5 of swords reversed in relationships


Me personally I go more by the suit meaning and the number of the card and how the card is aspected ...
Suit Air: logic and thought
the #5 Changes and challenges

U: Knowledge that challenges the mind, learning that can change the way one thinks, education through immersion, exploration of ideas through engagement of the world, field trips of the mind.

R: Life’s lessons are hard to accept. Understanding and knowledge brought to bear with such force that everything feels difficult and unreasonable and overwhelming. Learning but at a cost that seems unfair and everyone involved seems to be in a bad temper

In relation to a relationship 5 of Swords upright could indicate healthy give and take in a relationship, banter, discernment, those moments in a relationship that teach something about those involved and test the relationships strength...

Reversed might indicate learning things about a relationship that changes how a person feels in a less than positive way...maybe some bit of knowledge has come up that is causing problems, disagreements, arguments and disturbances in a relationship...