Abbey of Thelema - Small design


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!

Hello everybody,

In connection with my post about a Grand design Abbey of Thelema, I'm working also on creating as many as possible Small design Abbeys.

That's a lot easier. This is nothing else than transforming your own house in an Abbey, how small it is doesn't matter. But it can also be done with deserted houses or old scrapes of land. Asides from living by Thelemic ideals, it's meant to show as many people as possible in as many ways as possible the world of Thelema. So, it can be done by creating a cinema (with no more than a big screen tv) to show movies that can prepare people for the aeon of Horus. Most people don't even know that it has already begun. But it can also be done by using churches, schools etc. to perform thelemic activities.

My question to you is: any good ideas? Suggestions for activities? Which things to do during those activities? If you like to think with me, than I'm really interested in your thoughts. And remember what Crowley said: The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal. :)

Love is the law, love under will.



When I read your other post, my first thought was "I want a miniature model kit that I can build in a room at home!"

I don't know what would be considered Thelemic activities.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!

Dear Cardlady,

It's actually quite simple: a Thelemic activity is an an activity that is a (part of the) fulfillment of the True Will. In a Thelemic society you do what you're good at and want to do or do what you want to become good at.

("What's my true Will?" "It's that what's left when you take all external influences away. When you don't involve money, family, society, friends, lovers, work etc. and then think of what you Want, that's your True Will.")

Next to that you accept the Thelemic doctrine spelled out in the Houses of Thelema by Aleister Crowley and *snap* we have a paradise on earth :).


Love is the law, love under will.



Walter said:
When you don't involve money, family, society, friends, lovers, work etc. and then think of what you Want, that's your True Will."
I'm a little bit confused by this. Since when did "Do what thou wilt" mean "Do what you want" ?


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!

Dear Aeon 418,

You're right. I'd tried to take that confusion away by using a capital W for Want. I think it's my Dutch way of speaking English. Aleister Crowley was pertinent on that point: Do what thou wilt is not do what you want. I tried to make clear that what you really really Want is what you Will. Not some whim of the moment.

Still: I will be more careful in the future.

Love is the law, love under will.



Hey Walter ... ya know what? I actually HAD a Profess House out in the country. It had a working temple, we had a chartered initiation group, Hermetic library, vegie gardens etc, etc ,etc. (also looked after women with new babies and no where to go for a little while ... twice). All on offer to any initiate who wanted to come, no charge.

After only ever having one person availing themselves of it over a period of years I shut it down and withdrew my offer.

So, all I can whish you is GOOD LUCK! I do admire your initial enthusiasm for the idea through. I've heard a lot of talk about it in the past, but never met any one else who could actually deliver the goods.


Hey Walter, I've had some experience with intentional communities, not Thelemic mind you, but similar in concept. All of the ones I've come into contact with profess certain ideals and principles, but the bottom line is those that are the most successful have charasmatic personalities guiding them. If you don't have the wattage to attract participants yourself, the best course is to figure a way to attract those who do. You can have the best ideas and plans in the world but the truth is, in the end, personalities will prevail.

Good luck, if you really want it I'm sure you'll find a way. :)


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!

Hello Ravenest and Abrac,

I too have had a similar community as you, Ravenest, and just as with you it turned out to be a lot of taking and little giving. But I managed to keep that within acceptable boundaries and step by step we were actually getting somewhere. The point was: the place where the community was situated, was not my own and the moment the owner started to get other than Thelemic ideas it was soon over with the plans. So, I'm not concerned if it will work, because it will. But the starting point must be ideal. If you have to struggle to start or to get some things done from the beginning, than it will be a struggle until the end.

And I know that a charismatic personality has to be at the head of all, without being distracted by external influences. Once I had close to no money but took the task upon me to organize a 200.000 dollar festival. And I did it :) So, it's all a question of thinking into being, the only catch is that you think the ideal situation into being. With above mentioned community we had an ideal place, enthusiastic people and a clear goal. But the only thing that wasn't thought into being was that the goal would stay untouched when somebody turned her back on Thelema. So: next time I'll be in charge and no one else ;)

But most important: in the previous community we were studying the Houses of Thelema during the process. Next time the Houses will be pledged to before we begin. And maybe you have some suggestions of other troubles that may occur and I don't think of at the moment. Every living being is a Thelemite and it's only a question of the right words or deeds to show that. And I make it my task to form those words and deeds and attract the people who are ready to join a pioneering group.

Love is the law, love under will.



Hi Walter.

Have you given much thought to the Discipline of the House? It's one of those touchy subjects that I've seen some ignorant wannabe Thelemites dodge by misquoting Liber AL 1:41. The word of Sin is Restriction. ;)

Despite all it's failings, Crowley's Abbey did get one thing right. It was run on similar lines to those found in monastic orders. The day to day running of the place was highly structured, with set times for specific activities. Meditation, group ritual, menial chores, recreation, study, etc.

To most people brought up in the Western consumer choice ethos it sounds bizarre that a doctrine that supposedly promotes individual freedom can be practiced in such a seemingly narrow and restrictive way. In the West we are raised to believe the lie that says more choice equals more freedom. But that's not quite the case at all. How can you "find yourself" if you're constantly surrounded by a million and one distractions, all begging for your attention. How can you find yourself if you're always wondering what to do next?

The monastic-like regimen that Crowley adopted removed that obstacle in
one fell swoop. If you already know what you are doing next, you don't have to waste time and energy worrying about it. You can redirect that energy towards self-discovery.
Little self indulgences can end up becoming a big distraction from the path. If that's the case, give them their own time and place, and they instantly cease to be a problem.

Without the rule of discipline any Thelemic Abbey is liable to degenerate into nothing more than a hippie commune where people idly sit around smoking pot and talking complete and utter s**t.

Ravenest might sign up though. :laugh:


Another advantage of the Rule of Discipline is that it weeds out the time wasters like nothing else. One wiff of discipline sends the "Do what you want'ers" running for the hills. And the equally vapid Thelemic armchair theorists run the risk of convulsions or actually dropping dead on the spot out of fright.

Just kidding. :laugh: