the As Official As It Can Get Guide To The Pixie Lenormand Deck


The House

Meaning: The home, fruitful projects. Domestic affairs and intimate life. Real estate, home businesses and small businesses.

This card takes the house from the 6 of Cups and the garden from the Ace of Pentacles to make the main body of the card. The little moon on the peak of the house is to let you know which planet is associated with this card. A pretty strait forward card here. The house was a bit tricky to get right but once Rana approved of it then it was good to go.


I now follow Sylvie Steinbach meanings with the old meanings, I love her interp it makes total sense and it works, but you can't shake off what you grew up on easily.

The House is your family, your entourage, your house, stability and real estate etc... The old meaning using the grand tableau the House talk of success ahead even if current situation is not promising also if the house came under the charged man or woman it warns the querent to be careful of the people that are around him/ her.

Today's story is fairly recent and it is Nicky s reading, I hope she doesn't mind me posting it.
Back in June while still in IL and during a grand tableau practice session, Nicky gave me a reading. And somewhat close to the woman (charged as me) was House+Stork+Coffin and coffin being the end of the line. Nicky looked at me with eyes wide open,horrified and for a split second froze then immediately
switched to Tarot mode to make me feel better:heart:

At that time our house was on the market, when I saw this I knew it was bad news so I figured OK so we are going to have to take some loss.

The way it played out :not only did we take some loss and loose all our equity and everything we put in it but we had to pay$$$ the relocation company
to take it. A choice we had to go through.

So because of the move(Stork) we had to loose our home, take a huge loss come out with nothing and on top of it forckout $$ and then some.....(Coffin)

I don't know why I thought this is relevant for the house card, it was talking about our house, and t it is the first story that came to mind.

Well I am glad it was all material.

Ok I just remembered another story
I was doing a reading for a new client that refused to give me a question and just sat there testing me.
Her cards had ...House+Fish+Fox..
My first question was do you work for yourself from your home?
Immediately she relaxed and said yes I run a hair salon from my house..turned out she was having problems with one of her employees wich all came out in the reading.

PS if my stories are not helping or adding to the meanings, please let me know and I will cease:) or if you rather I keep it simple. I don't want to
confuse the thread.


Ashtaroot said:
PS if my stories are not helping or adding to the meanings, please let me know and I will cease:) or if you rather I keep it simple. I don't want to confuse the thread.

No please don't stop Ashtaroot, this is great! :D


The creation info is fascinating and the stories are really helpful - when they're all together I'll make a LWB of them all to go with the deck - thank you both.


Edited to add if that's OK...


I love that you exposed me as the relentlessly happy reader LOL!

Sad but true - it is always hard to deliver bad news - and worse when you are just learning and are not sure what you see -

xoxoxo love you guys


nicky said:
I love that you exposed me as the relentlessly happy reader LOL!

Sad but true - it is always hard to deliver bad news - and worse when you are just learning and are not sure what you see -

xoxoxo love you guys
*phew....* made it through the gauntlet .....
Oh let me tell you, you knew exactly what you saw!!!!!!!;) you are an awesome reader tarot, Lenormand, smoke signals.....etc... ;) ;) ;)
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


The Tree

Meaning: Health, energy and spiritual beliefs. Mental health. Karmic matters

The image of the tree in this card comes from the 4 of cups, while the leaves falling come from the Ace of Wands. The sunflowers are from the Queen of Wands and the water originates in the Two of Swords. With the card being about health the tree in it is one that is a healthy tree with sun, water and fertile soil. There are 22 leaves falling for the 22 yods and the 7 sunflowers are there for the 7 major chakras of the body. I wanted the card to be one of peace and wellness. This was one of those cards that the image fell into place right away. Once the pieces were found it just came together and for me was one of my top 5 cards that I liked doing.


The Tree is used to find out about all health matter physical and spiritual.

I thought it would be interesting to add that in the grand tableau and what I used long time ago, if The tree was surrounded next to the House, The Crossroads and especially the Garden it would become the prelude of the accomplishment of wishes.

So still sometime when I do the grand tableau (rarely) if I see 20 next to 5... A little smile forms and I continue the reading normally feeling on the positive side.

ETA and if all cards were around ..... It would be The Jackpot IMO :)


I hope you don't mind if I add a story of my own here but it is related to this deck!

Jason mentioned to me that he had a special blog post coming out later one day but did not say what it was about so I thought I would ask the cards for some clues. I got:


I figured this meant a revelation about holistic studies or...(one of my meanings for Book) a new deck of cards.


It later dawned on me that the Tree could also have meant it is a channelled deck of cards (in this case channelled by Pixie!). :D


IheartTarot said:

I figured this meant a revelation about holistic studies or...(one of my meanings for Book) a new deck of cards.


It later dawned on me that the Tree could also have meant it is a channelled deck of cards (in this case channelled by Pixie!). :D

Love it :)