Etruscan tarot: Six of pentacles


Description in booklet: A servant is giving away plenty of food, following the orders of his master.

The card shows a servant handing over food to a recipient who is not shown in the card. Apparently, however, because beside the servant are two large vats filled with bread, the servant does intend to feed a multitude. A plant stands tall behind the servant.

Whenever a plant is shown in the Etruscan deck, it symbolizes life, greenery and abundance. the servant faces west indicating a prosperous look or sharing for the future. The 6 pentacles almost surround the servant.

The sharing of wealth for humanitarian reasons appear to be the meaning of the Etruscan 6 of Pentacles. The master is not shown and the work of sharing is delegated to a servant perhaps this sharing shows the master's requirement that sharing should be symbolic of equality. Instead of the master sharing to the invisible multitudes who may be less fortunate or more in need, it is made the role of the servant to do so which shows that the sharing of prosperity is NOT really a transaction for business purposes where one can operate on equal terms in that there is a fair exchange. Instead, it is a total giving and therefore will require someone of similar stature to do this for humanitarian reasons. Even if the servant has been ordered by the master to do this, the point of the matter in this card is that the servant is merely mirroring the master's true intentions of sharing what he has more generously.

When this card shows up, the Etruscan Six of Pentacles can help us to discern:

a) how do we view wealth, riches and money?
b) what is the meaning of real sharing to us and how much of what we have are we willing to share with others generously?
c) What are our real intentions behind our sharing - are they for pure humane or humanitarian purpose or do we have a manipulative intent in mind?
d) And if at some time in life, someone becomes generous to us in turn, how will we regard this?

The card is a good sign of abundance, and because it is so, there is a gentle hint that it is time to share what we have.