(So Below) Book Of Shadows Vol. II ~ Wheel

La Force

This is a scene depicting the stages of ones life, from child hood to old age.

The background shows a tree, with four branches. Each branch represent one of the four seasons. Spring (young child), Summer (teenager/young adult), Fall (middle aged woman), Winter (Older wiser woman). A wooden large eight spoked wheel floats from the centre of the four branches. In front of this wheel floating around are the four females.

Dominant colors: Blue, green, and purple/mauve

LWB "The natural changes of Life"

La Force

La Force

My first impression of the Wheel of Fortune

My first impression of the Wheel of Fortune, I found it to be same old same old, nothing new. It would've been nice if the artist's would've stepped out of the box with this card like they did in the other cards. But they didn't oh well.

So I don't really have anything to say about it. we'll see in time.

La Force

This card to me really is saying Straight up, "Changes".

You need to make changes in order to connect with the divine in a powerful way. At this time your connection with the divine isn't very good, but things will soon look up and it will get better in time.