Partner in Crime: Reaching your Potential and Manifesting what you Need with the Fae


I apologise for disappearing, but I no longer have full time Internet. And because last month I started using my Internet on my cell phone, I wound up going online on my phone too much (I'm using to having an endless data limit, not 1.5GB.... So little) and gave myself a hugely massive phone bill.
So I now have to extremely limit my Internet usage, because habitually, every time I go online, I stay online for a long time and I can't do that anymore.
So, I can only go online using friends computers or going and sitting in McDonald's and leeching their wi-fi, which I hate (it makes me want to eat McDonald's, lol).

So I shall be stepping down to passive mode (which I was listed as being anyway).
Hopefully soon I can get sanity (a.k.a my Internet) restored. Because I don't deal well with having no Internet. Majority of my social life is online so feeling really isolated.
Also undergoing new psychologist, new medications again, and a body that's confusing me....

So I will see everyone sometime later when I pop in to read the thread.

Good luck with restoring your internet, and with everything else! I'm sending support and healing vibes your way, and I look forward to when you're back :)


*yay* I'm back

Hiya People,

I'm feeling a bit better and glad to join in. I'm going to first respond to some of your stories, then add in a journal post and then add in the new exercises :)

@Moondance Sorry to hear of your troubles. Sending some lovely healing energy your way and hoping that the Rarr can come by to visit you and make you feel active, alive and happy. He loves to bounce :)

I loved your 'fairynuff' that you wrote in your Reading. I hope you don't mind if I steal that word :) Green woman is a very lovely companion to help heal and nurture yourself. She knows all the stages of life and love from a small little seed to sapling, to mature plant, to old to past on to nurture again. I'm glad she is with you. Your Reading screamed to me of boundaries boundaries boundaries. Are you always the one helping others? Is pleasing others more important then standing up for yourself? Himself will help you build relationships that are healthy and long lasting. Where sometimes you are the grumpy one or the one with the chip in your shoulder and not always the nice gal.


I liked your Reading for the new job. All the energy was shining and new. I felt the Leaving was telling you that a new job is like an Adventure, you will come and go into jobs in your life. Some will fit you others maybe not so much. Leave for a new one when you can :)

Glad to hear you are going to active and don't worry about reading for others. This is a lovely Reading environment and don't worry sometimes the best wisdom comes out of our butts (aka, what did we take everything out of and now need to let go off!)

An accidental manifestation can still be great :) How is the new pup and thanks for the kind wishes on my health.

WOW! That was a nice find! I have some extra sets of the Heart of Faerie that I bought for a small price too. I'm planning on gifting them or trading them. Not sure which yet, haven't found the person they are for yet, I think.

@YDM42 Your resurrection exercise was a true resurrection! So happy for you :) I guess just like me you have gotten more respect for Bodach and the healing energy he can bring. Sometimes a chaotic time can bring out the best in us.

Onto the crystal exercise:
With Geo the Slow & Laiste Moon's Daughter as your adversaries I wondered if you had problems with your cycles/hormones. It speaks to me as things that are out of balance. Also, like when you dream about things you want... it like you can't believe it will happen.

Ocean Blue Obsidian & Losgunna suggest to me that it's time to make manifest what you really want in companionship. Losgunna tells us that what we think we want on the surface, might not be what we need deep down.

Topsi Turveys & Citrine say to me that money comes in all shapes and forms, just like happiness.

Gawtcha Purple and Green Fluorite remind me of Coyote Teaching, a style of teaching in which you use observational skills, respond to questions with questions and let people find the answers for themselves. That shock is often much more helpful then sound advice. You can look into it if you want.

I loved your dog stories thank you for sharing that. :)




Journal Post

So even though me and bf were sick, we did do some work in manifestation.
We went to look at the houses (Open House Day meaning you can check out all houses that are for sale). We went to 5 in total seeing their different energies and seeing what is right for us. To my surprise, we both liked the house with house number 155 more then the one with 77. However, I have seen 77 reappear in my dreams. They are on the same street and are v. similar. I'm not sure yet if I should focus on one over the other, we did that, but since 77 is still showing up I will wait for the Fae to show me the way.

