Devil as course of action?


On another note, a child will sometimes side with one parent or the other and become a tattletale, trying to get that other parent "in trouble" with the parent they side with. This is very common in dysfunctional relationships. The Page of Swords is sometimes thought to be a young spy.

He may have said to the relative, "Timmy is always taking his mother's side in everything and sometimes he tells her if I've mentioned or seen this woman that she thinks I'm seeing. My wife is always suspecting the worst and even though I'm not seeing anyone else, she's obsessed."

Hey Griz,
Yes, I would not put it past that woman to use her kids for that purpose. Some people are hopelessly twisted. All she wants after all is to retain control of him - and by any means ...


You asked what he told someone. Nothing else.

Then read that as what he told her, not as all sorts of other stuff.

Sending that message to the person he is talking about the relationship to? A stretch, but I can see it.

But following through a decision is not what he told a third party, is it.

Is that really what you think he said?

Call me old-fashioned, but when I ask the cards a specific question, I expect them to answer that specific question.

So all three cards, Page Swords, Queen Wands and Devil, TOGETHER are what he said to the third party.

How about this? "I don't know what to do about her" (the Page Swords is often about not knowing what to think). "She's a live-wire" (Queen Wands) and I can't seem to keep away from her no matter how miserable she makes me" (Devil).

To me, that sounds like a MUCH more likely thing to say to an outsider when workshopping a relationship.

Hey Nisaba,

Yes, you are right of course, all 3 cards reflect what "he" told that relative (another male) about what he intended to do with "me". I re-phrased my interpretation later, with Rodney's help, as "coolly analyzing the situation "He" was in with me in order to free himself from it".
Your interp makes sense too, thanks for offering your input here.

I apologize for my tentative interpretation/s here, I've only been studying the Tarot for 6 months or so, so I am far from having the experience that you have...



I apologize for my tentative interpretation/s here, I've only been studying the Tarot for 6 months or so, so I am far from having the experience that you have...

Hey, that's what it's about, learning when we need to, and if we have something to share, sharing it.

I wasn't having a go at you personally, I was just saying that if you ask a given question of your cards, it's not going to tell you something else, no matter how relevant to the larger situation. You asked for what he said and pulled three cards, all of those cards were always going to be about what he said, not one about what he said and two about other stuff.


Hey, that's what it's about, learning when we need to, and if we have something to share, sharing it.

I wasn't having a go at you personally, I was just saying that if you ask a given question of your cards, it's not going to tell you something else, no matter how relevant to the larger situation. You asked for what he said and pulled three cards, all of those cards were always going to be about what he said, not one about what he said and two about other stuff.

I understand ;)
Thanks again, Nisaba!


Hey Griz,
Yes, I would not put it past that woman to use her kids for that purpose. Some people are hopelessly twisted. All she wants after all is to retain control of him - and by any means ...

Just wanting to clarify, too, that when I said "she's obsessed" I was referring to his wife.