Spread suggestion, please?


So I don't do readings on someone without their permission. That means that I end up phrasing questions along the lines of, "How can I best support ____ with ______?" I just don't feel like I've come across the right spread for that question yet. Does anyone have any ideas?


So I don't do readings on someone without their permission. That means that I end up phrasing questions along the lines of, "How can I best support ____ with ______?" I just don't feel like I've come across the right spread for that question yet. Does anyone have any ideas?

I like quick and to the point for this type of reading, so I usually do a three card spread:
1) Do - what the querent can do to best support the other person
2) Don't Do - what the querent needs to leave be
3) General Advice


I like quick and to the point for this type of reading, so I usually do a three card spread:
1) Do - what the querent can do to best support the other person
2) Don't Do - what the querent needs to leave be
3) General Advice

That makes a lot of sense. Thanks! :)

Glass Owl

You may like a spread I created some years ago, called the My Responsibility Relationship Spread which is six cards. It focuses on you and the relationship itself, thereby avoiding those third-party type of questions.