Horary Readings - Answers


LoveLove said:
I will too than ask: will I meet my soulmate in the next 12 months? Here is 11:40 a.m..
Thank you, my dear.

The chart was cast during the hour of Mercury and has Virgo rising, so Mercury is the Ascendant ruler and I take the chart to be radical. You are signified by Mercury, which is placed in the eleventh house of hopes and aspirtions which seems to fit in well with the question and with the background you have described here and in your other thread.

Mercury is in Cancer, where it has a mutual reception by rulership with the Moon, placed in Gemini in the tenth. This suggests that a work colleague (most likely female) may be important to a favourable outcome.

The potential partner is signified by Jupiter, ruler of the Seventh House cusp in Pisces. Mercury is in the exaltation of Jupiter - indicating your desire for a partner. Jupiter is peregrine (no essential dignity) in Taurus in the ninth House of the chart, which suggests that he might be a foreigner, or involved in the law, or in teaching/academia, counselling, or advising. Given that Jupiter is peregrine, he might also be on a short term contract or visa. Perhaps more interestingly, the ninth is also the house of Dreams - so in a real sense he is the man of your dreams.

Jupiter trines the Ascendant (your house) in a very close aspect (less than 10 minutes of Arc) All of this seems to be going perfectly in terms of answering your question. However there's a problem.

Mercury does not form an aspect to Jupiter within the chart, nor will it whilst it is in it's current sign (that is within the time frame of your question). Nor will the Moon (your 'helper') form an a major aspect to Jupiter, nor will any other planet come to your aid by aspecting Mercury and Jupiter before Mercury leaves Cancer. All we have is that Jupiter trine to the Ascendant. It is some evidence of the desired outcome but I'd want to see at least one other favourable indicator of a positive outcome.

On the basis of this reading, I can understand why you got 'favourable' readings from your other Astrologers - everything points in the right direction but in this chart, that little something extra is missing. So yes there's a chance but I would not put it as a high one, and definitely not something you should count on.

One last point, this reading is limited to a year, but whilst it does not promise definite success, it does show that there's someone out there who meets your needs, so don't be too downhearted.


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My dear,

Thank you for your answer.

I have to tell you, I am not disappointed at all. I think that it is realistic that I will not meet the one in the next year, mostly because I'm not ready for that (I have a very, very big lack of self-esteem right now which is known to be such a turn-off for guys and I know it will take time to get it back).
Not sure about a work colleague, especially because I hate when someone tries to hook me up. You mentioned a foreigner, maybe teacher. My brother is studying abroad, so maybe there is a connection.
Thanks for trying to explain how all those astrologers have mistaken.
The thing I loved the most is that there is someone special for me :)! Sometimes I think that I'm destioned to be alone and that I should consider being a single mom before it is too late even for that.

Thank you very, very much.



Reading for Mona18

Mona18 said:
My situation is this. RG and I have been seeing each other off/on for about 10 months. He's super busy with work and I feel like I'm not a priority. I feel like we crossed paths for a reason, however sometimes I get so frustrated and want to walk away (I have) but something always makes me go back. My question I guess would be if he is the man I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with or if I should move on?

Let me know if you need anything else and thanks for your time.

Agreed time frame 12 months

The chart was cast during the hour of Saturn and has Capricorn rising. So again I take the chart as radical.

You are signified by Saturn, ruler of the Ascendant. Saturn is in it's exaltation of Libra but weakly placed in the eighth House. Saturn is slow and occidental, both of which weaken it still further but it is direct Basically your situation is not particularly strong - evidenced by your question and background. Your priorities are a settled domestic life in which you feel comfortable and can express your inner strength (Saturn is high in essential dignity)

He is signified by the Moon, ruler of the Descendant. The Moon is placed in Gemini and on the cusp of the fifth House. The Moon too has essential dignity but this is based on it's mutual receptions with Mercury, ruler of the fifth, sixth and eighth Houses. The rulership of the eighth suggests that he has some power over you, as Saturn is in the eighth. This is not complete power, Saturn is in Libra, not Virgo, the sign on the cusp, but there is some power or influence and desire - you certainly figure in his thougths. Mercury's rulership of three houses, seems to emphasise his appearing busy, his priorities are the areas ruled by Mercury and there are more than we would normally expect.

