A dead lady's spread


I made up this spread about a month ago, and it really came out of the spur of the moment, without previous planning.

A person I know, with whom I had not been in contact for years, but who played an important role in my life, had committed suicide. I was shocked and I could not understand. Her life had changed a lot while we had not being in touch, and I was in a lot of pain and grief, I wanted to know why.

So this spread came out of this need, spontaneously. However, I have also repeated other two times and it looks like 'it works'. The way the spread is configured, it is thought to ask about how the suicide happened, and what lead to it in the course of the dead person's life. As I will explain shortly, this spread is really in the middle between tarot and mediumship, and I think it should be approached also as a spiritism activity. The idea is that the dad man picks the cards, while we work as mediums. Said that, the working could be adapted to other deaths too. Here is how it works.

Sit down and relax, breathe deep and regularly in a comfortable position. Have the deck of your choice ready on the table where you will do the spread. Once you feel totally relaxed, take the deck and start shuffling. While shuffling, think of the passed person you want to know about. Visualize her features, hear her voice or see that particular way of walking she had. If you have a picture of the person it is a good idea to put it on the table or in the proximities, you can also use a belonging of the dead one. I also find very useful to shuffle the deck somehow rhythmically, so that by the feel of the cards in my hands and their sound the shuffling happens somehow 'in the back of my mind', while I focus on the person.

Now keep relaxed, and slowly release the hold on the cards. You should hold them loose enough so that one occasional cards slips out of the deck, but still you must effectively shuffle. You should 'let' the dead person pick the cards from the deck. When a first card slips out of the deck, position it on the table to your right (we will call this card zero). When a second card slips out, position it below card zero. The third card will be placed to the left of the second card. You will 'let' six more cards slip out of the deck, for a total of eight cards, and you will position them to the left of the previous cards. The spread will look like this:


(I have renamed all the cards in order to make the explanation easier, I hope)

The spread goes from one to the left, one being the moment of suicide.

Card 0 is the signifier of the spread, and it gives its general flavor and meaning. It may also hint to the dead person. Out of three times I used this spread, twice it was the Arcane without a name and the third the Hanged Man (the person had really hanged himself).

Card 1 is talking about the moment of death, the circumstances surrounding it and issues that were relevant, or lead to that precise moment.

card 2 and 3 represent the dead person's years prior to death. If the person committed suicide, these cards will be read as the conditions leading to suicide. Card 2 represents the immediate days and moments before suicide, while card 3 represent the months and few years before suicide was committed.
If the person died at an old age, it may represent the issues in her late life (also health issues) that prepared the moment of death.

Card 4 will represent the dead person's adult life, it may tell about her husband or wife, his work or children.

Card 3 represents the moment of adolescence and youth.

Card 2 will represent the dead person's childhood and her family of birth.

Card 1 talks about the moment of birth, but it also speaks about the family of birth.

I hope you will find this spread useful, and that it will give you closure as it did to me.



ana luisa

Hi, Kuroga :) I really liked this spread and have already printed it for future reference. Thank you for posting it! i have to admit though that it does require a lot of "guts" to go over such a difficult moment in someone's life....
PS: And I simply adored the way you picked the cards. Let them fall as they may.


Hi, Kuroga :) I really liked this spread and have already printed it for future reference. Thank you for posting it! i have to admit though that it does require a lot of "guts" to go over such a difficult moment in someone's life....
PS: And I simply adored the way you picked the cards. Let them fall as they may.

I'm glad you liked it ana luisa!
This is one of my favorites, although it has limited use.
Yes, the falling of the cards is the main idea. When I came out with this spread I intended to do a three-card spread, then a card fell out, and I left it there. Then almost immediately another one, and after the third I just let it go :D !
I think I will practice this technique more extensively.