We feel we are now at step 2. So we decided to ask to be told when we are at step 3 and to do the step 2 work in the mean time. I'm reminded that many people around me have more faith then I do that I can manifest this house. I need to create more faith in myself and in the Universe and in God. Surely, I wouldn't receive all these signs if I didn't belong there. I also bought our first thing to be placed into the house (An art print).

So, I did quite a bit of potential work the past few days. I've worked with my Spirit of the Wheel (it has water damage, didn't want to bring in the Fae to the Spa in fear of damage) and again, trust, faith and growth were central lessons. I've met with Fox Medicine yesterday evening and was surprised to see it evolve into Wolf, dog and Bear. Apparently those are complementary energies helping to balance Fox. Learn something new every day!

On the wedding part, we are discussing more options and talking to each other on some things that we need to agree on. I'm getting more and more comfortable with the idea of marriage, so that's wonderful.

On the Affluence part, I am noting more money coming in through my business, but I'm more then willing to let more money come in through other ways as well. I'm open to being blessed.




Potential & Manifestation Exercise: Feed the Positive

I know many of you probably already practice gratefulness, blessing the positive in your life and allowing it to grow. This exercise is meant to do that as well.

Before starting this exercise state out loud what you want to positively feed (one of your manifestation goals or your potential).

Draw a Fae and combined with your Potential Cards (or with your goals) see how it can feed your goal. What energy does this Fae bring? What actions does this Fae want you to take? What people would this Fae want you to meet?




Reading Exchange: What do you most need to hear

This is a 4 Card exercise that you can place in a circle or in a square. Ask your partner if they want this Reading to be about their manifestation goal or goals or about their potential.

What you most need to hear

First Card: From an Outside perspective
Second Card: From a Friend perspective
Third Card: From a family/loved one's perspective
Fourth Card: From a Fae perspective

Different people give us different types of advice. Outsiders might not grasp everything, but they might give us the blunt honesty we need. This spread is designed to get advice on different interpersonal levels.

Kahlie & thirdlibra
Krystalkitty & YDM42



@YDM42 Your resurrection exercise was a true resurrection! So happy for you :) I guess just like me you have gotten more respect for Bodach and the healing energy he can bring. Sometimes a chaotic time can bring out the best in us.

Onto the crystal exercise:
With Geo the Slow & Laiste Moon's Daughter as your adversaries I wondered if you had problems with your cycles/hormones. It speaks to me as things that are out of balance. Also, like when you dream about things you want... it like you can't believe it will happen.

Ocean Blue Obsidian & Losgunna suggest to me that it's time to make manifest what you really want in companionship. Losgunna tells us that what we think we want on the surface, might not be what we need deep down.

Topsi Turveys & Citrine say to me that money comes in all shapes and forms, just like happiness.

Gawtcha Purple and Green Fluorite remind me of Coyote Teaching, a style of teaching in which you use observational skills, respond to questions with questions and let people find the answers for themselves. That shock is often much more helpful then sound advice. You can look into it if you want.

I loved your dog stories thank you for sharing that. :)



I'm going to work on each one of your responses, I appreciate them it really helps. I am finishing up my bridge building exercise and I'm almost ready to post it. I started my blog on this exercise and set up a twitter and pintrest board to see what comes up and to keep organized.


For, reflect on past successes. Is there some achievement in your life you are proud of or some miracle that already happened? What did you have to do to get there? What sudden surprise that you never thought would happen, happened? You can ask a Fae to illuminate what energy you brought into the situation and one for what was gifted to you.

I'm proud of my business, because its already an success. My workspace happened because I went to a networking event and then I was told of another event. Gone there, talked with the guy who rents out spaces. He didn't have any - bugged him a few weeks later and he suddenly had two.