From his point of view, (counting from the seventh) those are possessions, income and money (the eighth is the second from the Seventh), his hopes and aspirations, goals and ambitions - and the profit from any professional endeavour (the fifth is the eleventh from the Seventh). The other area is his twelfth House (the sixth is the twelfth from the seventh) - this here would most likely be something behind the scenes, his own personal problems and difficulties, and, if relevant, secret enemies.

Of these, your description of the situation suggests that his main preoccupations are his own ambitions and his desire for financial security. One thing you need to consider is whether he's treating you as a 'possession' or taking you for granted.

The Moon is in an applying trine to Saturn - this would usually suggest that the relationship will continue and the outcome will be positive. He's there if you want him the issue appears to be one of getting him to change his perception of that fifth house, to be what it is for you - the house of romance and fun! If you can get him to refocus, in that way then, there's no reason at all why you both should not have a great relationship.

If you can't get him to refocus, then you have a relationship but not one that you will find ultimately satisfactory. I think you two need to talk and soon.


Minderwiz, thank you so much for taking the time to do this ...

Agreed time frame 12 months

The chart was cast during the hour of Saturn and has Capricorn rising. So again I take the chart as radical.

You are signified by Saturn, ruler of the Ascendant. Saturn is in it's exaltation of Libra but weakly placed in the eighth House. Saturn is slow and occidental, both of which weaken it still further but it is direct Basically your situation is not particularly strong - evidenced by your question and background. Your priorities are a settled domestic life in which you feel comfortable and can express your inner strength (Saturn is high in essential dignity)

Do you mean that my position is not particularly strong or that this is not a strong concern? Yes, my priorities, since I can remember, have been of the home/family/love.

He is signified by the Moon, ruler of the Descendant. The Moon is placed in Gemini and on the cusp of the fifth House. The Moon too has essential dignity but this is based on it's mutual receptions with Mercury, ruler of the fifth, sixth and eighth Houses. The rulership of the eighth suggests that he has some power over you, as Saturn is in the eighth. This is not complete power, Saturn is in Libra, not Virgo, the sign on the cusp, but there is some power or influence and desire - you certainly figure in his thougths. Mercury's rulership of three houses, seems to emphasise his appearing busy, his priorities are the areas ruled by Mercury and there are more than we would normally expect.

Yes, he does lead the way in power/influence over the relationship.

From his point of view, (counting from the seventh) those are possessions, income and money (the eighth is the second from the Seventh), his hopes and aspirations, goals and ambitions - and the profit from any professional endeavour (the fifth is the eleventh from the Seventh). The other area is his twelfth House (the sixth is the twelfth from the seventh) - this here would most likely be something behind the scenes, his own personal problems and difficulties, and, if relevant, secret enemies.

Of these, your description of the situation suggests that his main preoccupations are his own ambitions and his desire for financial security. One thing you need to consider is whether he's treating you as a 'possession' or taking you for granted.

Yes, for him its all about status/title/accomplishments, etc. Not that its a bad thing, its just too domineering. Its too much! I def feel like he takes me for granted, sad to say.

The Moon is in an applying trine to Saturn - this would usually suggest that the relationship will continue and the outcome will be positive. He's there if you want him the issue appears to be one of getting him to change his perception of that fifth house, to be what it is for you - the house of romance and fun! If you can get him to refocus, in that way then, there's no reason at all why you both should not have a great relationship.

If you can't get him to refocus, then you have a relationship but not one that you will find ultimately satisfactory. I think you two need to talk and soon.

I don't need him to switch his views entirely my way, I just need him to value them equally. Find a home-life-balance. Its ok to be ambitious, but dear Lord man! material gain is not sufficient ---> At least that is my feeling.

I have finally told him what all bothers me and what I essentially want ... he has been receptive, so hopefully the trend will continue to where its no longer progression, its just the way of life for us ...

