How to read relationships in Celtic cross?


Hi all, i have always wondered how to read the possibilities of a relationship with someone using Celtic cross?

For instance: if I were ask "what are the chances of being in a long term romantic relationship with x? Or: " what do I need to know about a possible relationship with x." I always ask ... What am I allowed to know so as not to infringe on the other person's privacy. But ... Then I don't know how to read what is coming from me and what cards relate to him. Do I read them all as advice for self? I can give random examples if that would help...

Thanks for any feedback. ❤️
If you really want to use a Celtic Cross, buy The Lovers Tarot by Mueller, Ph.d., Robert and Signe E. Echols, M.S., with Sandra A. Thomson, published by Avon Books, 1993, ISBN 0-380-76886-0. It shows you how to do a CC for each person (using cards of two different sizes).



Thank you rwcarter! I will definitely check that out!