Styles of Lenormands you prefer


It's nice, but for myself, I wouldn't get it because I already have the Mertz deck, which has a similar feel but is a reproduction of an actual old deck. It does have inserts, but in this case they don't bother me. You can see Le Fanu's review and card scans here. It comes with a book in German. I don't read German so I simply ignored the book, but I use the cards a lot.

It seems to be no longer available new from Amazon or Book Depository, however it is available from Amazon resellers (if you order from them, write them and make sure it includes the cards). It's also available new from German Amazon if you don't mind ordering from overseas.


i have been wanting this deck, too, GD! One of these days...:) That's really an extremely cheap price and BookDepository ships free anywhere in the world..


So true, MoonGypsy!

What is holding me back is that's where I got my last one and it was sooo blurry as to be distracting. I know some decks aren't as "refined" looking or clear, LoS, who I emd about it said that was the case anyway. But I said this was more than not being really refined, some looked like double lines, like double vision. But for about 8 bucks, I suppose worth a shot again. I liked it because it's older looking and no inserts and well there is that part about it being inexpensive :). I just think it would make a good general addition to even a minimal lenormand collection. The backs are a tad meh...but that's not a big deal.


Just an fyi....good price on this at Book Depo. That's where I got it a couple years ago, but it was just a fuzzy copy, some of them like double lines. But I think I may chance it again. LOW price and I really liked this deck aside from the printing.
Mine has the same ISBN, but it came in a red box, and the printing is excellent. I have another just like it as a backup, unopened.


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I just ordered from them again, LRichard

Here's hoping this one is clearer :). For only about 8 dollars, it isn't a lot, but I would still like one that didn't have double lines. The birds were the worst! Love the deck, so I hope it's better than the last re the printing.


How long does it take to get an order from the Book Depository? I ordered a deck and it shipped last Monday and I'm anxious to get started.
I like the looks of the trimmed French Cartomancy that Donnaleigh has on her website.


Well Anna, it takes about 1 1/2 (and sometimes 2 weeks) for decks to arrive here from the BD. As you are in the States, it shouldn't be much longer I would have thought.

I use the French Cartomancy deck mostly - it's a lovely deck, even un-trimmed. LoS recently changed the card back design on this deck, so the 'not very nice' blue backs are now gone. It's a very nice traditional deck and it's reasonably priced too. Enjoy it when you get it.