MAAT Study Group 8 of Wands


Playing a bit of catch up here...Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Card of the week Last quarter moon in Libra/8 of Wands

"The last quarter moon phase symbolizes the power of an acute awareness of ideals and high standards and implementation of these standards into daily life. Disappointment can occur if these standards are not met."

Eight of Wands

The image for the 8 of Wands is a young woman far from her homeland writing a letter. The painting behind her is 18th century classic painting called 'the letter'. This card represents the importance of communication, it represents all forms of communications and messages. In the modern era of instant communication this includes messages via email, cell phones, text messaging, fax, as well as messages from unconventional forms like dreams and non-verbal psychic communication. Whatever means the communication implies an important message. Many messages we receive contain important information while others contain false and misleading information with the intention to manipulate us into doing something someone else wants us to do. The Libra Moon prompts us to look within to help us decipher truth from propaganda, right from wrong action. Take the time to think before acting to read between the lines, to hear what is really being said. To act out of love rather than acting out of provocation.

This card may also represent the need to communicate, the need to send a message. Remember the old saying about making your words sweet in case you have to eat them later...

This card represents the hearts desire to share thoughts with loved ones, pledges of love, messages and correspondences of all types.

Traditionally the card of fast action and messages. This card can also include psychic messages and the skills required to communicate on all levels. You can expect an important communication when this card comes up.

For deeper understanding of the Libra moon check out the meanings of the Other Libra moon phase cards for consideration and comparing:
New-( Sept 21-Oct 22) 2 of Swords- the balance of live and death, traditionally a truce or stalemate

First Quarter- 9 of Coins-(June 21-July 22) The 3 fates/ Mother, Maid and Crone- The celebration of the turning of the wheel, the love between women, women working together on a cherished project.

Full - Princess of Cups-(March.21-April.22) The Bride. Virginal but committed she is on her way to unity with her hearts desire.

Justice- Full Moon Cycle of Libra-(March.21-April.22) Laws of all types, man-made as well as natural laws.
The greatest of all natural law is LOVE. This full moon cycle always contains the holidays of Easter and Passover. as well as Eostar (the Vernal Equinox). This is the month when the increasing light overtakes darkness.



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What strikes me first is all those writing's feather and ink bottles! The woman really want to be effective or it only show that she doing a lot of writing speedily.


Maat Tarot Study group:Wands, Swords and feathers

If there’s one association that persists in the tarot, it is that of the minor suits with the elements of earth, water, air and fire. Earth and water seem to be monogamously mated to disks and cups (respectively), but fire and air are harder to pin down. It’s their nature, I suppose.

Most literary sources pair swords with fire, and the angel who guards the gates of Eden does not hold an airy sword. Yet, a sword lives in air if it lives anywhere—until it penetrates its objective, at least. Wands, well—fire makes sense as an associative element because one can easily make torches out of wands, as well as matches, cook fires, and the like. I wasn’t altogether sure how wand + air pairing would work in the Maat, but the 8 of wands certainly works well.

To begin with, the arcana reminds us that a wand doesn’t have to be wooden: anything with a rod-like shape that is associated with air can be a wand. Or a sword, too, for that matter. A feather, for example, can represent either. The Margarete Petersen Tarot uses feathers to represent Air, but these feathers get very ruffled as the suit progresses. Obviously her feathers are meant to be swords. But, feathers in the Maat must balance hearts. That’s how the Goddess, Maat, discovers one’s character. The light heart, free from heavy weight of bad behavior, is the heart she looks for, cherishes, and admits to her paradise.

So, Maat's feathers are associated with feelings. Therefore, when Julie Cuccia-Watts says that this lunar cycle’s key words are “I feel,” we begin to see the phrase enlarge. The primary focus of the feelings in this lunar cycle are those that arise from the bonds of family and friendship. But these bonds engender more than sentiment. Almost insensibly they build within us standards by which we judge ourselves and others. They produce feelings about ethical matters: “I feel this is wrong,” we say, or “I feel that this is the right thing to do.” These feelings involve the will as well as the heart. In this last quarter of the moon in Libra which brings an “acute awareness of high ideals and standards,” this arcana is very well placed. And, it forms a fine transition to the next lunar cycle which emphasizes the more active aspects of the wands.

Meanwhile, we see a woman of obviously good character writing a letter. Her quills in somewhat regular positions across her desk are a little reminiscent of the suspended wands in RWS. But they are placed with obvious purpose—some in different inks, some stored and one looks like it’s waiting to be sharpened. By contrast, the 8 wands in RWS seem enigmatic, not natural and likely not arranged by a human agent.

Mystery is present in the Maat’s version as well, but it’s so ordinary we fail to appreciate it. Look at the women in the painting above the writer’s head. They’ve been reading a letter together, and their faces are filled with light. One of them cradles a love bird. This is the effect that the writer hopes to achieve. She’s using her wand (the quill) to indite the words that will produce that result. How can marks on paper cause someone’s voice to speak in one’s mind? And cause ones heart to contract with fear or fill with joy? Yet it happens all the time.


In the Maat Tarot, this card represents the Moon in Libra. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, which correlates very well to the writing of the heartfelt message conveyed in the card. It also corresponds perfectly with the Lunar Cycle phrase, "I Feel". This card tells us there is an urgent need to hear a message or to send one. Wands as Air represent taking action, but action tempered with love and kindness rather than out of spite or fear.