Thank you so very much!,


Caridwen reading (or lack of)

..... for a Horay reading which seems to be less in depth, I would like to know when I will meet my life partner ie when will I meet the person I marry. I hope it's soon as I'm getting a tad impatient:D (I'm not sure if this is included in a Horay reading or if I should ask this in a more in depth reading but I would like to know what this long stretch of aloneness means for my life overall. If it's a lesson I needed to learn in order to be more independent or if I am simply just meant to be alone. So I really wanted to explore the issue)

I've tried to cast a chart three times for this question and each time I've failed to get a radical chart - in the first two cases I had very early degrees of the sign rising and in the last one, a late degree plus a Void of Course Moon (usually a signal that nothing will come of the matter). I've attached that last chart anyway.

Early and Late degrees rising are taken as 'considerations before judgement' and often mean it is too soon (early degrees) or too late (late degrees) to ask the question. That I've got three charts that won't 'take the question' but not with a consistent reason, makes me think that the question is inappropriate at the moment - there's something more pressing that you should be asking about - maybe your first inclination to ask about the block reveals what the question should have been (even though you might not have known it at the time).

The chart I've attached has Virgo rising - and in a real sense that embodies your current situation - the woman who is not in a relationship. You are signified by Mercury, which is in Cancer and so ruled by the VOC Moon. Mercury also rules the MC through Gemini and rules the Moon which is in the tenth House - so Mercury and Venus are in a mutual reception. The Moon rules Cancer, which is intercepted in the tenth, again Moon and Mercury are entwined, both having some influence on the tenth House and on each other. The Moon is conjunct the MC and Venus (ruler of the ninth House of Dreams and Spirituality)

Given that the chart is not radical, I'm hesitant to draw conclusions but do you think that your blockage may be related to your career and employment or a conflict between wanting a career or need to carry out a public role and your dreams of becoming wife and potentially mother (Venus is a good natural symbol of the wife)? Again Venus' other rulership, Libra is on the cusp of the second - income and resources, which tends to fit with the possibility of work dominating your situation in some way (either the work you have or the work you want).

I'll finish by emphasising that a non-radical chart may be of little value, and (given that Jupiter - the astrologer - is peregrine, I don't place a great deal of faith in the above but given your mention of a blockage, it's perhaps an opening suggestion in the search for what the problem might be The blockage seems to be the key thing that needs to be addressed, either through a revised horary and/or a natal chart consideration.


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I've tried to cast a chart three times for this question and each time I've failed to get a radical chart - in the first two cases I had very early degrees of the sign rising and in the last one, a late degree plus a Void of Course Moon (usually a signal that nothing will come of the matter). I've attached that last chart anyway.

Early and Late degrees rising are taken as 'considerations before judgement' and often mean it is too soon (early degrees) or too late (late degrees) to ask the question. That I've got three charts that won't 'take the question' but not with a consistent reason, makes me think that the question is inappropriate at the moment - there's something more pressing that you should be asking about - maybe your first inclination to ask about the block reveals what the question should have been (even though you might not have known it at the time).

The chart I've attached has Virgo rising - and in a real sense that embodies your current situation - the woman who is not in a relationship. You are signified by Mercury, which is in Cancer and so ruled by the VOC Moon. Mercury also rules the MC through Gemini and rules the Moon which is in the tenth House - so Mercury and Venus are in a mutual reception. The Moon rules Cancer, which is intercepted in the tenth, again Moon and Mercury are entwined, both having some influence on the tenth House and on each other. The Moon is conjunct the MC and Venus (ruler of the ninth House of Dreams and Spirituality)

Given that the chart is not radical, I'm hesitant to draw conclusions but do you think that your blockage may be related to your career and employment or a conflict between wanting a career or need to carry out a public role and your dreams of becoming wife and potentially mother (Venus is a good natural symbol of the wife)? Again Venus' other rulership, Libra is on the cusp of the second - income and resources, which tends to fit with the possibility of work dominating your situation in some way (either the work you have or the work you want).

I'll finish by emphasising that a non-radical chart may be of little value, and (given that Jupiter - the astrologer - is peregrine, I don't place a great deal of faith in the above but given your mention of a blockage, it's perhaps an opening suggestion in the search for what the problem might be The blockage seems to be the key thing that needs to be addressed, either through a revised horary and/or a natal chart consideration.

Thank you so much for doing this. I appreciate the time and effort you have taken over this reading. I don't understand anything you are telling me regarding planets I'm afraid. I wish I could interpret what you are saying but it's like a foreign language to me.

