Baroque Bohemian Cats - Seven of Pentacles


I credit Faolainn Storm for the original exhaustive list of things to consider when studying a card. I've modified her list for my own needs. I'm also not completing all the items right now, so I can re-visit this card again.


Initial Impressions: Effort bearing fruit.
Card description, symbols and objects: Here we have a lovely orange Oriental cat, dressed in brown short pants and a white shirt, with a red over-blouse with a gold trim. He is holding a gardening pot which contains a tiny apple tree with 7 apples. It looks awkward and heavy, as though he's having a bit of a time dealing with it. In the background is a red and white mansion, with an extensive manicured garden - boxwoods are trimmed square, with some kind of cedar bush trimmed in a peak. There are lots of purple flowers in between. Symbolically there are apples (Garden of Eden, Goddess fruit, singularly nourishing fruit), manicured garden (control of nature, (over?)attention to detail, lots of work).
Symbols on this card suggest: Someone has been making *lots* of effort and having an excellent result. This kind of effort is ongoing, there is never an end to it - but it is bearing fruit.
Emotions, feelings, and attitudes of the figures, and the mood and atmosphere of the environment: Our Oriental is involved in his work - he doesn't particularly seem to be tired - and there is the sense of an inner focus, a lack of seeing the big picture. He has a job, and he's doing it, without paying attention to anything else that may be going on in the world. He is very involved in *his* world, that is.
Mental: thinking about a project, looking back at what has been accomplished.
Spirit: doing what needs to be done in order to reach a goal. Seeing fruits of one's creativity. Just *do* it.
Emotional: satisfaction in a job well done, perhaps fatigue knowing that this job is never completely accomplished.
Physical: prosperity due to hard work, beginning of 'burn out' from a job that is never done
Soul: single-minded focus on one's journey without considering larger issues (society, etc), seeing the results of your quest
Business: time to buckle down and just do it, or seeing all one's efforts beginning to manifest
Relationship(s): this relationship will be well worth the effort, but it will be an effort, and an ongoing one.
Beneficial: determination, concentration, focus on a goal, single-mindedness, efforts will bear fruit
Problematic: too narrow a focus, it will take a long time to see the fruit of one's labor, loss of wholistic perspective, all work and no play
The Situation: it's a time to put the shoulder to the wheel and do what's needed to accomplish your goals, because your effort now will definitely bear fruit.
Passing Influence: you've worked like a dog, now it's time to reap the rewards of your efforts
Hidden influence - what cannot be changed: determination and focus toward a goal
Advice: get with it, do what's needed, this is not a time for fun, rather a time to work hard.
Foundation of the question, basis for asking: you're wondering if what you're doing will pan out, if you're spinning your wheels with this project - the long and short of it is that you *aren't* - you are close to your goal.
Gift of the Universe - unlooked-for help: you are gifted with the determination, focus and drive to meet your goal.
Outcome: more hard work is needed, and yes, the end is in sight
The number, suit/element/mode is about:
Synthesizing number + suit + element + mode yields:
This card reminds me of the following: when I was in H.S. I was a demon when preparing for various musical contests. I could dig in and practice, practice, practice... and I always won.
Metaphors in this image include:
“Once upon a time…”
Dialoguing with the figure/objects on this card, I learn:
Imagining myself in this card, I learn:
Myths and archetypes related to this card include:
These suggest:
Embodying this card I learn:
Other thoughts I have about this card:

ETA: I hadn't checked the book, so I didn't learn that it was an Oriental, vs. tabby cat. :) I also missed the symbology of the path, will add to this later when/if I have time.
ETA2: edited for clarity


This little guy stands out as one of my favorites in a deck full of them. When I first looked through the deck, I got stuck on him, unable to move past him to see the other cats. This little guy is so endearing, so sweet, and although I think he knows the successful fruits of his labors, he's not stuck up about it. There's no arrogance in this sweet kitty. He's just honestly and openly proud of his very real accomplishments.


I got this sweet little guy in a reading recently, and here is what I wrote about him ...

What a sweet kitty. Carrying a small potted plant with apples growing on it. He looks like its a little heavy, and he has to peer to the side to see around it. He looks like a sweet kitten, planning to give his apple tree to a dear friend. Behind him is a rich mansion and luxurious formal gardens. An apple tree almost seems out of place as too practical for this place. The plants behind him are pruned to within an inch of their lives. Shrubs are flat-topped and sided, while trees are firm cones. But if you look closely, right behind this little kitten, and on the corner, there's an area of shrubbery with no leaves on it. His tail tip seems to point to it, as if to say, "See? Everything is not as perfect as it seems. There is still room for human failings here. We do not have to be perfect all the time. We can let our flaws show, we can allow ourselves to unravel a bit. It's ok. The flaw is hidden from the main house, but if one gets out and about, takes a walk around the garden, or even simply drives slowly up the driveway, the bare patch will be apparent. The kitten stands by this bare area, as if to say, seek your bare spots and you will find me. Seek your bare spots and you will find sustenance. Seek your bare spots and you will receive the finest, most practical, tastiest and sweetest gift of all. Apples to sustain you, and my love to comfort you. Purrrr.

It's interesting that this is a favorite card of mine in this deck, but that I don't think I ever noticed the bare patch in the shrubbery.