Abbey of Thelema - Grand design


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!

Hello everybody,

The last couple of years I've been working on creating an Abbey of Thelema in Holland. The process of the actual materialization is coming nearby. So, in stead of finding out when starting it, i'd like to philosophize with you about the contents of this Abbey and - plan B - of starting off a decent Thelemic society.

So here's what I've got for an Abbey of Thelema by my own standards:

* It has to be on a large piece of land in a natural environment (woods, water and lots of empty pieces of land to build on, so trees and water can be left unharmed).
* Buildings will be few in number, so the environment will be harmed as least as possible. Containing a castle-like central home. This is besides for living also a place for study, contemplation, relaxation etc.
* Nine other buildings will form together with the castle-like home a Tree of Life, interconnected with paths like the Tree of Life.
* The nine other buildings will be so-called Profess-Houses which will be lead by people with specific qualities.
* The community will live following the natural cycle of the seasons.
* Around the Abbey of Thelema and nine Profess-Houses a Thelemic society can evolve as an example for the Thelemic Society which somewhere in 2200 will be the ultimate symbol of the already started Aeon of Horus.

This is the central focus. Of course I have my own thoughts of bringing all this in practical use, but I'd really like to hear your unspoiled and fresh opinion :)

Love is the law, love under will.



I've no suggestions to share, but will be interested to hear more of your experience. I'm reading a really interesting biography on Jack Parsons at the moment, and am up to the part where he was running the Agape Lodge and community at the house there. Though its perhaps questionable how Thelemic a lot of that story is, its been very interesting anyway. What out for the politics and stay away from sisters ;)


similia said:
What out for the politics and stay away from sisters ;)
Heey!! I think I resent that! :laugh:

\m/ Kat


thorhammer said:
Heey!! I think I resent that! :laugh:

\m/ Kat

Well not all women who are sisters, just the sister of your wife ;)


Right on Kat! ... as in every Thelemic House (or Profess House) ALL the women are your Sisters.


I am not sure about Holland and if there ACTUALLY IS spare land and old churches lying around waitng for thelemites to use ???? It isn't like that here (unless you have $$$$$$$$$$$$ ).

However here is the original manifestation document that seemed to play a signinificant part in the manifestation of the land for our community:

" To understand Homeland as it is today, we need to go back to the beginning. We need to get a feeling for the ideals and inspiration that the founding members were attempting to express. The vision was to build a Centre where an experiment could take place, where people from all walks of life could come together and live in a wholistic lifestyle that is the integration of body, mind and spirit within a group environment. There was no desire for dogma, no chosen religion or spiritual following, just a place where people could pursue a spiritual enquiry within the group dynamic. To deepen our association with the founders of Homeland we need to realise that for all their grand ideals, in the beginning, they had little idea of how to implement them, or even how to find the land to begin such a project. At this stage only a few people were involved. Under pure inspiration a prayer of manifestation was written, along with a deep belief and faith that this would assist the process. The Prayer of Manifestation was without doubt an immense catalyst, as well as a point of cohesion for scattered energies. By reading it you may get some idea of the depth of feeling the founders had and their clarity in the vision of Homeland if not its outworking.

The Prayer of Manifestation:
'We are gathered together Father in your presence to ask for a Light Centre.We wish to invoke your energies to work through us in the manifestation of this Light Centre.

We ask for and affirm our belief that we will receive the money to acquire, or that in the way of the Holy Spirit, we will receive what is needed for a Light Centre.

If it is Gods will, we ask for an area near the East Coast in the south of Queensland with sufficient acres of fertile soil; that it is also a power centre, filled with a life force waiting to be released through the Kingdoms of humanity, nature, God, in a blend of Oneness and attunement.

We ask for an abundance of fresh, pure water. A supply that will never fail us through any adversities. We acknowledge the vast untapped spiritual quality of water, and express our desire to draw closer in understanding the water kingdom and its in finite wisdom, as a link and sharing of life through God.

We ask that there shall be an abundance of trees of many varieties on this sacred piece of land. We affirm our love of trees and our contact with the Intelligence of trees. We wish for attunement to the greatest degree possible through this kingdom, so that with perfect attunement we will reach a perfection that is God.

We ask for a large home with outbuildings on this land, so that we have shelter while we build our family homes.

We ask that the home will serve as a community centre, as our Light Centre unfolds under your loving guidance.

We ask for hills and valleys within our special area. We ask for the beauty and support of the mountains to be close by.

We ask that the incredible vibration of the ocean shall be near enough that we will benefit from its spiritual presence.

We ask Father for these things to be manifested through your Holy Will. We bow before your infinite plan.

We come before you in love using our rights as creators to create a Centre of Harmony to demonstrate the Limitless Love and Truth of a new age. We ask for all this to be manifested by the 1st April 1977, when we will leave here putting ourselves in your guidance towards this your Light Centre.

We thank you Father.'

Everything in the Prayer (apart from the State) became manifest, all in greater abundance than was dreamed possible. Even the date, April 1st 1977, came to pass, for on that day the deeds to the land were exchanged, while the first members moved onto the land a few days later on Good Friday. Homeland was no casual accident, no clever wheeling and dealing of real estate and money, it was the result of acting in total faith even if interlaced with undeniable naivety.

(extracted from website; )

So it wasnt just; 'please God give us some nice land', it was nice land ... with trees and hills and creeks,,, oh yeah, and a river with a good water supply, and , and , and ... and we'd like to be near the beach (please make the swell smooth and glassy with a gentle off shore wind when we go there :laugh: - I added that bit)

I am a sceptic ... imagine how I feel reading that and then going out and looking at EXACTLY (minus the state) that environment everyday. The date is also interesting ... April Fool ! The best one played on me yet!

You might find the website interesting Walter ... there is a fair bit of info and some pics.