Etruscan tarot: Four of pentacles


Description in booklet: A rich man hold tightly to a column in his palace.

This card is a sudden shift from the three earlier cards. While the Ace and twos may be the start and celebration of success, and three involves hard work and discipline and being teachable, our Etruscan Four of Pentacles already shows signs of success -- a rich man is fully clothed, and he embraces a column or pillar tightly, with four pentacles in front of him.

Many possible interpretations may be gleaned from this card - the rich man can be holding on to dear life - the pillar is a sign of stability and he holds on to it for safety. It is also possible that his holding on to the pillar may be a sign of fear or insecurity - is he worried that his wealth may disappear - the sturdiness of the pillar suggests not, but the man embraces it just the same. Could he be posing for a picture (perhaps he is posing for a portrait) that would put him in the annals of history forever. Etruscans often had sculptures and paintings of them and their families which decorated their sarcophagus and tombs.

At any rate, a few things are clear - the man is rich and well-endowed, and he holds steadily on to a pillar of strength and security. There can be a sense of completion in this card. However, as in a number of fours, the completion is either temporary or not total. With all the hard-earned success, why does one have to cling to a structure as cold as a column? The warmth of others doesn't seem to be present. In the typical Etruscan symbols of joy where musicians celebrate with a dance, our rich individual isn't dancing. Instead, he has become stiff, seemingly uncomfortable, as if he is missing out on something.

The Etruscan Four of Pentacle tells us that indeed, we may have reached our goal but we should also take note that this isn't the end of it. Wealth and success isn't everything especially if we have nothing to cling to except the coldness of the structure of palace we have built. There is no substitute for the warmth of people who can help us feel human, know what it is to be human and for that, feel a sense of happiness.

The card can also be a reminder that because we have become successful, we should also realize that we should find ways to share our success with others - not cling to what we have like a cold post that can neither respond to our affections nor make us richer.

Our Etruscan Four of Pentacles can be a wake-up call, warning signs for us to constantly remember that there are people we can share our successes to.