Mercury, salt, sulphur - in Book of Thoth


Planetary and Zodiacal correlations: Magus-Mercury, Priestess-Moon, Empress-Venus, Emperor-Aries.

Alchemical correlations: Priestess-Quicksilver (aka Mercury), Empress-Salt, Emperor-Sulphur.

but why is the priestess mercury for you?


The reference to Atu II in the Emperor section (p.77) is a typo.

is that a typo?
or is the other a typo?

I wonder why you think the typo is in the emperor section?


I go with the Magus as alchemical Mercury, myself. Though I've seen the possible typo in BOT and wonder about it, and can see some argument for the Priestess.

One thing I've noticed is that in the Lovers card, the alchemical marriage, Empress (Salt) & Emperor (Sulphur) are being joined by a hooded figure that looks like it could be the Hermit. The Hermit being a mature form of Thoth, just as the Magus is the intermediate form of Thoth. So it makes more sense in a way that it would be the Magus than the Priestess I think.

edit: plus the Magus is hermaphrodite, and the other two are male and female, so it seems more "balanced" to have one of each gender for each of the three alchemical elements

thank you for sharing,
interesting argument for the magus


is that a typo?
or is the other a typo?

I wonder why you think the typo is in the emperor section?
Compare the quotes and see if you can spot the odd one out.

The Emperor is also one of the more important alchemical cards; with Atu II and III, he makes up the triad: Sulphur, Mercury, Salt.
The Gunas are represented in the European philosophy by three qualities, sulphur, mercury, and salt, already pictured in Atus I, III, and IV.
It represents a balanced combination of the three alchemical principles Sulphur, Mercury and Salt. These names have no connection with substances so named by the vulgar; they have already been described in Atu I, III and IV.