Etruscan tarot: Seven of pentacles


Description in booklet: A noble man is visiting his own property.

If our Etruscan four of pentacles shows us a rich man embracing the column in his house in a show or desire for security or a more stable foundation, our Etruscan Seven of Pentacles rich man is visiting his own property - symbolic of the wealth he has attained across time. The man faces west and this is truly a more filled card in terms of artwork as compared to other Etruscan cards. Here we have our rich man surrounded by the pentacles up and below, and plants and small olive trees.

As we have seen in the 5 of Pentacles, the olive trees were quite a contributor to the economic lives in the ancient cities of Greece and nearby areas including Etruria. Indeed, if the 6 shows the sharing of abundance to others, the 7 of Pentacles is a continuous vigilance and follow-through of effort in order to reap the rewards one truly deserves. The man seems to gesture with his right arm a sing of "pause" or "halt". Perhaps, he wants to re-assess what he has, where his efforts have led him, and how he has grown. There appears to be an evaluative character in the card in that when people usually visit their property, they would like to see "how things are going", are there changes needed, improvements, how to preserve what is already there, are there some things being neglected and so on.

When we get to draw the Etruscan Seven of Pentacles, it may encourage us to look at what we have been up in so far as our goals and even our relationships or careers are concerned.

a) How do we assess our current undertakings? Are things proceeding quite well?
b) Are there changes or improvements needed?
c) What are the things that we need to preserve and what have we been doing right?
d) What are the weaknesses that we have observed in ourselves and in our undertakings and are there some resources we need to use in order to improve on these?
e) Are we facing threats in the horizon or are there some things we have been ignoring that we now need to pay attention to?

The Etruscan Seven of Pentacles is indeed a call for re-assessment or re-evaluation of our efforts and their results.