Two of Pentacles (in regards to feelings/relationship)

Glass Owl

I haven't seen a thread about the two of pentacles here so I decided to start one. This card appearing in my spreads a lot lately, particularly regarding what a person wishes and hopes for emotionally in relationship.

In this situation would the two of pentacles be about balancing two opposites (two different feelings? people? situations?) or maybe that the two opposites or forces can be juggled in such a way that they complement each other?

As you can see, I am a bit confused :)

I keep wanting to connect it with Temperance, Strength, Lovers, Two of Swords, and Two of Cups for some reason as well. (Maybe because these cards have turned up in these spreads as well.)

Any thoughts?

The crowned one

This is where your differences will either double or split your strength in the relationship. The resolution is not shown in a two, just the action and dynamics. You are balancing out and adapting to each other in this a very general sense. It suggests fluctuations in your feelings and a need for flexibility to deal with them.


Glass Owl said:
I haven't seen a thread about the two of pentacles here so I decided to start one. This card appearing in my spreads a lot lately, particularly regarding what a person wishes and hopes for emotionally in relationship.
What they're wishing and hoping for is continued imbalance... In other words, they want the excitement, the rocky boat, the give and take, the back and forth, the argument and great make-up sex, *lol*, that comes with 'romance'... They're not ready to settle down yet... they like, and wish to continue, the 'game of love'.

Glass Owl said:
I keep wanting to connect it with Temperance, Strength, Lovers, Two of Swords, and Two of Cups for some reason as well. (Maybe because these cards have turned up in these spreads as well.) Any thoughts?
I agree... twos show the polarity, not the resolution, (or what has been called 'the trinitizing' of the poles)... again, we're back to what I posted earlier. There is nothing in any of these cards that resolves the two people, the two polarities, into the third entity... namely, a cohesive relationship... the 'we'.


If the Two of Pentacles is coming up to signify what one person hopes for in a relationship, it could mean that she hopes the other party will consider her needs more (even put them above his own.) If he isn't doing that, then, as Fairmaiden says, maybe he doesn't really consider himself to be in "that kind of" relationship with the seeker.

In essence, then, the Two of Pentacles may be suggesting that the seeker is hoping for some kind of substantial relationship with this other person that really isn't even there.

Glass Owl

Just to clarify, the 2Pents keeps coming up for what the other person (not the querent) wants and desires emotionally.

I wouldn't have thought of the tug and pull, "rocky boat" thing but it makes total sense. It brings excitement and spark into the relationship.


Right...I stated that wrong; however, it would then be what the other party wants in the relationship (i.e. for the seeker to anticipate and cater more to his needs than she does at present.)

That is, of course, if that is the meaning here in your reading. (It is just one way of reading the Two of Pentacles--and your intuition would tell you further if that could be the case.)

And, other cards in the spread would color its meaning, too, naturally.


I think it means wanting to be less thrown by ups and downs or conflicting emotions. To just take everything in one's stride and go with the flow.


I really think what this card means, really depends on which card you are looking at, for instances if its the RWS then the man is juggling endlessly two opposite energies, but other cards may well portray this differently even if they are clones of the RWs the symbolism may add a different dimension to the interpretation - so to start with which deck did you use? Then also the surrounding cards would influence how you read this card as well.

The two of Pentacles is a card that often shows a time of movement and perhaps the need to work with the shifting energy that exists.

Maybe in the position you have spoken about as regards to what the other person wants and desires emotionally, it may be just suggesting that they have a duality of feeling going on and that they are trying to balance out the way they are feeling so that they can translate it into some tangible form that will work for them. If it is the RWS card then don't forget to notice the turbulent sea behind the man, indicating that it is a bumpy ride, not all is going quite as smoothly as they hoped, but the man juggling has his back to this sea, is he aware of this or is he ignoring this little fact.

As I said really to be more specific one needs to know the surrounding cards and the positional definitions.

This is a number 2 card, often representing union, duality, choice, co-operation and balance as a 2 this may also indicate in this position of your reading that the other person has a duality going on between his conscious and subconscious - in other words what he thinks may be different to what he actually feels.



The Two Pentacles is an interesting one. In most decks, I associate it *not* with the arguments and great make-up sex <grinning across the forum> but more with that period of anticipation before anything's happened, when you have noticed someone and you ache, and every word and touch is charged, and nothing's happened yet. Enjoying the buildup. Or is that Two Cups? I'm confuzzled ... Two Pentacles rarely comes up in a sexual context for me, it's more a cautionary financial card.

I have to comment on a particular Two Pentacles: In the Cosmic Deck, it shows two pentacles flat on the beach, and a young, slightly-built guy dancing or stepping elegantly on them. Now, I first acquired this deck and saw the image a number of years after I stopped working in a particular naturopathic clinic. the acupuncturist tho rented rooms there was a young Scottish guy (we are in Australia) who made no bones about being Jewish (the first and so far only Scottish Jew I ever met) with an Italian surname and heritage, who practised a Chinese modality. Now, the artist who designed that deck hadn't been to Australia or Scotland at the time, and Jeff hadn't been to Germany. But nonetheless, the guy dancing-stepping on the Two Pentacles, was an almost photographically accurate portrait of Jeff! Over a decade later and fifteen or more years after last seeing him, I *still* can't see this card without thinking of him.

An aside: talking about the Two Pentacles reminded me of the Two Cups:- I was just going through my copy of the Tarocchi della Veltrate yesterday to review it for Solandia, and my eye was caught by the Two Cups. Normally it's about sexual tension and savouring the moment, yes? About the beginnings of something, the spark between two people? The deck has technically unillustrated pips, although they are very lavishly decorated, and in this one, I was *so* aware of rivulets of tears running down the card everywhere! And the Four Swords seemed more Three Swords than the three, with its four points piercing a bird. Scapini (the creator) knows his stuff, so I'm now left wondering.

Glass Owl

I did clbzki's How someone feels spread again the other day and the 2Pents showed up in the same position as before.