Baroque Bohemian Cats - Emperor


Sitting around distanced from the work he's doing in his book. Seemingly daydreaming. Perhaps missing his empress and all that creative energy. Stuck inside while she's outside in the beautiful air with birds flying and singing all around her. He seems a little stuck. On a high throne/bench where his feet don't touch the ground. Ungrounded, as opposed to the empress looking very grounded outside with her cherubs and birds, looking out from behind her fan, which reminds me of some fans that I'm thinking of incorporating into my art quilts.

I like what he's doing with his book. Using a compass to perhaps study or compare things in a scientific way. He seems like a wise man, very practical and down to earth. Someone who uses logic to rule, rather than a heart-centered approach of the empress. This fellow doesn't seem to mind immersing himself in work and deep thought. Like he will be able to work out the fairest thing to do in whatever situation his subjects present to him.