What did I do to get there: I listened and took a trusting step. Fae energy says Tobaira of the Waters. I can relate to that, I was intuitively aware and able to see it as an adventure.
I didn't have much faith contacting him again, thought he wouldn't be interested, but guess what, he was genuinely happy to hear from me. I could see how Bodach can come into play here too - I meddled.

What was gifted to me: Guardian at the Gate. I can see that, I was ready for the next level and it was gifted to me, natural as any step you take.

Now, for the new beginnings, focus on your manifestation goals. Acknowledge what has already shifted into your favor. Be it new opportunities, thought patterns, knowledge and let it fill you with gratitude. Then, draw a Fae or two for the energy that is being gifted to you now and feel blessed within it.

I acknowledge that for affluence my business is starting to thrive even more, old clients are coming back, new clients are arriving. I also received a little something from an aunt.
Fae Gift: Ekstatis. It's lovely to do my work and I feel excited to receive the bounty that is due :) (Yes yes, he keeps popping up...)

I acknowledge that my bf and me have settled on the house were we want to live. I'm glad we found a place we both adore.
Fae Gift: Ekstatis JUMPER... Aaaw :) Guardian at the Gate Rx. It's like the Fae are telling me, ok, Affluence and the house are linked (they are at the moment, because we need the $$$ for the next step) and that at the moment it's not my time yet. I graciously acknowledge the wisdom of the Fae. Awaiting the door to open :)

As for the wedding, there is a lot of thought patterns in me that are shifting. I guess I was more commitment phobic then I thought.
Fae Gift: Unity
Wow, what more type of energy do you want to see for a wedding? It's the time to make the commitment to become one. I love it.

Singers for me show how important positive joyful energy is. I really need it, because often I have flashes of fear and unrest. LOLZ... I just thought to myself, well the problem is that I always heard what I wanted first, so I felt a bit more secure... while doing it, it boomed in my ear: THE HOUSE IS YOURS.

Thanks, I really needed to hear that and it expanded my heart immediately.



Feed The Positive

Me: Dear Lovely Faeries,
Thank you for quietly waiting for me to bring myself back (Actually, we were yelling for you. You were just deaf!) I felt lost and dark, but I knew I'd find my way back. And here I am. Now that I AM here, I'd like to send some positive energy towards my potential.

The Challenge: Welcome back. Don't get too comfy sitting there, you've still got a long way to go. You know you have a lot of raw potential, you are quite powerful. When you know this, you've changed the weather and created families for yourself. You've never failed at anything you've tried at.

The trick is, you have to TRY. You aren't right now. You're sitting on your *** waiting for the world to get easy around you. Stop that. You know from experience that that path only leads to boredom and lethargy. You're already there, you can feel it. You let your magical side atrophy. You don't have to. And it's not going to be a big thing you have to do right now. Do it in baby steps.

You've already started. You're writing again. You are engaging your creative side. You're listening to me. That is a huge step. Now keep that momentum up. First, fix your habitat. You can't spread your wings through all the clutter. Go outside, breathe fresh, clean air. Say hi to a tree. Ask it for wisdom. Run. Listen. Write, create. And, yes. Take moments to stop and sit and listen to the stars. But don't get stuck there. You can't grow if you don't move.

This is probably enough to keep you busy for a bit. My challenge to you? Take the first step.



Ugh, I feel in dire need of balance. One day I'm good, the other day I'm a mess. It swings up and down wildly. I feel the Rarr RX is bouncing on my head, his head and the worlds head. I feel like it's blocking me to do what I want to do: build my life. Chaos is ok, but the way it's appearing it's directly impacting my body. No good.

So, I asked the Fae what was going on:
Arval Parrot.. Ok, this is my thyroid card. He even points at it, which is quite funny. Sometimes I have a hard time accepting that my thyroid can still wreak so much havoc in my life. I feel blessed that it's starting to relax and attune itself, so somehow I feel like I should be better already, but I'm not.

