we make of them that are de-coded into messaged and its all done through our minds, the higher conscience and sub conscience.. I read a lot about quantum mechanics and physics and the inter connectivity of energies amongst different matter and hence come to believe that if we are able to tap into an energy form in the correct manner we read meanings and then decode into certain things through our minds...
Cymatics is one prime example that how energy can change the form and shape of something... No I don't believe that tarot cards can talk and think , but I believe in interconnectivity of energies, be it between me and a pen or me and a person. there is a pull of gravity between two things that have a mass (although in between recent studies shows that the gravitational pull between some galaxies is not actually a pull but they push apart, but that is a discussion for a different sort of forum I suppose :) )
Yes we use our minds to read the messages, but the way we are drawn to select certain cards in a reading is all to do with energies..

Also on top of all above I think that when I get that ace of wands when I ask whether I can ask a question, psychologically it puts me a in a better plane and more inspiring mood, and hence my mind is clear and ready to decode whatever message I get from the cards..

when I ask these questions from my card, I feel more connected to them, and when I feel connected I can do better readings :)


When buying a deck I always do a reading (a 4 cards reading) asking about itself and how it is going to help me in my readings, how it will contribute, etc. I do this with 2 scope:
1 - this is how I inaugurate my deck, make it 'mine personal deck'
2 - this might be the only time I use the deck for a reading - so I'll have the impression that I used it :)


I haven't tried asking my deck questions about itself, though when asking serious questions the cards seem to be pertinent and when I asked without real consideration the cards that came up looked a a nonsense. It felt like a little man banged the window shutters closed saying b***gr off!


Some people believe that Tarot decks are inanimate pieces of cardstock, and some people believe they are sacred objects imbued with spirit. Some people believe spirits talk to them through the cards (angels, fairies, the departed), while others think Tarot is simply a trigger for their own minds. It's a lot like religion --you'll choose the option that works for you.

That said, many do agree that different decks do have distinct "personalities," for whatever reason. Some are better for relationship readings, some seem to be perfect for meditation, and so forth. An easy example would be: should you use a deck as rich and deep as the Thoth just to find out if B is finally going to leave his wife for D? I'm sure you can --but gee, what a waste.