Baroque Bohemian Cats - King of Cups


Ok, this guy makes me laugh. What a sourpuss!!! Squashed face, all hairy, small ears set low, he looks alternately snuggly and grumpy. I just want to squeeze him 'til he purrs. LOL

Dressed in a handsome blue coat, he stands in front of a fountain in a courtyard or entrance drive. The fountain portrays a man wrestling a sea monster, and I suspect in a reading that that fountain would play an important role, depending on the mood of the reading. The king holds a sumptious golden goblet in his paw, and seems to be contemplating his next move. Cups imply relationships and love to me, and this king looks like he needs a hug. :)


I've been interacting with this king for two days now. I drew him in conjunction with the fern card from the Druid Plant Oracle, and this seems to have drawn out many new thoughts about this king.

I'm really struck by how strongly he contrasts with the wild nature in the other card. This king seems very staid, very placid, very comfortable. Perhaps too comfortable. Is this his true nature? Or does he wish he could shake things up a little? The sourpuss face seems to imply he might know that he's missing something. On the other hand (paw?) his expression may be one of total and complete satisfaction with his life. I get the feeling that he's had to give up something to get where he is in life. With his eyes focused on the finer things in life, perhaps he's missed out on feeding his soul. Thinking about this, I could see him ripping off his finery and leaping out of the card into a wilder environment. But that squashed face would always look out of place in the wild. As if, perhaps, he were play acting.


This king has been reworked for the third edition. Instead of the white, squash-faced persion, he's a gray tabby. Also smush-faced, but not to such a huge and grumpy-looking degree. The background is flipped from the original first edition. And a white heron has been added. His clothing looks much the same, but his goblet now looks like pewter instead of gold. His eyes are golden and wide, as if admiring something, or innocent in some way. I like the feel of this king. He seems warm and sweet and a little younger than the first edition king.