

i have had the Thoth deck for about 6 months now, When i was first inroduced to Thoth about a year ago, it was the Debauch card that intrigueed my reader the most, it had never appeared for her before.

So i got the deck and have practised useing it a fare amout. but usually when i cut the deck or shuffle throughly and a card falls out, its the debauch card. Im never truly sure what it means thought. to me its almost like a rottening or poisoning, So heres my question.

What does Debauch mean to you.


Debauch is a great word. I first think of it meaning "not working" because débaucher in french slang means to get off work, as in <<chérie, je débauche à 19h>> ;) But then I think of a lot of lying around doing nothing, laziness, drinking, and generally hedonistic behaviour without regard for the passage of time, or the need to get up and do something -- like work.

I also think of concupiscence, lubricity. The Elves deck by lo scarabeo which is a Thoth clone has a wonderful illustration for this card -- an ugly troll hiding in the woods, and looking upon a passing elf as though he would like to have his way with him....

The rottenness and decay Crowley writes of can mean many things, but there is an aspect of "rotting" which allows for fullness of pleasure - as in Camembert cheese, and for some, like the poet Baudelaire, maturing woman :D :D :D

This must have been one of Crowley's favorite cards, from all I've been told about him...

isthmus nekoi

and there is the idea that civilization, like fruit, tastes it best right before it is about to go bad.... Decadance and Debauch must be twins.


To much of a good thing is bad for you. :)


To me it means any kind of addictive behavior that is used to suppress or deny painful feelings or emotions or just reality itself.


I am very much "attracted" to the over-all "look" and "style" of the 7 of Cups but I do not particularly enjoy seeing it appear while reading a spread concerning myself, either!


The ladies men admire, I've heard,
Would shudder at a wicked word.
Their candle gives a single light;
They'd rather stay at home at night.
They do not keep awake till three,
Nor read erotic poetry.
They never sanction the impure,
Nor recognize an overture.
They shrink from powders and from paints.
So far, I have had no complaints.

--Dorothy Parker


I ventured to the second page and I had to comment on this card as I've seen it so often myself.
To me it is a warning card. It warns of the danger that arises when luxury is taken for granted. "Too much of a good thing" is a pretty good description. It could be that you are so comfortable with current conditions that you forget to maintain them (hence the rotting that seems to be occurring).
Notice that its followed by 'indolence' or the feeling that one has bitten off more than they could chew, or accepted responsibility for more than they can handle/maintain.


I can remember after I finished my exams and handed in my thesis (hell, even during it). I was living life to the extreme in every regard. There was rarely a night when I did not go out, and I would usually come home at 7 or 8am in the morning. This happened for a period of around one month. One month of total debauchery. LOL.

The amusing thing is that at that time, I used to pull this card regularly. Ofcourse, my period of 'debauchery' led to a rather 'burned-out' aftermath, by which I had to take a month or so to recover.



According to

Debauchery: Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation; orgies; Corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance; Excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness; a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity.

Whenever I think of a succubi or an inccubi, I usually think of debauchery.



I encountered this term when I pulled a card from Rohrig Tarot, 7 of cups a while ago and there it is .
I didn't even know that this term existed in English language at all ( I had to look it up in the dictionary) ^ excuse my ignorance ^...
Anyway, the card
depicts a purple majestic flower growing out of some arid land and seven small cups behind it , two of which are lying on their sides.
The accompanying book says this card is : Illusion, deceiving oneself about one's own abilities, misrepresenting falsehoods as truths, frustration..
I can see how this cards comes in a reading when one has everthing but is not happy, or unable to enjoy that pleasure because of some inner conflict or other expectations. Although here it may also mean the inflated ego, or arrogance.