As far as career is concerned there is a big fat no to that scenario. I don't really have a career. As for 'dreams of becoming a wife and mother' I don't have those dreams. I do want a life partner but where that will lead me is anyone's guess.

I think you are right and it would be useful to examine the blockage as well.

Thank you again and I am happy to offer you a card or rune reading.:)


Thanks for the feedback - as I said, I didn't particularly have a great deal of faith in the chart to begin with. But it seemed that there might be a reason why I wasn't getting a valid chart and the blockage seemed a good starting point. Assuming that you are not bothered in any way about a career or lack of it - then we have to start to look at your natal chart. Now I don't claim to be an expert - I'm an amateur who loves Astrology but if you're willing we can go a further stage. Rather than start a new thread - I'll add a further post to your existing thread, which includes your chart (without the natal details) and start things going with a basic reading.

Now you're not going to get a top professional reading but it might be that some of the comments might get you thinking and you might well crack the issue yourself.

Don't worry about the planet stuff above - the key is the conclusions, which from that suspect chart seemed to be the career (or lack of it) issue. At least we can discount that for the moment and look elsewhere.


Thanks for the feedback - as I said, I didn't particularly have a great deal of faith in the chart to begin with. But it seemed that there might be a reason why I wasn't getting a valid chart and the blockage seemed a good starting point. Assuming that you are not bothered in any way about a career or lack of it - then we have to start to look at your natal chart. Now I don't claim to be an expert - I'm an amateur who loves Astrology but if you're willing we can go a further stage. Rather than start a new thread - I'll add a further post to your existing thread, which includes your chart (without the natal details) and start things going with a basic reading.

Now you're not going to get a top professional reading but it might be that some of the comments might get you thinking and you might well crack the issue yourself.

Don't worry about the planet stuff above - the key is the conclusions, which from that suspect chart seemed to be the career (or lack of it) issue. At least we can discount that for the moment and look elsewhere.

Thank you:) I travel, bum around, work, write etc and don't really have a career as such. If I had any ambitions it is to write and publish my novels however, that doesn't really interfere with meeting someone.

I really appreciate the time you are putting into this, thank you and do let me know what you would like in exchange:)


Reading for Scorpiogirl

QUOTE=scorpiogirl;2791887]Hello I hope I can participate. I had an embarrasing situation, (I got a little intoxicated) with someone and flirted a little with him. Did he find it innapropiate, or anything like that? I hired him to be part of a project we just did and want him to participate again, hope what I did not scare him away forever. Thank You.[/QUOTE]

This question relates to a business relationship, and possible friendship but is not concerned with a romantic one.

The chart was cast during the hour of Mercury and has Libra rising - both planets have rulerships in the Air and Earth triplicities, so I take the chart as radical.

You are represented by Venus. which is in Gemini, and placed in the ninth House. Venus is peregrine (no essential dignity and therefore not strong) but is placed in the ninth (fairly good) and is fast (fairly good) and is direct (good).but is oriental (rises before the Sun) which is seen as mildly weak. So whilst you may be unsure of yourself here, you are in a reasonable position.

He is signified by Mars, which is also peregrine in Gemini and in the ninth. Mars is also oriental (but in the case of Mars, that is mildly strong) also direct (good) and is also fast (good) so his position is a little stronger than yours but not by much.

Now your interests coincide (Mars and Venus in the same house, and same sign) but there's no application of Venus to Mars (i.e. no applying aspect which shows you coming together - indeed Venus is separating from Mars).

There are other possibilities for bringing the two significators together in a horary reading, but sadly none apply to this case.

My feeling therefore is that you might find him quite amenable to the prospect of working on the project but either you come across a better prospect or he's already committed elsewhere. There's nothing in the chart to suggest any other reason, such as being 'scared off' or other personal qualms.

The upshot though is that you're not likely to find him available for the project.


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thanks minderwizer.
i have another offer to work with him in a couple of weeks but now i read this horary i wonder if he will be available. i will update in the next couple of weeks.
"My feeling therefore is that you might find him quite amenable to the prospect of working on the project but either you come across a better prospect or he's already committed elsewhere." could you please elaborate, i do not understand. thank you.