The page court cards


One of my biggest problems with reading decks like the rider waite was that there was no court card that would represent a young woman. In order to be able to see a young woman in a reading I would have to change the page from young boy to young woman.

Then I'd have

Page:Young woman
Knight: Young man
Queen: Older woman
King: Older man

This corrected the problem and gave me four cards that could represent a young woman and would also correspond to her astrological elemental type.


These days most people see all court cards for any gender! look at the personalities and qualities they represent as the most important and see if they can fit anyone. For example I am the Queen of Cups and male, it's the card which fits me the most!


The Courts don't represent sexes but archetypes. You can have male Queens, Female Kings, female Knights and female Pages.

So if you're just looking at ages, the Page is a young person, usually a child to mid teens. The Knight is teens to early 20s. Queens are adult women, Kings are adult men.


My reading style developed into a rigid system that each card would have it's own phoetype. I would never read anyone younger that 13 usually 15.


Yes, that is a rigid system. But if it works for you, great.


Having the court cards type specific I could make less generalised predictions when reading other people connected to the querent.


Cosmic Tarot also has Princesses rather than Pages.


The Thoth deck also comes to mind for this issue. It has princess, prince, knight and queen. (Knight being the spot that a king usually occupies) It's far more complex than just switching the positions and does need a lot of study to understand all of the implications.


A number of decks are set up this way, including Shadowscapes and the Moore/Fell Steampunk deck.

That said, I'm not one to limit my interpretation of courts by gender OR age. I'm very much a Queen of Swords, but at best, I'm probably a Page when it comes to Wands or Pentacles in terms of channeling that energy, for example. My ability to use those energies simply isn't as effective as one might expect of an older woman you'd automatically label a Queen. I can't personally see any benefit to restricting myself with stereotypical gender and age roles for the court cards.

Luckily, we each seem to find a process of reading that suits us!