What can I do:
The Laume Rx
Ha... funny.... it's like she's saying, accept some help. I am a healer, helper teacher and I do accept help from others, but sometimes I have to remind myself I am not a human doing but a human being. I like to do things, to feel in control (read.. thyroid!) and it's hard sometimes to let it go and just go with the flow. The flow right now is me hiding out with a book in bed instead of studying for my exam. BLERGH!

Who will come to help me:
She of the Cruach Rx
I have never in my life have had so much messages saying that I have to be patient. That yes, I have to help myself, by being quiet and at peace. Like it's not time yet to be born... just time to be in the womb and relax.

I guess I have to go and be back with my book under the covers ;)




Easter Hunt

Ofc on Easter Hunts you usually have Companions and Adversaries. Choose a Companion that helps you find your hidden potential Easter Eggs from your Deck and one or a few Adversaries, (Fae who will tease, trick and show you were you are blocking yourself).

As a Companion I drew one Fae from the HoF and one from FFO:
The Lady of Song Rx and The Faery Godmother: I love the Faery Godmother, I have a card form her, that I never sent to anybody (postcard), but that is up on my board to look at. I love her, because she is so wise and benevolent. The Lady of Song Rx reminds me of how often I use to sing, sing my affirmation or just sing little silly songs to open myself up to loving energy. In the shower I sing the Soapy Soapy Song, which goes nowhere, but makes me smile. Well, I would love to have them see my potential and blessings that I haven't seen yet.

Then, who are my Adversaries: The Singer of the Chalice and the Green Woman Rx, plus the Lady of the Unicorns.
Hrmpf, I can see them messing around with my potential. I am often not that easy in just receiving things, like the Singer of the Chalice does so well. Either I feel I have to do something active about it or I feel I'm getting more then I deserve. (Now the Faery Godmother is making clucking sounds at me, as we all get everything we deserve). Green Woman Rx is about all those times when I try to push the envelope and force things that aren't going to work out yet. Lady of the Unicorns remind me how often I feel things are impossible, when in fact, they are not!

Now that this is a veritable party already, I better go and listen to some potential I am unaware of or need to acknowledge. I have a lot of Crystals too, so I'm stealing that idea, and I will pick one.

A little ball of yellow Citrine nestled within my palm. I love it, and it's usually at the office, but a while ago I felt I needed to bring it home. It's like a miniature sun. I guess I often forget how much sunshine I can bring into people's lives. I often get told that by friends but I never acknowledged it. I can certainly be the light of the party :) The Fae associated with it was: Undressing of a Salad. Ha, I love that party atmosphere and to be able to do the impossible :) It's also funny how both have balls so prominently displayed. I have other citrine at home, but for me, a ball, a world, is the way of life. I love circles (although I have an even bigger thing for triangles!) and balls. To feel at peace, at one.

The next stone to find itself within my vision was a triangle of lapis lazuli that I own. I love it and bought it second hand as a pendant (it's fitted in silver). I would guess that I know that part of my potential, since I work as a Psychic Healer, but, apparently not. I asked the Fae to show me what I needed to know: Sylvanius came up. Funnily I think he is also v. connected to potential. At first, when I wore that particular piece of jewelry, I had a noticeable bump on my third eye for a week or so. I guess there is more truth to be had and I need to work with it some more. I guess it has to do with showing the outside who I am and what I do.

I also heard "Selenite" quite clearly. I have some at the office and I love them, but don't handle them that much. I use them for cleansing and clearing. Luathas the Wild Rx came up, showing me that perhaps I have more potential in taming wildness then I thought and using such a relaxing stone to help others relax. I can see how Luathas and Bodach could possibly tear a party apart, as they are both such high energy Fae. However, with both balanced, it would mean that even the most difficult people will find peace.

Hmmm... I have a lot to think about and some more work to do. I better journal this some more too.

